Recently married seeks support for husbands pmo

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by DireMerl, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Thanks. That's exactly how I feel too. Shit. Shitty shit shit. Oh well. We've talked and he swears there was no m. He only watched a little but and felt no desire to carry it further. I understand there will be setbacks. I do. Time to pick up and carry on. I've got lots to do for my interview tomorrow.
    HippyMinstrel, Don Gately and TheWife like this.
  2. vertex

    vertex Fapstronaut

    From what it sounds like, your husband is trying and really wants to get better. He probably has been running off the high of being honest and seeing some progress. Not to dash your hopes, but now the real work begins. That high will wear off really, really quick. This is a long haul kind of thing. Like months to years.

    I've been through many relapses as a guy, even after years of no masturbation to orgasm. Anything less than 90-120 days I think the timeline is very, very short. The brain needs more time to heal than that. Also, in spite of not looking at porn, there might be a lot going on inside, in the thought world. The images are there for a lifetime and you've only got a split second of thought to recall them. It's really the brain itself that's the problem, not the porn. Reprogramming your brain is hard. And even though I'm not viewing porn in the real world, I can be watching it inside my head. That's what's been a major factor in my relapses up until this point. Even though I might only watch porn, or girls in swimsuits, or relive some previous fling without any masturbation, the hit was enough to keep me addicted.

    I'd recommend you give it time. Set your time horizon to at least 90 days.

    I'd also recommend your husband get an accountability partner because I've found it really challenging to have my wife in that spot. She can't understand what drives me to do it and I need someone that's been there. Someone who understands. Complete honesty with another person who's been where you are is somehow freeing. It doesn't excuse the need for intimacy with you, but it's about feeling understood on a deep level.

    He's probably very loathsome to talk about his regression because he sees that you're happy and feels bad destroying that. Guilt is a big part of what can cause a relapse. It's not a good excuse. I've done it though. I hate to see my wife suffer because of my own desires. It sucks because even when you want to change and really want to not hurt the one you love, the compulsion is so strong when it takes hold, all of that can be forgotten. It's like what I imagine a riptide is like, takes you in an instant and you can't fight it.

    Finally, I would also recommend taking a look at all contributing factors over the next few months. What I mean by that may not be applicable to your situation, so please take with that in mind. I had some real mental disorders like OCD combined with body image issues. No one knew. My wife didn't even really know, though she saw signs. She just didn't understand them. Only after I started working on those issues and tackling my depression did things start changing. I didn't even know I was depressed btw, and neither did my wife. It was pretty locked up. Might not be something you have to worry about (I hope).

    Good luck with the interview!
    DireMerl, Don Gately and CdB like this.
  3. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice. I'll think about what you've said. Its difficult for me to be his accountability partner I know. We had a loooooooong talk last night and things are looking brighter now. Relapses are bound to happen. Its not the end of the world. We can just learn from it and move on. There are a lot of things we're both dealing with at the moment so it does add complications. But I think we're making progress overall so I'm pleased about that. Hope everyone's doing well xx
    Don Gately likes this.
  4. TheFiancée

    TheFiancée Fapstronaut

    Hugs! So many hugs in your direction!
    Don't know what else to say right now. I am feeling the disappointment, sadness, anger, disbelief with you.
    You will get through this, though. I believe.

    Another hug.
    HippyMinstrel and DireMerl like this.
  5. WOTL

    WOTL Fapstronaut

    I am sorry to hear about this. You actually seem a lot more committed to his recovery than him from what I can see from your various insightful contributions and his scarce presence here. He needs to take stronger steps and realize that this is a tremendous battle. It requires massive determination. All the best to you.
  6. lyad3618

    lyad3618 Fapstronaut

    Hi DireMerl,

    Glad you are here. The fact that you are and that you told your husband about it truly reflects the deep love and commitment you have for him. This is not an easy struggle, but together you will be able to confront it in a stronger way. The bulk of the work is on him however. He MUST be the one willing to carry the load to recovery as you are absolutely correct, this is an addiction like not other. Studies are now beginning to shed real light on the deep impact this issue is having on relationships and people's lives due the imbalances in creates in the brain. You have been given resources to learn more about it. I strongly recommend both of you learn, learn, and learn more about the subject, and adopt strategies to combat this malady. There is hope as over time, with knowledge, strategies, and the necessary commitment and discipline, the brain will reach equilibrium. There is a caveat: IT IS HE HOWEVER, WHO MUST WANT TO PUT IN THE WORK. It's not on your shoulders nor is it your fault or burden to correct it. This is serious business you are dealing with,
    but truly there is hope to overcome it.

    Blessings to you both in this journey.
    CdB likes this.
  7. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. I think the husband is comitted in his own way. He's just not really into the journal thing. He's very private and I think it's a big step for him just to talk to me about this stuff. Maybe as his confidence grows he will maybe feel more comfortable posting more here. I don't know.

    For now I'm happy for him to carry on making steps forward. One small setback in over two weeks doesn't seem too bad. Maybe if he keeps relapsing I will try and get him to participate in the forum a bit more. I know he comes on here and reads when he feels urges.

    Today has been a bit of a downer for me to be honest. I don't get the job so I'm feeling a bit crappy about that. The husband made me a nice steak dinner, a glass of wine and we watched bake off master class. Then we played some Dr who monopoly so I'm feeling a bit more cheerful (although I lost :( ) I really hate job hunting. It makes me feel really inadequate. And I struggle in interviews because I don't like talking myself up like I'm on the aprentice. It makes me uncomfortable. But I'm getting back on the application wagon and next time I get an interview I'm determined to sell myself. I'm damn good at my job and I put a lot of heart into it. Just have to translate that into words now. I'll get there. The husband has been very supportive and tried very hard to cheer me up. That makes me feel loads better.

    Its our 1 year wedding anniversary on Monday so lots of nice things to look forward to this weekend. Just keep swimming folks :) xx
    HippyMinstrel and Don Gately like this.
  8. True-Self

    True-Self Fapstronaut

    I was thinking the same thing. DireMeri you seem like you are doing an unbelievable job at supporting your husband. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't come clean to you right away about his relapse. If you didn't have the tracking software was he just not doing to tell you? This is his issue to deal and he has to find the solution that works for him. If he is uncomfortable with using the Journal section of the site, maybe he could read a book and work through it offline. I know if I was in his situation I would want to show my wife that I was doing everything I could to succeed.
    CdB likes this.
  9. Hezron

    Hezron Fapstronaut


    Thanks for sharing on here. As many have mentioned, you're doing an amazing job! I have a bit of experience with relationship-PMO issues and wanted to share a few helpful principles. You may know most of these and some were mentioned before, but I like to put things into a fresh light. For all of these points, keep in mind that love is the most important factor. You two are a team: you are not fighting against him and you are not fighting for him.

    1. Use relapses to learn. Yes, it is disappointing, heart-wrenching, and sickening. I'll bet anything it is for him too, deep down. Hell, I feel bad hearing about it. However, you can use those moments to learn about what went wrong and to develop a better strategy/action plan, as well as show your support.
    2. Relinquish control. This is for you and I know you may not like to hear it, but I have been on the other side and know what doesn't work. Your job as a spouse is not to patrol the other. If he is only avoiding P because he knows you will find out and/or get on him, it is not genuine change and he is not any better off. Besides, this monitoring will only burden you and leads to mistrust, even if you can't help it. Please don't misunderstand: accountability, encouragement, and team work are NOT what I'm talking about.
    3. Learn about the addiction. This is self explanatory. Learn the triggers, the methods, the reasons, the doubts, fears, insecurities. Communicate without judgement or correction. If he won't talk to you openly, have him reconsider journaling more here. If he won't do that, have him start in his own personal journal. This is a process he has to commit to daily, not just when he feels like it. If he is closed off, don't try to pry him open, just show you care.
    4. Get better together. Your husband will feel patronized and humiliated if the focus is constantly on how he needs to improve. Think of some things that you would like to be better at or learn. Then, you pick your activity, he picks his activity, and you two pick one to do together. You get constructive time apart and together. It could be fitness related, cooking, church activities, reading, volunteering, arts/crafts, dancing, business groups, civic organizations, hobbies...anything you would be proud to tell others about. In this, ask him to help YOU in certain ways. Similarly...
    5. Create good habits. Science tells us that the best way to change is HABIT. Motivation is cheap and will only get you through a few days, maybe a week or two. Willpower can last a month, month and a half after that. HABITS, however, can last a lifetime. I can personally attest to how even non-PMO-related activities can affect the battle. Go to bed and get up at a regular time. Exercise on regular days. Eat regular meals and eat healthy, supplementing where needed. Go grocery shopping at the same time each week and do all of your activities on the same day at the same time. This gives him positive things to focus on and little room for negative activities. Now he doesn't have time for PMO on Tuesday because it's his turn to cook dinner, followed by a walk through the park with you and then basketball with his buddies. Get the idea?
    6. Stay Positive. You two can beat this and have a better marriage than you even know possible! Whenever you come here to say how excited you are or how much better he seems, tell him!! Brag to your girlfriends and parents about all the ways he's just been terrific lately. Compliment him in specific ways based on his achievements.

    I sincerely hope this helps. I'd be happy to share specific strategies or more tips from a guy's perspective anytime you'd like. I just joined this community, but I'm loving it so far and really looking forward to working with everyone here. Keep up the great work!

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
    Mj1064 likes this.
  10. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    So after thinking for most of the day, that our wedding anniversary is tomorrow. Turns out it's actually today. Has a nice chilled day anyway. Took the husband for a driving lesson. Followed by a nice lunch at my parents. Then a nap. Domino's pizza and bake off masterclass. We're also planning to do something nice next weekend after we get paid so looking forward to that.

    #may be triggers#

    Tonight I was able to make the husband O from (lack of a better phrase) a hand job. This is literally the first time in nearly six years of being together. It was pretty amazing if I'm honest. I enjoyed giving him pleasure. It made me feel really good. This is increadible progress. Its been three weeks without mo. Apart from that little setback of p. Which we've discussed and moved on from. So overall I'm really pleased. Its amazing the difference it can make. Happy Sunday everyone. Hope you're all staying strong xx
  11. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Hey folks. Not much to report at the moment. Had a few days of feeling really down and fed up. Thanks so much to @thefiancé for being there for me over pm. You're a star. I think I was feeling like things weren't moving fast enough, and forgetting about all the progress we've made. I'm getting better at telling the husband how I'm feeling instead of shutting down. And he's a lot more open.

    He went out for a pass night last night and I didn't feel stressed out about it at all. I was happy for him to spend time with his mates. Which has been difficult for me in the past because I've found it hard to trust him. Yesterday was fine though. I enjoyed some me time, walking the dog and pottering around the house. I'm planning on trying to fit in more me time because I've neglected my own needs lately and it's made me a lot more stressed. I need time away from this issue so that I'm not constantly driving myself mad. So I'm looking into going back to swimming and maybe think of something else I can do.

    Incidentally the husband actually came home when he said he would last night. Which I think is honestly the first time he's done that since we've been together. It was always 'going out for a couple after work' and it would just get longer and longer. This used to irritate me no end. Not because I don't like him going out. But I felt like I couldn't really relax and do my own thing. If he'd said 'I'm out tonight and I'll be home late' then I could go out myself, or get a cheeky takeaway and watch a chick flick. Or had a relaxing bath. I always felt like I couldn't start doing anything because he'd come barging in half way through my activity and be drunk all over it. That sounds weird. But it made me feel like I was just sitting at home waiting for him to come home. Maybe that was my own fault. I don't know.

    I also didn't enjoy the fact that he felt like he had to placate me by saying it was only a quick drink. Like he didn't feel like he could just say, I'm off out see you later. Like I'm some kind of controlling harpy. And I'm not. But anyway. He came home when he said he would and that made me happy. He was in a talkative mood when he got home and we had a good chat and a laugh.

    So progress is happening. It a process and I have to be patient with that. But I stuggled this week. Hope everyone is doing ok xx
    TheWife likes this.
  12. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Very happy that you are making some good progress. That is terrific to hear.

    Good on you for doing things for yourself. We need to. I bought myself some flowers this week and it felt good. I know, such a silly little thing, should really do that stuff all the time.

    Next time he goes out, don't worry about him. Have a bath, watch your chick flick (with a glass of wine perhaps) and if he comes home during, tell him to keep quiet as you haven't finished your fun yet. Do a night for you.

    Keep going, you sound like you are heading in the right direction.
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  13. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    I haven't written anything for a while. Things are still pottering along. Has a stressful weekend with the dog and the fireworks. He made himself really ill and had to be sedated for most of the weekend so we were all worried and stressed. This also meant being trapped in the house because he couldn't be left. Its such a helpless feeling when they're ill and you can't even explain or distract them. Managed to get out for a quick Sunday lunch so wasn't a complete disaster. The husband has been very excited about fallout 4 so I expect I won't be getting much sense out of him for a while. Although to be fair he turns it off when I get home. Or we play an mmo together which has been fun.

    Still seems to be going ok on the p front. Of course I'll never be 100 percent sure but I really don't feel like I'm worrying that much about it now. I'll keep checking his phone and pc but I'm not obsessing. Were mostly just working on spending more quality time together. Our days are split into times where we talk, times we play a game, times we watch tv or times we go out and do things we enjoy. Instead of it just being 'get home from work and sit in front of the tv not comunicating for hours at a time'. Things are stressful with our finances so we don't get to go out and do things as much as I'd like. But we're working on that.

    We've both started on ecigarettes instead of buying normal cigarettes so that's been a pretty awesome achievement in my eyes. Nearly two weeks now. I know it's still bad for you but not as bad so that's improvement. The husband is also starting cbt this week so hopefully that will help him work through some things. Hope everyone is doing well xx
    WOTL, TheWife and Strugglesaurus like this.
  14. slipher

    slipher Fapstronaut

    Hey dire,
    You are one of two of the most amazing wifes i encountered in this forum.
    You are such a passionate and loving woman.
    Kudos to you!

    I lost the love of my life due to this shit!

    So here are some things wich basically broke my relationship (its been 6 years+)

    -no own hobbys on my side
    -gaming!(Ive been a gaming addict too-.-)
    -low self esteem
    -beeing anti social and never joining her when she got out with her buddys

    You guys seem to make great progress!
    I have studied several semesters of psychology and if i might wanna give u one advice, it would be the following.

    Couple abstaining from pmo with rewards!
    I am myself on day 15 of my first streak ever and what reaaaaally motivated is a promise a of my Fuckbuddy.
    She said if i make it to day thirty ill get a blowjob *.*

    Find out what your husband is craving for the most and try to make a reward out of it.
    Set some streak goals and try to get him.something nice for it.
    Grown up people basically function like kids in that regard.
    Try to do the pawlov with him
    (Dog bell experiment)

    If his brain combines the rush of a reward from his love with the habit of not pmo'ing , he will have a really easy time.

    Of course it might also lead to him, giving you some pleasure back ;)

    I hope i could atleast help a little.
    Keep it up!
  15. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Phew it's been ages since I posted on here. Thanks to everyone who reads and comments. You're brilliant and help me more than you realise. I guess I haven't updated because there really isn't much to say at the moment. We're working hard to get our relationship back on an even keel. The husband is doing his cbt and seems to be progressing well with it. He's going back to work this week so I think this shows he is feeling a lot better generally. So things are looking up around here. The dog is sulking big time because of the rotten weather. We've been playing guild wars 2 together for the past week or so. It's nice to do things together. I'm hoping things will just continue to get better and better. Hope everyone is doing well xx
    TheWife likes this.
  16. Hi there! Always nice to hear from you, @DireMerl. Glad to hear that things are going okay for you right now...doing things together, in my experience, is very helpful in that regard. Garnadaan and I game together as well! I need to pick Guild Wars 2 back's been too long. Hugs to you, and I hope that things continue to go positively for you and yours :)
    DireMerl likes this.
  17. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    So even though I haven't posted on here much. I read and comment on a lot of other posts. Things are going well for me and the husband. We're plodding along. I've found being on here and reading about other people has been very helpful for me. That being said, I think I will be taking a break for a little while. This isn't because of anyone in particular, but unfortunately I find that this site is very male dominated (which I suppose figures) and I'm really finding that the way some people talk about women on here is disrespectful and insulting. I find that it's just making me angry and frustrated. I'm reading around posts and instead of finding people who want to support and give advice to people, I'm finding that some people just use it as an excuse to bash women. Especially those who blame their partners for not being sexual enough. Or those that just seem angry and bitter towards women in general. I'm probably being over sensitive but I get a bit of a boys club feeling about this forum at the moment so I'll be staying off here for a while. Good luck to everyone, and I hope the other women on here continue to support each other. Xx
    TheWife likes this.
  18. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I am very glad that you are your husband are going well. Slowly but surely is the only way. As long as you are on the right trajectory, then things are looking up.

    I had been thinking the same as you with regards to taking a break. I understand completely. There are very few posts I comment on and i tend to "hang out" by the water cooler in the relationship section to stay away from a lot of the more heated debates and comments about rebooting/relapsing.

    I decided to stay as the positives I get out of chatting to people, such as yourself, outweighs the negatives. It is up to you though and you need to do what you can to keep you in a positive mindset.

    This is the Internet and it is an open forum. Anyone can post and the anonymity allows people to be more outspoken than usual. You need to allow the negative posts to slide away. Push them out of your mind. You're rarely going to be able to change other people's point of view, particularly on a forum such as this, and so there is no use getting worked up about it. there is only so much you can convey in a post in a forum and how it is understood is up to the reader....

    You have a good heart and from what I have seen you genuinely want to help people. That is a fantastic attribute. Do not lose that.

    You are in a place with people who are battling all sorts of demons and you can't help everyone. The sad thing is that here many of the posters with negative views on women are this way as they are affected by their addiction. It makes them objectify women and creates a barrier to real interaction. They do not see or understand that it has affected them and are not likely to until they are well into recovery. I find I need to keep this in mind when reading a lot of posts to keep my head level.

    I too was upset this week with a post. It was a woman who came here screaming for help. I think she was literally screaming at her computer screen. She obviously had many issues, and she was not ready to hear certain things. I felt for her and was worried as she sounded at the end of her rope. All I can do is hope that she get the help that she needs from somewhere. I need to be aware that I cannot take on anyone else's worries, I have more than enough of my own to deal with. And so do you. So take what good you can from this place, and let go of the bad.

    Sorry that my thoughts were a bit scrambled in this post. I just reread some of it :oops:

    Come back and let us know how you are traveling now and then. I'd like to know that you are doing well.

    All the best x
    MaKa, CdB and Gamerwife85 like this.
  19. quagmire

    quagmire Fapstronaut

    please don't stop on account of anything I have said. you're doing really well and you need to keep at it for your sake.
    You and I aren't so different, I too am a sucker for a Terry's Orange
  20. Mj1064

    Mj1064 Fapstronaut

    HI - I got my husband to do a journal on here too. Now that he has faced up to the fact he has an addiction and it's not just me 'over reacting' every time, he seems to have a different mind set too. I've not fully blocked the internet but I have blocked his 3 main sites through the router. He's gone 12 days so far and we both feel good..... I can now talk to him about it without him getting grumpy too, which helps.
    I wish you luck .....keep reading other people's stories; I've found them a great help.
    WifeInTheDark and TheFiancée like this.