The Cold Shower

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Macabre, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum here, but not to the nofap routine itself.

    If there is one piece of advice I have to give to any of you, it is to wake up every morning, step into the shower, and blast that mf'er on ice cold. It's going to suck... big time... but that is the point.

    When you come out, you'll feel like an animal. You will be able to take on anything, and this mentality is the key to obtaining your success.

    I'm certain that a very large portion of relapses are ultimately caused by a lack of discipline, and that is what the cold shower will teach you. You must trust me on this.

    You will get angry, and you will literally go insane, but believe me, you WILL overcome this addiction.

    I believe in every one of you, so get in that shower right now, turn that knob all the way to blue, and begin to transcend into a state a being you never thought possible.
  2. oxdevelopment

    oxdevelopment Fapstronaut

    Yeah cold showers are great man! + they have some amazing benefits!
    They are also good for developing will powers, wich is essential for nofap.
    SolidStance likes this.
  3. rigiddan

    rigiddan Fapstronaut

    I'm a fan too. Started last February. Now it is a daily habit.

  4. I took one and I was down with cold for a whole week.:(
    Interlude likes this.
  5. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    I have been taking cold showers for about 44 days now. Cold showers are amazing. They also have many benefits like More hair growth, Increase in testeterone and many others.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

  7. Deleted Account likes this.
  8. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    if you get down with cold then i suggest dont go for cold showers. i had that problem and the cold was horrible. i felt like i would sneeze the insides of my nose out.

    maybe drink hot water or step into hot water and then turn off the heater so it gradually gets cold.
  9. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Here's my cold shower experience, cut and pasted from a previous post a few months ago… There's also a great "Art of Manliness" YouTube video;

    I'm about 6 months in to cold showers, started off with the 007* "Hot as you can stand / cold as you can stand thing", now it's just pure cold… cold as it gets. And I love it…

    My reason for starting is a bit weird. I watched "Big Brother" and they turned the hot water off, and some of the housemates had to take cold showers. I thought that's the one thing I could NEVER do. Just the thought of it made my blood run cold. How could anyone stand under cold water? But I've got a strange brain, and I hate being told I can't do something – even by my self. (For years I HATED celery. Couldn't stand the stuff. The devils salad vegetable. I thought this is childish, having a food I avoid, so I made myself like it by eating it fro 21 days straight – that's the kind of brain I have) So – back to cold showers – I set myself the challenge of having a cold shower every morning for a week.

    And I did. Here's what happened…

    For me, the first 5 seconds are the worst, getting every bit of skin wet… when it makes you gasp and takes your breath away. It's mostly mental, and once I'm in, I kinda relax into the cold, and savour it, the longer I'm in, the better… but it's usually somewhere between 5-7 minutes for me.

    BENEFITS I've noticed are;
    • ENERGY get in sleepy – get our bursting with energy!
    • IMPROVED MOOD – It literally does make me almost euphoric… great morning mood booster
    • FEELING of POWER You really feel if you can deal with this, you can deal with anything
    • IMPROVED HAIR & SKIN – More of a glow about me – and no dandruff, stopped using an anti-dandruff shampoo
    • LESS SWEATING – I used to sweat profusely. Horrible and occasionally embarrassing. During the day I no longer sweat like a menopausal pig coming off smack, but do work up a healthy sweat at the gym (after which I have a cold shower of course!).
    • NO FAPPING – I suppose you could if you really tried, but it would take a definite effort. I used to fap regularly in a warm shower :(
    • LAST BUT NOT LEAST – No more steamed up bathroom mirrors – you can shave straight after without dealing with condensation. Do NOT underestimate this!
    The downsides I've noticed are;
    • I used to get a slight 'ringing in the ears' but it seems to sharpen my hearing – weird, and not too disconcerting, though. Doesn't happen an more.
    Other than that… NONE!

    A brisk towel-off after further boosts the circulation (I'm no Doctor, but it feels like it does) and warms you up.

    It's a no-brainer for me. I can't see myself ever going back to hot / warm showers. I tried one the other weekend as a 'luxury', BUT it felt 'wrong' and uncomfortable… soon turned it all the way down. So, cold showers may not be for everyone, but they work for me.

    *It's in the original Ian Fleming James Bond novels.
  10. Dalton10s

    Dalton10s Fapstronaut

    Its an amazing grounding technique, it really helps clear my mind.

    I love getting a really hot shower - then shocking the body with freezing before getting out.. best way to start the day - love it!
    JoePineapples and whiterose1778 like this.
  11. seba5116

    seba5116 Fapstronaut

    SolidStance and Macabre like this.
  12. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    No, you KNOW you should try them.
    im_alive likes this.
  13. ImDaniel

    ImDaniel Fapstronaut

    I will start with cold showers too! Another benefit is, it is good for the climate because it uses less energy ;-)
  14. Dalton10s

    Dalton10s Fapstronaut

    Just give it a go, see what you think!
  15. Holy hell I did this today. Thank you thank you thank you for the inspiration. This is my new discipline.
    JoePineapples and Slylen like this.
  16. ImDaniel

    ImDaniel Fapstronaut

    This thing is crazy, I tried yesterday, took a hot shower and progressively turned the water to cold. At some point I decided to turn it to full cold. My breathing was out of control and I could not stand it more than 30 seconds before stopping the water.
    I will try to stay in for 1 min today
    JoePineapples and SolidStance like this.
  17. YEAHHH. Love this.
    JoePineapples likes this.
  18. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    I do full cold, straight in, straight away now, but here's the way I started: full hot, soap up rinse off. Then turn it to full cold. The first 30 seconds are the worst, you've done that, it's the 'shock' that's the worst. The next 30 seconds are uncomfortable, and everything after that is actually not too bad. So, once you've done one minute, you'll be able to do five, no problem.

    The breathing is a positive effect – you are basically hyperventilating which oxigenates your blood. Here's Elliot Hulse's take on them… and how to get some of the benefits without actually taking a cold shower…

    ImDaniel likes this.
  19. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

    Yeah cold showers are really helpful sometimes
  20. ImDaniel

    ImDaniel Fapstronaut

    I just watched the video, I like this kind of guys who gives me energy only by watching them talk!
    JoePineapples likes this.