How to know when you're healed - a checklist

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by thetruth19), Apr 27, 2024.

  1. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    There's a dude on YouTube called Scandinavian Bob and he listed the following to tick off (for PIED).

    • Does you brain feel healthy with no throbbing? (I added this one)
    • You have a strong libido? (I added this one)
    • Return of morning wood.
    • You feel a physical response in your body when close to someone you find attractive.
    • It's easier for you to get turned on – sometimes all it takes is just a smile from a real life woman.
    • You can masturbate with a strong and solid erection without using porn or porn fantasies.
    • You no longer have any problem reaching klimax - you orgasm
    • The flatline has ended and your penis is back to normal size and form.
    • You have less of a “chaser effect” after an orgasm.
    • Semen leakage, when going to the bathroom, has reduced or stopped.
    • You feel more sensitivity in your penis when for example washing it.
    This is where I'm at after 6 months and a week.
    • Does you brain feel healthy with no throbbing? Most of the time, no. Minor throbbing above left eye. I notice it when I'm alone at home. Never notice it when I'm walking outside or out with friends etc.
    • You have a strong libido? No, not strong but it's there in my mind but the body isn't quite connected with it yet
    • Return of morning wood. Yeah most days but it's 7 out of 10
    • You feel a physical response in your body when close to someone you find attractive. Not always
    • It's easier for you to get turned on – sometimes all it takes is just a smile from a real life woman. I guess so
    • You can masturbate with a strong and solid erection without using porn or porn fantasies. Yes, have very strong erections when MOing to sensatin
    • You no longer have any problem reaching klimax - you orgasm I orgasm but it doesn't feel that great
    • The flatline has ended and your penis is back to normal size and form. Yes pretty mush 6 months of flatine is over!!!
    • You have less of a “chaser effect” after an orgasm. No chaser effect
    • Semen leakage, when going to the bathroom, has reduced or stopped. Never had this
    • You feel more sensitivity in your penis when for example washing it. Yes it feels very sensitive
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
    Kartik_2022 likes this.
  2. Literally nothing in this list talks about emotional self, brain fog, the de-pornification of womens bodies, experiencing authentic love, improved self-confidence, and so much more. Literally the best benefits of nofap are left out.

    The title of this post should be "how to know your penis is working better."
    mentorr likes this.
  3. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    You're right! I forgot to include it's for PIED.
    cleaningupmyact likes this.
  4. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    • Return of morning wood.
    • The flatline has ended and your penis is back to normal size and form.
    • You feel more sensitivity in your penis when for example washing it.
    These appears way earlier than when you're really healed from PIED.
    Morning wood returns after 30-40 days most of the times (if not even earlier), when you're still fighting with PIED, The same apply for the penis size and sensitivity. After a month or two you get morning wood, penis size, sensitivity (and I would add "wet dreams") back to "normal", but PIED is still there, because it depends by what's inside your brain. I wouldn't count this as a way to know when you're healed.

    I think the "strong libido" + "easy way to get turned on with automatic erection" is the real deal. It means that mentally you're "horny and ready", and the body follows the brain with the erection.

    This, however, may change with aging, making everything more difficult to understand. A 20yo man and a 40yo man have different levels of hormones and different way of getting aroused.
    thetruth19) likes this.
  5. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    Yeah I think you're right.

    I'm 37 but when I was 36, I healed and libido was just like it was when I was 18. Probably even better ya know because I was watching porn when I was 18. It was so good, I couldn't handle it... the first time I went out for drinks, I came back a bit drunk and guess what I did? I got away with it but it happened again a few days later and went back into a deep flatline.

    Think I'm close to being healed. I hope to be healed within the next month or two. It's been absolutely exhausting.
  6. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    I'm 42... completed 100 days with no noticeable differences, unfortunately. Guess I need to stay sober for way longer.
    How much did it take to you to get your libido back at 36?
    Are your 190 days full-nopmo, or you allow MO sometimes?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  7. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    It took around 5 months. Occasional sex and MOs. But porn was was very minimal before that for a few months so difficult to say.

    I'm up to 6 months and a week this time and very close to healing. Throbbing in head still there occasionally, shockingly bad PE a minute would be a win at this point, and libido is very unreliable. Bounces between 0 and 30%.
    Anonymous86 and kenshin81 like this.
  8. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, very helpful informations for me.
    thetruth19) likes this.
  9. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Did you go into a deep flatline after an orgasm to porn?
  10. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    What about brain fog lifting as to knowing when you're healed?
  11. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    Yeah, the third time I watched it. And my brain felt hot! Very scary.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  12. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Probably and likely, dopamine receptors being fried.
  13. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    Maybe. Can't say it felt too great.
  14. Kartik_2022

    Kartik_2022 Fapstronaut

    Is there anyone on this platform who has healed completely with age around 50.
    I have this problem of semen leakage which is difficult to manage. I have no health issues. And I donot watch porn.
