I relapsed everytime when blocker is turned off

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by cloudlydream, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. cloudlydream

    cloudlydream Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone!
    I'm trying to blocking every triggers and enhance the blocker, but sometimes I have to turn off blocker to change the settings.
    The problem is when I have passwords that I stored on pluckeye lockbox, It always lead me to the relapse... I trying to resist or don't give a shit to urge and I always lose.
    Any tips or suggestions or advices are welcome! thanks...
  2. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    I am not a veteran by any means, but I am doing better than I have in the past. What I've switched to doing is having a bunch of different blocks(on cold turkey), that I am completely able to turn off if I choose to. I make it slightly inconvenient(they have the random phrases of a certain length, or I put the password somewhere and make it a phrase that is intended to remind me the cost of choosing to relapse). The idea is to create distance from myself and porn or even just time wasters, but not block them; that way it is a conscious choice to not abuse the privilege. I am not putting myself in a bubble that I will relapse the second I am out, but am instead building my resolve and will.

    I have different ones based type of filter(like general filters that almost never come off, or block all search engines, or all video sites, or any distractions, etc). That way I will intentionally turn some off when I am choosing to. I can set one to 15 minutes if I just need to focus for a while, or I will set one for 10 hours if I feel myself slipping and just need to go to bed. It took me a while to come to this system, but it has felt the most organic and useful of any blocks that I've used in the past.

    Don't ask me about phones though. I had a dumb phone for a while(great, would recommend if you can), but also I just generally struggle less with the phone. I don't have any junk apps on there and make sure to keep it away if I find myself slipping with it. I would like to eventually put some block on it, but it hasn't been a major issue, so it's not a priority.
    grapey123 likes this.
  3. cloudlydream

    cloudlydream Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your tip, I'm also trying to seperate the blocks so even I got password, Blocker will able to restrict other triggers!
  4. Matrofe

    Matrofe Fapstronaut

    Well hello. I could understand that some people tend to use blocker to improve their safetily but after giving it a lot of thoughts. It is like having a taller brother who is battling the battle for you it as well reminds that you got the vice within you.It is like using third wheel while learning how to bike. Futile blocker will not help, you gotta learn how to fight it yourself. The only way is by building the will power of yours. Force yourself to do the unpleasant things.You will be suprised how unnecessary the blocker actually was.
    grapey123 likes this.
  5. cloudlydream

    cloudlydream Fapstronaut

    I was tried it without blockers, but It's really impossible to me because I have mental illness e.g. ADHD, OCD
    First I have to isolate everything from me and have to recover my mental illness. It's really impossible to me without blockers :oops:
    + In the future, If I'm sure myself that I'm really good to go without blockers with promise of never relapse, I will disable the blockers.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  6. Matrofe

    Matrofe Fapstronaut

    I would not consider ADHD as illness at least it may be considered from certain level where you can not stop within the bus or touching things in the shop.
    Devices are pathways to the evil you are battling. The best way is by limiting the devices, you won`t recall or create the scenes you have seen in your brain and even if you do it won`t trigger you enough to have relapse. By having only a few websides you visit there is literally no risk unless you scroll the social media searching for spicy content.
    Since I went from 5 hours per day on computer to 1-2 per day all my cravings went to 0. We have to give something in exchange to get freedom. If we can`t use devies like computer wisely then we should learn how to use them or stay away from them.
    cloudlydream likes this.
  7. cloudlydream

    cloudlydream Fapstronaut

    I wish I detoxing my desktop for a while but I have to work with desktop all day, so it's not an option to me :) and I blocked everything except the some sites.
  8. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    Blockers are good but could be circumvented. You are depending of the blockers as far as i understand, so my recommendation is to learn how to develop a strong self-control and discipline. Keep using the blocker till you have the confidence you already don't need to use the blocker. My experience is when i was using blockers, i was protected till the urges come and then i turned it off, relapsing as a result of lack of discpline and self-control.

    Use the blocker to help and learn to be stronger to not be dependent of it. Wish you the best bro.
    cloudlydream likes this.
  9. cloudlydream

    cloudlydream Fapstronaut

    Yes, I think so too. I won't rely on blockers, they're just a support tool to be stronger :) Thank you!
    VikingThor likes this.
  10. ....forget the triggers.....why not work with dealing from within....arm yourself emotionally so as to say NO to the urges.......
  11. Mushinja

    Mushinja Fapstronaut

    My blocker is simple. Only load nofap.com as far as internet sites go. I do use federated social media, but the community there is safe for work content and all triggering content is hidden behind a content warning. The best blocker in my view is your own fingers. Don’t seek explicit material and you will not find any. Don’t use big social media and you won’t be exposed to any either. My two cents.