Can you imagine a life without porn?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Amalenny, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. Amalenny

    Amalenny Fapstronaut

    What if in a parallell universe your parents never installed internet in the house or didn't allow you access to any computer on your own. You never found that first nude picture and got caught by curiosity. I remember early teens, fapping to some cute girl or hot teacher in class photos, celebrities in gossip magazines or in desperates times even cartoons, if not by pure imagination. Places like the beach could be almost overwhelming seeing so much skin. Women were magic and crushes was very intense. Now many years later, as with many of you, I have to surf for hours to fetishized material, holding a death grip, to be satisfied. My motivation for dating is very low.

    I can't help to wonder if I would still be like that kid, sexually triggered by everything and curious. Well, maybe not exactly since I'm more sexually experienced, but at least something close to it. If in some regards sex and nudity would still hold some novelty as an adult. Like with many drugs where it really differ taking it once in a while versus having a dependency. Or if age holds the stronger impact here considering things like hormone levels. How blunting is porn alone?

    I feel like more or less every man in my generation have consumed porn regularly at least at one point in their life. It's almost mystical how my dad and his generation went through teens, 20's and even 30's without access to the excessive amounts of internet porn. Can someone older than me tell me how it was? Was sexuality more intense? Would you go crazy over a photo of some woman in lingerie as depicted in movies?

    What about you who managed to keep porn out of your life for an extended period. Did the magic come back?
  2. I would be a much better person if I had never exposed myself to porn.
    Wolves of Wisdom and Leanmaxxing like this.
  3. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    I was talking to a friend yesterday about the possibility of an AI that has so much data on you that you can ask it to extrapolate what life would be like without certain pivotal moments/events, but since just identifying that doesn't help us practically we went on to talk about how it might be able to help you make day to day decisions that even if you don't feel like doing because of being depressed or whatever, you do because it's actually objectively calculable that it would be things that help you recover.

    I've been through the printed magazine era as well as high speed internet porn, what I would say is it makes more sense to me to talk about reclaiming that wonder and curiosity in general rather than with women in particular. The reason is I don't think of sex as separate from people anymore and I don't think of people as separate from their life context, so there's actually more to be curious about and what might be attractive in someone is in that context rather than just not knowing what they look like naked or how they might have sex.

    TBH I've gotten to the point where a lot of good looking women are just not that interesting. I kind of look at them as naive, because when there's not much more than that it's like they are children, and I guess appropriately, when relating to it as a human being rather than just a beast with a libido it becomes a matter of having some parity in terms of maturation on some level.

    Are you referring to the beginning where you said:

    So here again I would go back to being generally interesting and magical in that broader sense, because otherwise we're just talking about the female body being 'magical' just because it appeals to the instincts. Remember that scene from Dune where he has to override his instincts to not pull his hand out of the box from the pain? The same principle applies to pleasure if we think about it. After he passed the test the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother declared him "young human." There is a greater magic in being fully human rather than not only surrendering to instinct but today, being manipulated to be less human, essentially.

    I think today rather than just a normal process of maturation where it might be kind of gradual, due to the undue influence of all sorts of porn (hello AI) it is not only a fight to reclaim that humanity, but there is a kind of heroism in it. Because of knowing precisely what the score is, the response can end up going above and beyond just a normal social and sexual maturation. The potential exists to come to a supernormal maturation if you will, in response to the supernormal stimuli of porn, junk food, and all the rest that falls into that pattern. Whether people want it is another question.
    Vicit_fidem likes this.
  4. Eritede

    Eritede Fapstronaut

    Well, yes, I can imagine a life without porn, and it's been an unexpectedly positive change for me. I faced ED problems, and cutting out excessive porn consumption was part of my experience towards a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, I combined interventions like eroxon gel, which has proven effective. It's essential to recognize the impact of porn on intimate health and seek a balance that aligns with overall well-being.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
    ColonelMustard90 and DonaldShow like this.
  5. ColonelMustard90

    ColonelMustard90 Fapstronaut

    I think instead of imagining a life without porn imagine a life that doesnt keep you crawling back to porn

    what would that life look like
    Kyle001 likes this.
  6. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    Probably like a life without porn :confused:
  7. ColonelMustard90

    ColonelMustard90 Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE="EmperorLaStrang, post: 3722612, member: 523672"

    Crawling back is an adjective ,
    life without is a noun .or a verb
    different Visions requires different channels of thought
    thoughts create reality
  8. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    It wouldn't make much of a difference. People would still masturbate and/or fornicate.
  9. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    We did though. Back before we were exposed to porn, we lived a life without it.

    However once you’ve been exposed to it, it’s like a curse and you always find yourself looking for it.
  10. AbelHimself

    AbelHimself Fapstronaut

    Yes. In 2022, I went 96 days without porn or masturbation, those were the days.
    Kyle001 likes this.
  11. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    Better days are ahead. Keep looking up, and you can bring even better memories to reality. I’m telling ya. I turned what was once a successful 100 days without porn, into 180 days without. You can always go back to that time. Just gotta keep fighting.
  12. DonnYY

    DonnYY New Fapstronaut

    In fact, it's pretty easy for me to imagine it if I didn't start watching it. But unfortunately, it didn't work out for me and I can confidently call myself an addict and have been for quite a long time. Once I managed to give up porn for several weeks and it was quite unusual. I mean a surge of testosterone and a sudden increase in attraction to girls. but, unfortunately, I was not enough for a long time.
  13. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    That ship has sailed. I know this is a short message and it sounds trite, but imagining an alternate version without porn is pure vanity. Imagine a future without porn instead. A clean future is attainable. A clean past is not.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
    Wolves of Wisdom and JB39 like this.
  14. conventionnebulous

    conventionnebulous New Fapstronaut

    I'd be a much better person if I hadn't watched porn.
  15. ive had long streaks and the defining characteristic for me was hope and optimism for the future.
  16. To a clean future then! The past is indeed dirty and murky.
    Meshuga likes this.
  17. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I never discovered this filth until I was 17. I remember how innocent my mind was. I want porn out of my life for good, but sadly the internet had taken my mental virginity, so I'll never see those innocent days again.