OCD and one experience, replay if you can relate or help

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Hello,

    I have started my nofap yourney (third day) and I want to ask for help and share it with you all.

    Have OCD so it’s even harder to quit, for some reason, I think that there is no right T-shirt to wear to start, sounds not normal?
    But it’s my mind, I started nofap with t-shirt I selected, but my mind it’s telling me it’s not right one and you can’t quit.

    Also, had experience that I can remember and want to talk about this or someone can comment on this.

    As I remember I “went for it” and saw a purple light in that moment my brain was on “that” drug when my eyes were closed, is something wrong with me? And as I remember from that day I never say later that.

    How are you thinking?

    +TenPercent likes this.
  2. Yah I had a lot of OCD issues growing up. The best way to beat OCD is exposing yourself to the things that make you uncomfortable. As for the t-shirt, you need to ignore how you feel and ask yourself if the issue is legit or not. We both know what t-shirt you wear has no meaning and it's all in your head, once you acknowledge that you will be able to move on.
    Mara43 likes this.
  3. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Have you heard of Silva Neeves? He believes out of control sexual behaviour is closer to a compulsion than an addiction! Do you take ssri’s for your ocd?
  4. No, I never tried ssri’s for OCD and Solve Nerves it’s new for me too, trying to do research.
  5. Same as the experience I had with purple light when I experience when I was with that “drug” we know so well… But I try to believe that the brain can forget things, and after a month or so I can sleep well without this memory and create new memories, and forget T-shirt thing too…I trying to believe, because last night it was hard to sleep and be with closed eyes when it’s all dark…
  6. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    I guess if you can avoid medication and beat this compulsion/addiction it’s probably better. But I have found tweaking my meds to really help. Since going on to Citalopram I’ve been abstinent from my toxic sexual acting out for the longest I’ve done in about 6 years. I’ve stopped drinking too which has made an huge difference, I also know a guy from Sex and love addicts who takes Citalopram which has helped him. I was told I was presenting some ocd traits along with my AdHd. You loose your Libido at first for a a few weeks but it comes back but not quite as intense. I’ve also found that it’s a more healthy masculine/dominant urge I get now rather than trashy stuff. Might be worth looking into I just take the 10mg which I think is the lowest
  7. I can't say that I can avoid meditation, because when things were better I was meditating nearly daily, or at least 5 days a week, but when things became stable, I thought...It's "enough" for me, and forgot about this good habit, so started again and started meditating.
    Wave tamer likes this.
  8. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut
