Casual Encounters

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ArchT, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. ArchT

    ArchT Fapstronaut

    Hi NoFap,

    I dont know if anyone else has this issue but not only porn distracts me but also the casual encounter section. I feel that this is the same and even worse than porn. I found myself fantasying about this and also I think it is worse because they are real life people wanting to meet and real crazy situations.

    This led me to fap again after 7 days of no PM and has made my recovery even harder because I continue going back to even just read these posts. This is terrible and I hope this is not just me.

    I was wondering if anyone else has had this terrible encounter and how they reacted or helped get over it.

  2. Phyzik

    Phyzik Fapstronaut

    I used to hook up with guys from craigslist... Even when I stopped, just looking at those posts was more arousing than looking at porn... You're not alone. It was extremly exciting.

    Stay away from this crap! Its only going to hurt you...
  3. ArchT

    ArchT Fapstronaut

    Exactly it is honestly just reading them that's almost more exciting. I've never met with someone I always got worried but how did you get away from it? May be a vague question but that's what's tough
  4. Phyzik

    Phyzik Fapstronaut

    Just think about it for a second. You're beating your meat while reading fake stories of fake people who are willing to offer their body to any random stranger. How pathetic is it? Sexual pleasure isn't about jerking off to this shit, it's totally unhealthy and will only lead you even more to deep loneliness... Realising that made me stop.

    Also, getting informed about how porn affects the brain made me stop forever... You can't even imagine how you are fucking your brain up everytime you look at those fake stories...

    You deserve more than throwing away your pain into this shit buddy!
  5. ArchT

    ArchT Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much. I wanted to make sure this wasnt some off the topic thing. It's these encouragements that will help me and guide me.

    Since reading up on how it affects the brain I can already feel it really and it becomes so real to me. I am on my way to recovery and excited to beat this all together!
    Phyzik likes this.
  6. Phyzik

    Phyzik Fapstronaut

    Don't hesitate to PM me if you have a urge to look at it again!
  7. RdrMGK69

    RdrMGK69 Fapstronaut

    Hey Phyzik. have we talked before?
  8. Phyzik

    Phyzik Fapstronaut

    Hi! No, I don't think so?
  9. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Yes, CL is a dangerous trigger - and MO is even better than acting out with strangers. While I haven't acted out in such a long time, when I go MO free, my subpersonality addict always tempts me to the extreme with fantasies of acting out, with CL even, whereupon MO almost looks like the lesser of two evils (which it is), but then the addict gets me to MO once again - which is what he wanted all along. Then, at the first MO, thoughts of CL hookups vanish from me entirely and feel disgusting to me even all of a sudden - till the next round of abstinence. I'm in a vicious cycle here.
  10. WOTL

    WOTL Fapstronaut

    I am exactly in the same situation as @JoeinMD. I have not acted out in a very long time, but looking at this ad sections is extremely damaging, possibly worse than looking at Porn. I threw out the window a 94-day streak by looking at CL during a business trip. I did not act out but the "medicine" (i.e. masturbation) awakened the addict subpersonality and threw me into the addiction gravity well. Masturbation brings temporary relief from these temptations but it is a technique that ultimately fails because it demands more and more and cannot be controlled.
    JoeinMD likes this.
  11. I look at the adds but I have actually never hooked up with a guy, It is reall hard to stop looking at those adds though. I am strait and narrow, but its hard not to look at those adds, I think it is because it keeps the sexual thought stream going that we are trying to stop, what do you think about that? looking at the adds keep the sexual high going in the brain and emotions.
  12. do you think looking at the CL adds is just a way the brain tricks us to keep the sexual thought stream going? even if I don't intend to follow up on the adds just looking at them gets me going, a person could not get more, self centered M and o then that!! wow!
  13. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Absolutely! The subpersonality addict will look for alternative ways to trick your true self back into addiction (slip and slide effect), especially when you've been resisting and succeeding over the more obvious temptations - or what you are deluded into thinking are the only real dangers.
    RdrMGK69 likes this.
  14. quagmire

    quagmire Fapstronaut

    I used to look at CL personals as well, never contacted anyone but the section(s) I looked at were always there to offer fuel to the fire of my imagination. I had an elaborate story / narrative writing thing going on in my head and computer and it totally fed it. If I was going to travel somewhere I would check out the CL for that area before I left and imagine those people / couple's etc living in that space. Anyhow, big bad trigger for me, that site is in my top ten list of no-go's now.