Morning wood - A sign of healing ?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Experiment1996, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Depends what you mean by "addiction isn't cured".

    @Experiment1996 isn't addicted anymore but he's still healing from the effects of the addiction, you may not even have to deal with that part.
    Anonymous86 and Experiment1996 like this.
  2. ThisTooShallPass01

    ThisTooShallPass01 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, hard mode ofc. I'm not a boy to claim having been 43 months into my PAWS only to include relapses afterwards.

    43 months without sex, P, or any M session.

    My PAWS reductions haven't been as sudden or as noticeable as yours.

    My social anxiety, headache frequency, fatigue, sickness frequency, hopelessness and depression spell frequency have got less severe compared to what I had been living for the 1st year. But not enough baseline to live like a normal person.

    I f*cking hate wet dreams. I get a more pronounced brain fog & anhedonia the day I have them. They still make a negative impact on mental health but, again, not as they used to be for the 1st 2.5 years.

    I've been reading many success stories from PMO, drugs, benzos, smoking, alcohol... Sikreodds' one top them all.
  3. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut


    Finally someone who knows the science behind morning wood.
  4. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

    I hate wet dreams too. My symptoms get worse after a wet dream and it takes me about 3 days to recover from a wet dream. Then I'm back to my standard flatline level.

    On average, I have 1 wet dream per week.

    In my first 18 months I even had painful wet dreams. Otherwise, I never had painful ejaculations in my life. I don't understand what the reason for this was.
    Anonymous86 and Mr.Tony like this.
  5. It's weird, in my case I rarely had wet dreams - extremely rare, I think I had 3 or 4 wet dreams since the beginning of my Journey which is now close to 500 Days.
    Experiment1996 likes this.
  6. I give you the like but no way Sikreood is worse than me. Not even you or experiment1996.
  7. I used to be like that with wet dreams 3-4 years ago. In fact I used to be upset when they happened to me.
  8. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    Pelvic floor is a factor but I personally believe it's massively overstated and obviously not the only reason for no morning wood. I lost morning wood and then it came back. My exercise routine hadn't changed that much.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  9. I love my Brain

    I love my Brain Fapstronaut

    I would recommend that you have your own experiences and explore your body yourself.

    Then you will also notice that you don't need anyone outside to confirm something to you.
  10. I love my Brain

    I love my Brain Fapstronaut

    You're just talking from theory. However, in practice any doubt disappears. The countless people who reboot and still don't get erections tomorrow prove the opposite.

    When we get down to it, teenagers have ravaged brains. You eat too much fast food, play video games, smoke, drink alcohol, watch porn, but you get up with an erection.

    Why, because their muscles are still in rhythm. However, as you get older you also lose this vitality. If it's all about the brain, then people who do NoFap should have a hard-on all day long. But it doesn't happen. maybe reboot for another 20 years, then maybe, just maybe
  11. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Maybe you're right man and my pelvic floor just so happened to go weak once I stopped watching porn, just like thousands of other guys.
    kenwood, Ezpz and Red Moon like this.
  12. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut

    63 Anhedonia is also explained by pelvic floor dysfunction. But thanks to my brain fog i'm not so sure. Will try kegels in the near future to heal and solve my situation :).
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    Ezpz likes this.
  13. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    For me, the harder the morning wood usually correlate to how good I felt that day. I'm porn free for 2 years, the flatlines come and goes in cycles, hard morning woods are a sign that I'm going to feel pretty good that day. During a flatline period, there's either no morning wood or the morning wood feels soft. However, not always like that, sometimes my energy changes in the middle of the day.

    Compare to a year ago, my morning wood are a lot more consistent, and harder
  14. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    You don't know what you're talking about.

    The instances of young men experiencing ED have EXPLODED since the early 2000s. Men in their twenties and thirties should have zero issues with erections and absolutely should have regular morning wood. Obviosuly pron is causing this, not "muscles not in rhythm" like what?
  15. A question to long term Fapstronauts; How your memory and cognitive think ? Is it sharp ? Can you guys recall things more easily now ?
  16. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

    I wish I was like you regarding the wet dreams.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  17. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut


    Don't forget to meditate. Then the flatline will definitely be over soon.
    Red Moon likes this.
  18. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut


    I have tried the " Candyman " method in front of a mirror 5 times...still in the flatline. Did not work.

    Meditation is definitely the next logical step for me. After healing my chakras...
    OhWhenThe and Experiment1996 like this.
  19. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

    Don't forget to spend time in nature...
  20. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Your erections are controlled by your brain not your pelvic muscles. I can flex my pelvic muscle all day but will it give me an erection? no. Why would that muscle flexing at night be any different? I can look at P and get an erection without doing anything, because of the chemical reaction P creates when watching it. PMO is a brain problem. If your erections are controlled by the brain, its no coincidence that during the flatline rebooters lose their morning wood.

    To be clear, lack of morning wood can be caused by a lot of things. Medication, lack of exercise/activity, low testosterone, age, blood flow (unlikely) or neurological. If you can rule out most of those then you're likely left with neurological.
    yngmoney likes this.