P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

    LOL WTF ? This should be worse than my 47 months post? -> 47 months post

    A quote from my post:" After 47 months, I still have these symptoms: Anhedonia, almost no emotions, brain fog, social anxiety, very low energy, zero motivation, zero libido, numbness (feeling no vibration or positive emotions in the body), weak bladder and weak urine stream. My face and eyes look dull and lifeless. My voice feels weak and monotone. I have forced myself to use the Azar app several times. One person told me I looked like I was about to run amok and another asked me why I looked so sad. The face looks different in the flatline. The flatline is mysterious and scary.

    I am still unemployed. I have been unemployed for most of these 47 months. I lived most of the time on unemployment benefit and my savings. I'll soon have to apply for social welfare because my savings are running out and, in the worst case, I'll have to apply for a disability pension. I have no motivation to go to work or do anything outside. I live alone and am at home all day. I'm on TikTok and play Battlefield on the computer. My brain is not working. If 1 person gave me 1 million francs right now, I wouldn't enjoy it. I would stay at home and do nothing. I wouldn't go on vacation or do anything with this money. You have to understand that my brain is damaged. I want to change my situation, but my brain just doesn't work. I want to work, but my brain just says "no why should I ? -> I don't feel any pleasure and zero motivation." I get up every morning and feel no emotions or drive to do anything. Absolutely zero motivation. I have no desire to talk to my family, friends or anyone else. I hardly feel any joy when I talk to people. My brain and my body feel numb. My brain doesn't respond to anything. I see the injured and dead Palestinian children in Gaza and I don't feel anything at all. I don't care what happens there either. I can't feel any sympathy. I think even if there was a war in my city, I wouldn't care. If I was married to one of the most beautiful women, I wouldn't be interested in having sex with her. I would sleep in my room and she would sleep in her room. That's how I describe anhedonia. It scares me that after 47 months I still can't function like a normal person."


    I'm talking about severity and duration of the symptoms.

    The posts you shared are a joke.

    I really can't take you seriously anymore.

    Btw: I have already written a reply to your previous text, but unfortunately it has to be approved by the "moderator" first. That is why it is not yet visible here.
    ThisTooShallPass01 likes this.
  2. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    It is ok, no need to respond - that was and is my last message on the topic. I still do not understand why being the worst case is a trophy status, and I probably never will. But I do disagree with picking at peoples recovery when you do not know them personally. I do hope you heal but also hope you find solace through your recovery. If believing you are the worst case of PMO helps you recover then all the best.
  3. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    Guys this is the reason why I say it's very important to get therapy or professional help. The longer we go on our recoveries without the tools or help we really need, we won't be able to recover properly. The point of recovery is to build on yourself, bring a change in yourself, do something new and care for yourself. Most of the people here are so strict on themselves (which sometimes isn't bad) but it ends up leading to something negative. Learn about recovery and addiction, it's paramount to success.

    I wish you all the best, take care of yourselves. Realize that you've done something that many couldn't do and are still stagnant. You've seen the change in you, you've recognized what really was making your life difficult. Now you got to fight and win. Get an accountability partner, start journaling, find hobbies you really resonate with. Build yourself while in recovery. Thank you and good luck in your journey!
    SuperSaiyan99 and NfBigGlP like this.
  4. humbleone

    humbleone Fapstronaut

    Yes please ignore @mentorr he never really posts anything of any value or helps anyone, there is no value in his posts

    For sure you are on the extreme side of PAWS, wishing you a full recovery.

    The other people who are 60+ without dealing with their underlying addictions, heart goes out to them to, may there recovery be swift. Lets use them for motivation

    God speed (Currently 24 days monk mode ! )
  5. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    I often don't see eye-to-eye with @mentorr but there's no need for this.

    You may not take value from his posts but that's not to say others don't either.
  6. humbleone

    humbleone Fapstronaut

    There is a need, his posts are non helpful, thats the truth, what did he say of any value to Experiment? Cos he said alot of things that were completely unhelpful and non-constructive, just some toxic invalidation of experiments prolonged PAWS journey, with some invalid comparison to 60+ people

    he is a negative influence for the most part, and has his head so far up his own arse he cant tell what day it is
  7. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

    I agree.
  8. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    If it was 4 years uninterrupted i would eat my whole shoe but neurosis is caused by pmo so it feels like paws but really different. I can understand our fellow brother i was the same case. Its healed and now i have paws that have like shivering etc. Never had during pmo :)
  9. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    @Experiment1996 its alright brother just once out forever out. Spare your energy for rebooting. :)

    Mrtony you will get out of this forever as well. Lets stay all together and motivate each other for the better
    Ammar2 likes this.
  10. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    My initial reboot was from day 60 to now. Btw im hardmode day 104. Day 0-32 was great. Motivated felt good to make the best choice ever which is quitting. Before i suffered but due small streaks it got better and eventually went away. So from day 32-46 the best weeks ever i got. Full of benefits and never felt so much good. Then from day 60- until now paws got triggered and flatline and i got hammered down. This is paws yes :)
    Ammar2 likes this.
  11. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Was that before or after Experiment's attempted invalidation of everyone else's journey?

    As I said before, I disagree with mentorr on certain topics but he's never been anything but supportive to other posters, he's certainly never thrown shade at anyone. You have to remember that there's another person on the end of your remarks, you don't know what effect your words could have on someone.
    Dave G 123, Ammar2, Steelflex and 3 others like this.
  12. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Maybe i am the worst case? Waking up shaking in my bed. Feeling the neurotransmitters triggering anxiety and tinnitus. Feeling the hardest brainfog ever, i even had moments that i had to think 5 minutes how to cook simple rice. But guess what day 46-60 were the best weeks ever lmao everything went side ways after that
  13. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

  14. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Not paws.

    Read about soaring eagle.
  15. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    I started translate since season 41 :)
  16. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Could be but short flatlines are also quite common. I'd probably refrain from calling it PAWS just yet, see how you feel on day 204.
    SuperSaiyan99 likes this.
  17. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    The 2nd one is extremely relatable and anyone questioning whether they have paws or not should probably read it.

    The only thing I'll say with regards to something like benzo withdrawal though is that the rules are clear - don't take benzos again. With this however there are grey areas and blurred lines. What does masturbation do during PAWS? What about sex? How about fantasising? What if you accidentally stumble across porn? What if you see triggering images in a movie or something? I don't think anyone knows the answers to these kind of questions for sure. Obviously rule #1 is to stay the hell away from porn and if you abide by this then you should recover but we don't truly know what effect all other sexual-related activity has on recovery.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024
    ThisTooShallPass01 and Steelflex like this.
  18. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

    This could be interesting for you -> TRIGGER
  19. Freeddom_Taker

    Freeddom_Taker Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    When you bad, there's someone who's worse. From 2016 to this day, I've been waking up to 11pm to noon most of the time to get something to eat due to unbearable withdrawals and PAWS. And I could sleep all day and still not enough.
    Ammar2 likes this.
  20. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Do you experience nightmares as well? The feeling of not actually having nightmares i Wake up Randomly but i jump out my sleep like i got chased that feeling. Its insommia like but i get some feeling of a jumpscare sometimes
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.