***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i am grateful for:
    1)cold shower i had today. had 2 showers. i'm glad we get water supply at the house.
    2)beard. i kinda liked seeing the reflection in the mirror. the beard was looking good.
  2. ronswanson

    ronswanson Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful my fiance and I picked up our wedding rings today!!!!!!
    2. Even though Wales went out of the rugby world cup today, I'm grateful for the amazing performance they pulled off. It was a great game.
    3. I'm grateful for @Toven. Thanks for being awesome Toven!
    Toven, BushidoWarrior and Pradeep like this.
  3. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    1) I am grateful to the support and encouragement from this forum that I reached 31 days without PMO.
    2) I am grateful to all my friends in Germany who make me feel at home, with fun and laughter and crazy moments.
    3) I am grateful to the uncertainty that I experience on a daily basis, which propels me to live rest of my life.
  4. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for my PC mouse. It's easier to use than a touchpad, and makes my pace of work slightly faster. It's a small convenience, but a convenience nonetheless.
    2. I'm grateful for email. I don't have a phone right now, and email is the means by which I communicate with the outside world.
    3. I'm grateful for my memories of my grandmother. She was awesome. I loved her a lot, and miss her every day.
  5. BlooeyGlooey

    BlooeyGlooey Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for..
    1. Having functional toilets and not having to use outhouses or something.
    2. My warm bed, and that I'm not on the streets sleeping in a box.
    3. Clean water and how I'm not in Africa drinking water out of a dirty pond, or living in California drinking their water.
    ronswanson and BushidoWarrior like this.
  6. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for:

    1. the website nofap
    2. the ability to choose my destiny
    3. a bright summers day
    ronswanson and BushidoWarrior like this.
  7. veerya

    veerya Fapstronaut

    For the nights rest and for the peaceful morning and food and loving care and all the things that make the world so fair.
  8. veerya

    veerya Fapstronaut

    Keep going Champ! Every effort makes the next streak stronger. #Day 70 and my life feels Awesome!!!
    RightWolf, BushidoWarrior and Pradeep like this.
  9. asfixiated

    asfixiated Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for all the great apps on my phone that have been helping me track my progress towards my goals.
    2. I'm grateful that I have a well-equipped gym nearby, and that the membership is in my budget.
    3. I'm grateful that I can afford good, healthy food, when others are not always afforded that opportunity.
  10. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    1) I am grateful to all the latest technologies through which I connect and get support from all around the world.
    2) I am grateful to small city I live in, every nuke and corner is accessible with bi-cycle.
    3) I am grateful to the amazing Hostel I live in and my fellow hostel mates :)
    ronswanson and BushidoWarrior like this.
  11. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful to my Past Self. My Past Self - while not perfect - quit biting his nails, quit smoking, slowly climbed to ~50% fluency in Spanish (using Duolingo), fairly consistently ate 3 serves of vegetables per day for over 4 months, and did many other things. Past Self has left my Present Self loads of benefits for me to enjoy!
    2. I'm grateful for excitement. It's wonderful to have a brain that is wired to experience this emotion, as I know there is a possible world in which this could be otherwise. Being excited fucking rocks!
    3. I'm grateful to have been raised in a working-class English family. You learn how to take the piss, how to have fun and how to not take life too seriously. Great stuff if you ask me!
    Pradeep and ronswanson like this.
  12. ronswanson

    ronswanson Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for having got through the day, which hasn't been the easiest
    2. I'm grateful for my fiance, who sometimes I've simply just got to admit I do not deserve
    3. I'm grateful for the 16 Habits You Should Do Every Day book, which has inspired me a lot
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  13. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Hi why do you say you don't deserve your Fiance ?
    ronswanson and BushidoWarrior like this.
  14. RightWolf

    RightWolf Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for:
    A fresh start
    My limbs
    My mind's potential
  15. BlooeyGlooey

    BlooeyGlooey Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for my house. I have an average house with 2 stories and a basement instead of being in a trailer/ a small one story house.

    2. I am grateful for NoFap and how I can connect with people who are also trying to stop masturbating.

    3. I am grateful that we have google and keyboards now, and that we don't have to use textbooks and typewriter keyboards.
  16. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for:

    1. the small changes for the better I am seeing in my life
    2. for the increase in motivation I get everyday
    3. for waking up to enjoy another day on this planet
  17. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i am grateful for:
    cold shower
    the novel i'm reading now
    the air conditioner in the office. it's very hot outside.
  18. I'm grateful for
    1. Music
    2. Art
    3. Books
    There is much happiness to be had with these 3 things .
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2015
  19. Phunkie

    Phunkie Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for:

    1. My job, which allows me to make some money to do the things I love!
    2. My boyfriend, whose kisses always make me feel so good inside!
    3. Sleeping with the window open, on a cold day, and wrapping yourself all up in the covers. It's the best kind of sleep!
  20. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    totally agree with your 3rd point :D...keeping the window open turning on the heater and wrapping with the blanket !!
    BushidoWarrior likes this.