Feeling like I degrade

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Sergey123, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Sergey123

    Sergey123 Fapstronaut


    Lately, I'm feeling like I degrade. When I started NoFap I started to work out, and in some time quit playing video games, so I started to spend my time more efficient.

    But now, I feel like I'm almost the same guy before rebooting. I stopped working out (because I'm moved to an apartment and didn't found a gym yet), I started to play video games again (I'm always too tired to do something serious).

    The only good thing is that I still doing NoFap :) I noticed that the thought of watching porn is discussed me.

    I don't know, is it a phase, or it is consequence of not working out, should I fight this as another addiction.

    Any advice? Maybe someone else had this problem?
  2. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    It's phases we all go through but its important to pull through and do what you need to do to make yourself feel better! I used to go for walks every morning for months then I randomly stopped and didn't feel so good lol, just keeo with your positive habits learn something new. Read 100 pages everyday
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  3. MadHatter

    MadHatter Fapstronaut

    Good for you, @Sergey123 !
    Positive routines are hard to get into, and easy to slip out of.

    Keep on doing what you are doing.
    Eventually, you will find balance.

    Congrats on 81 days, man! That is awesome!
  4. Spiral

    Spiral Fapstronaut

    I have had this problem very recently due to heart break. I think I degraded due to falling out of love with myself.

    My advice is to snap out of this right now. No gym - do home workouts. Gaming - sell your console and use money for something good for you.

    Asgardian36 likes this.
  5. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    "Feeling too tired" is an excuse for most activities. Once you get into doing something it won't be a problem anymore, especially when you enjoy your activity. Off the top of my head, the only thing I can only imagine doing when I am feeling fully awake and energetic is meditation (which I do not practice at the moment). Everything else depends on my own will.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  6. Indignation

    Indignation Fapstronaut

    Interesting concept. Falling out of love with yourself. I think I definitely did that a while back, and I haven't been able to reach the same level of happiness since then. I have very little respect for myself, and I usually let people walk all over me. How do you start loving yourself again?
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  7. Sergey123

    Sergey123 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the support, I will work harder on pulling myself together :)

    Thanks for the advice, I'm pc gamer so can't get rid completely from the games, but I deleted them all :)
    You right it just an excuse, even very bad one. And that the problem that I started to say it to my self. Well, I will try to not listen to that side of me :)
  8. Spiral

    Spiral Fapstronaut

    What I did:

    -Explore emotional trauma going back to childhood.
    -Making an effort daily with appearance and hygiene.
    -Eating healthily.
    -Regular exercise.
    -Changed dress style (new start).
    -Complimenting myself in my head on things I like about myself.
    -Posture improvement. (don't underestimate the difference this makes.)
    -Exploring spirituality. (Cant say how necessary this is yet.)
    -Throwing out most possessions and becoming a minimalist (clears your space and your mind.)
    -Telling myself I'm worthy each day.
    -Never letting people walk over me and cutting shit friends out of my life.

    This is what I do. Works for me. :)
  9. Indignation

    Indignation Fapstronaut

    Thank you Spiral. I'm doing a lot of these things, but don't really compliment myself or tell myself I'm worthy. It's hard for me and doesn't seem natural. I will try doing this though , and research more on this. Considering anti-depressants.
    I also need to work on my posture. slouching is my natural stance and sitting posture. I usually revert back to slouching whenever I try to stand or sit up straight because its uncomfortable and sometimes painful.

    @Sergey123 you may be low on dopamine. I'm looking into this problem for myself currently and ordered some L-Dopa(Velvet bean extract) pills online to see if it'll help out with depression/uncaring feeling during flat-line by hopefully increasing dopamine levels.