Mark My Words

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ChronicTeen, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    I know that this is the final barrier. This is the only thing keeping me down from my ideal life. I've adopted a perfect diet, I've given up alcohol and any other stimulants, all of this for about 1 year now.

    The only thing I'm missing is giving up PMO. I'm sure that PMO is the only thing still hindering my full recovery now. If I beat this, my health will go back up to a much better state sooner or later. I have to stop this addiction.

    I've already experienced the benefits of being free of PMO for many days (45 days being my current record). Awhhh the energy, the happiness, the lack of symptoms that have been with me for almost 10 years now. I need this to be my every day state. I need to let PMO go once and for all.

    I am now starting my second-to-last year in school, and for my own sake I can't afford to keep on living like this.

    So, please mark my following words:

    I ChronicTeen, AKA JC, will try my absolute best to abstain from PMO throughout the following month of September. Additionally, this is what I'll do during the month:

    1. I will wake up at 6-7 A.M. every day for school, and I will go to bed at 9-10P.M. every night to avoid being caught by my late night urges. As of weekends, I will still wake up early and I absolutely will not be on the computer alone past midnight.

    2. I will run/bike every single day.

    3. I will only take cold showers, and I will take plenty of them.

    4. I will engage in healthy meditation as much as possible.

    5. I will give full attention to my studies and will dedicate plenty of time for studying during every work day of the week.

    6. I will engage in healthy social behavior on my free time, namely on weekends.

    7. I will enroll at my local gym.

    8. If in case I do relapse throughout the month, I will donate 40€ (that's a lot of money for a 16 year old like me) of my own money to a charity of choice. I will upload proof of payment here.

    9. If I don't relapse throughout the entire month, I will go to the city and personally buy a homeless person a full meal.

    If I am successful in my goals in the month of September, I will keep doing the exact same thing for the month of October and so on.

    Please mark my words and make me live up to my promise. I need the help of this community to change my life. Please make it so I wouldn't want to disappoint you.

    Thank you, sincerely thank you if you took your time to read this and are willing to help me out. I need to make my life worth living.
    Musta, JoePineapples, steez and 5 others like this.
  2. James24

    James24 Fapstronaut

    You can do it!
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  3. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    Thank you. And I will do it!
  4. rydermuzik10

    rydermuzik10 Fapstronaut

    This is awesome, and you're only 16? With this much willpower you will become unstoppable... I love how this isn't a normal 'what do I do guys' post, lol you know what to do and will beat this addiction for sure. best of luck man
    programer and ChronicTeen like this.
  5. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I appreciate those words. And best of luck to you too, seems like you're doing great already!
  6. Sign of the Times

    Sign of the Times Fapstronaut

    That is the right and proper attitude man and attitude is everything really. Good luck with it and keep us all updated on your progress. Look forward to hearing about it.
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  7. Great attitude. Ive changed a great deal this year myself and breaking the addiction of PMO is the final act of an old lifestyle. Good luck!
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  8. Moni

    Moni Fapstronaut

    Great spirit brother. I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
    ChronicTeen and britaxe like this.
  9. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    Love the attitude man, you can do it! I said the same thing when I relapsed on July second and have been clean since. You can beat this crappy addiction, you just need the right mindset- good luck!
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  10. FreedomIsHere

    FreedomIsHere Fapstronaut

    You have the attitude and plan to do it man! Just execute and you'll make it! Good luck!
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  11. dan_w

    dan_w Fapstronaut

    Good luck, this sounds like a fantastic plan with some really nice, thoughtful ideas.

    Respect for taking this step.
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  12. Your motivation is motivating =)
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  13. OlderGuy

    OlderGuy Guest

    I love your number 8 and 9, I´m am going to steal them! 16, huh? Wow!
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  14. aakkss

    aakkss Fapstronaut

    salute and nothing else.
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  15. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    Thank you all :), your words truly motivate me even more! I have a feeling that this is the time I'll finally reach my ideal life!
  16. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

  17. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on being clean for so long! We're going to make it out of this addiction!
  18. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    Please do steal them, we're making the world a better place that way, and not only for us!
  19. Sign of the Times

    Sign of the Times Fapstronaut

    My experience with this thus far has been start and stop, touch and go (I am a pilot). I like that analogy because it shows that its not a clear cut thing. Some people muster the strength and resolve early on in the process and get results quickly. A lot of people don't. But the single greatest thing about what we are doing is coming back constantly even in the face of adversity. Our minds are made up and we know what we are setting out to do is a noble thing; the right thing to do. So I hope for your sake you smash this thing early on; but if you do not don't despair. I think it has taken me almost 100 attempts so far, but each time I fail I clean myself up and simply try again.
    Leo_Guy97 likes this.
  20. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    True, it is important to keep a persistent and positive mindset throughout all of this. Even if we fail a lot of times, if we keep this mindset we'll eventually succeed, and that's what matters in the end!