gambling is also a demon a deal with sometimes...

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by uniqueintheuniverse, Aug 27, 2017.

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  1. I think I have won this battle the one about gambling I honestly hate gambling I do hate it so bad but last night after being without gambling for more than a year I gave in... I said to myself I am just going to gamble just a little just to have a little fun well I ended up losing all my paycheck for this particular week so one week paid check that's how much I lost now I need to borrow money next week just to cover all my expenses but its ok.. I just don't want to go back to that stupid place I hate casinos and all their stupid games .. just wanted to share my story about my other demon ... at least this demon has been locked up for about a year and to be honest I don't even have the urges to play anymore I don't even have to fight it all its gone its history I declared war on this addiction about 2 years ago and finally I can say that I am out of it thanks god now my only biggest demon is porn but I m getting there ... I don't want to feel like a loser all my life once I defeat this addiction my self steam is going to be up up well I don't want feel like a loser I am not a loser I can do this and I am doing it... I am a winner somebody with dreams and goals and I am not letting any bad addiction control my life .
    I want to have a good job I want to have a family a wife kids friends and be happy ... right now I have a job already and this job is not such a bad job .. I think I am winning the battle about porn ... I am working on my dating and whenever I have a chance I try to meet new people and socialize with people so I am working on my dreams I refuse to feel like a loser
    Gina3111, Buddhabro, Nugget9 and 2 others like this.
  2. Dude - i gave up gambling years ago. Its tough.

    Dont treat your slip as a spiral. you have the core skills to deal with addictions already it seems so focus on that. focus on your future.

    You got this
  3. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Be grateful you noticed it in one day. Hopefully, it should help you stay away at least for another year.
  4. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    This is how I aim to view moving on from porn. If after a year of no porn I were to give in I'd like to be able to view the experience as a firming of resolve. Not to be down because of the slip but to have the feeling that I am not to be there, turn around and then walk away.
  5. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    To anyone: Never ever gamble (if you haven't already). Those that are addicted... swallow your pride and quit. Doesn't matter how much you've lost so far, never ever gamble again. And treat it as money well spent in the form of a life lesson, no need to chase your losses. Laugh your losses off and laugh at gambling by deleting it from your life. If the thought of gambling comes into your head think/say to yourself - "I'm not going to waste my time doing that garbage" and laugh at gambling..
    gordie likes this.
  6. I also had the habit of gambling, mainly shifted to online poker later on. Its such a sick game.. even when you make top notch decisions, some crazy cards fall.. and you lose it all...
    I have come to learn it can be a hazard to health (so much stress, energy consumption), and a hazard to finances. Money should be a means, not and end, and it is not something to play around with i have learned the hard way.
    GL dude, if you are looking for entertainment, then it may be safer & wiser to play a nice video game or something.
    thisisharry and Lampilis like this.
  7. Lampilis

    Lampilis Fapstronaut

    Tnks, great info!
  8. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Curious this poster has only two posts and never seen again. It's also questionable what these general, reasonable sounding statements actually says about the specific topic of gambling addiction in particular. Not gambling in general, not addiction in general, those two together. "The game process" is not defined and also doesn't sound like it has to involve gambling even if may be implied ambiguously, which would likely be misleading, this thread isn't about video games.

    I would challenge this poster or anyone who wants to tout "benefits" to address any one point with the evidence presented in Natasha Dow-Schulls book Addiction By Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas. This by the way is the problem with thinking in terms of "benefits" gained by not PMO, you can always qualify in terms of anything as having benefits and ignore whether the way you frame it makes sens in the broader real life context. Benefits = cherry picking information.
  9. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Gambling is scary, I wouldnt mind remaining a fapping junkie to avoid become a gambling addict, but hey if I can avoid both, it´s even merrier.

    If you wanna see the horrors of uncontrolled gambling, I´d advice to read/watch Kaiji, it´s a great series, you´ll quit gambling in no time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Hmm, I saw this thread again...

    I can say in my situation.. I am still a bit double minded about it.

    On one side I can see how much problems gambling have caused in my life. A gambling problem is an absolute nightmare.

    But because I have played so much poker for a long time, and it caused problems (playing too long, at too high limits) I wanted to become better at it, and invested a lot of time and energy into studying about it. Hours & hours of reading books, educational videos etc.

    I have played recently, but also... it didn't go according as planned, however, not as bad as it was in the past (I played it more structured, but not totally)

    My doubt now is to either quit it completely, or to play online poker, in a very very structured manner, just to see if it can be a source of income for me.

    The difference with poker and gambling is that poker is versus other players, and there is an element of skill involved. But still there is also the element of luck/chance. It can be a crazy game... and also.. I noticed myself slipping away from a pre set structure...

    I am aware I should be very careful with all this, a few years back I went really low with gambling, and I never ever want that again... so I'm not sure how exactly to go about this poker interest, but I gotta keep it easy & be very much on my guard. If I mess up in any way again (small) then I will just self exclude. Luckily most providers have that tool available.

    And also.. to be honest.. i'm not so much interested in playing poker.. there is much more in life than sitting in front of a pc playing a game. My only interest in that game, is if I could earn some extra cash by playing well & structuredly.. but again (I say to myself) I take it easy, and should not think lightly about anything related to gambling!
  11. Kingsley90

    Kingsley90 New Fapstronaut

    Gambling can be a problem, of course, as long as you do not view it just as a hobby and you aren't able to control yourself over it.
    JoanHodges likes this.
  12. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    wtf @Moderation Team this thread is like, half bots touting how great online gaming is with links.
    FirefromAbove likes this.
  13. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Please note that as the profile indicates, the Moderation Team account is not monitored. Please use the reporting system to report posts you believe violate the forum rules.
    FirefromAbove and gordie like this.
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