Making Money / Your Experience With Owning a Business / Side Income

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ruso, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Hey all,

    Looking for ways to make more money, as the next big challenge. if you have tips or experience to share please do. Particularly looking for those with proven side income or who have their own business.

    I know that there are other communities besides this one, but it’s hard to find one that’s as honest and less spamful than this one.

    Let’s get the conversation started!
  2. TheSlyFly

    TheSlyFly Fapstronaut

    Well first off, I'd list your interests/passions that you'd be able to turn into a business as each business line is COMPLETELY different relatively speaking; please list some things that you could be seeing doing on end, being at your wits end but knowing it's your passion and struggling through those rough nights; I'll tell you this, it'll be one of the most independently challenging, stressful, and rocky paths you can take, but if you have enough strong resilience, a good business mind(knowing what consumers want, how to deliver that info, and how to prove you're better than any competition) these are all extremely important factors to consider. ~
    Someone who's managed and owned a couple businesses before.
  3. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    I want to say web/digital marketing but it’s not a strong enough interest. I appreciate the request as to what passions I have etc, but truthfully I’m still trying to figure that out.

    What businesses did you have? what was some of the really difficult moments?
  4. AlanPetersdrew

    AlanPetersdrew New Fapstronaut

    My experience with the personal business was unlucky, as I started my own business before the start of the 2020 pandemic, which was a big mistake.
  5. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    I'd suggest looking out for stock marketing. I'm not experienced enough to elaborate on that but all I can say that for business you need to spend money on a lot of resources and stuff, in stock marketing all you need is a good computer, couple of screens, and the hardest part - learning how to fail till you succeed. I'd be an asshole for suggesting something I didn't experience but just started reading a book about it and it seems like a good way to make money.
    Eagle_man, The-man and ruso like this.
  6. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    if you’d like to share, What kind of business was it?
    Rexamilli Vanilli likes this.
  7. The-man

    The-man Fapstronaut

    If you are a uni student, then tutoring is an option. There are sites dedicated to this you can apply there.
  8. Lloyda

    Lloyda Fapstronaut

    Great! I'm looking for a new oppotunity right now, I want to start a job or something and get a whole plan for both flesh and soul
    onceaking likes this.
  9. I have my own business in construction.
    To be succesfull there is a plethora of general and specialized skills that are important (search google). Identify those you have and those you dont. Make sure all grounds are covered (either by improving yourself or hiring the right people) to be succesfull.

    Owning a business boils down to the following: you have to sacrifice everything for at least the first few years and there is no guarantee for success. A few tips off the top of my hat: plan ahead and be well prepared, think it through, have a backup plan, dont take things lightly, dont go too fast, find something you can put your heart and soul in for at least 60-80 hours/ week without getting burnt out and monetize it, make sure to cover your ass from every angle and be prepared to get fucked over (its a sharks world) if you dont, dont be a pushover, learn to negotiate, do things on your terms or work towards installing them, test your idea step by step, get shit done immediately, dont let clients waiting, be organized and use a system, dont waste time, drop all distractions (girls, social media, entertainment, porn, games, ...) and be ultra focused, make a strategic plan for your life and your business (be sure all parts fit together), stay single if you still are while building things up, and most importantly: find a mentor.

    Read the following books;
    1. Efficiency
    2. Getting things done
    3. The Laws of Success

    Most businesses need 10-50k to get up and running. Make the right choice. There will be many days you will say fuck it, but you just have to keep going. This is my experience. In the end, i know it will be worth it, for i will be financially independent while the rest of the world slaves itself away. The price for freedom is high but it can also be of short duration if you are smart about it.

    I might not be the best example of a traditional business, but working in construction is the real deal (wether you buil homes, are a carpenter, floorer or any other kind of trade). Theres a lot of assholes but its a man's world where hard work is rewarded and respected. Succeed in this and you can be real proud of yourself.

    Additionally, make sure your business is not just about the pursuit of money and wealth, have a spiritual side to it, or you will be consumed by the flames of passion like most businessmen. You will end up alone and fat snorting cocaine. Use your business as a road to freedom and service to humanity. Dont be another asshole.

    I hope this helps.
  10. Every day there are difficult moments. Unhappy or asshole clients, your planning gets fucked up due to others, you hired the bad employee, shipments dont arrive on time or are wrong, you are burried in work and paperwork, things take longer than you estimate, another day skipping excercise or meditation, you say fuck it to Nofap because you need a stress release, your girlfriend parents friends or whatever bitch about you having no time for them and declining invitations, you miscalculated some big job and make losses, you miscalculated some big job and arnt making any profit for a couple months, the bank wont invest in you because you just started out, you have trouble making payments, an asshole client sues you, tax payment day while realizing you didnt save enough money, payments in general, administration and paperwork awaiting you every single day, months without any day off (bye bye free sundays) ... the list is endless
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2021
    Asgardian36 and ruso like this.
  11. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    @PermRB Man, thanks for the two mega posts! Going to check out those books.
    PermRB likes this.
  12. JamesKing

    JamesKing New Fapstronaut

    My experience with the personal business was unlucky, as I started my own business before the start of the 2020 pandemic, which was a big mistake
  13. Universe Rebel

    Universe Rebel Fapstronaut

    Here is the "Secret" I use. Sell something people need and desire that they are willing to pay for. To them that something is of more value than its cost.

    You get the money. They get the item.

    Simple as that. You're welcome.
    championxo likes this.
  14. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Wow such an inspiring post,

    I dont have any skills that made so special and i think my world is such a tiny place its ofc thanks to porn that made me hikikomoried myself

    Do you think i must socialize more attend some classes before do bussines or just do the bussines,, the only thing that i can think of is selling some stuff on market place,,, its a vast sea of seller and i dont have any cinfidence selling in that area but i dont have any other idea tho
    Eagle_man and Asgardian36 like this.
  15. NestorB

    NestorB New Fapstronaut

    Good afternoon! I can not call myself an expert in business matters, but to begin with I'm sure you have to at least decide what you're going to do. Will it be manufacturing, cooking, maybe an Internet business? Money for the business can be given on credit, but the idea ...
    Whatever business you decide to start, you need to think carefully and plan everything. I had an idea for a business for a long time, but I had a lot of doubts. My acquaintances advised me to turn to the experts. These guys did a great job. And now a stable income and confidence in the future.
    An idea is of great significance for the startup. While a traditional business can be built upon price dumping, adding a bright marketing wrapper to the standard model, or other traditional ways of clients' attraction, a startup cannot follow the beaten path. It usually creates a new market or takes a vacant niche in the existing one.
  16. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    I like this thread! I will be part of this, After recovering of course! This will be my Specialty!
  17. OrthogonalToast

    OrthogonalToast Fapstronaut

    Not related to starting a business, but for a "side hustle" I worked a second job for a few months alongside my full time job to make a bit more money and maintain my skills in a different area, but after a couple of months I realized I had no free time and was tired all of the time so I quit and felt much better about life after that!

    Not saying you shouldn't start a side hustle, but I personally enjoy doing things for their own enjoyment outside of work. Trying to make money off of them makes me do the thing for a reason other than for its own sake, which is much less fun.