Relapse 91st Day... DAY 0

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by BetterMeForEver, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. BetterMeForEver

    BetterMeForEver Fapstronaut

    I relapsed on 91st day of nofap and one day after that too[chaser effect :(]. I'm writing this post to vent off. I mean all those benefits. I meditated daily, I was working out daily, I was reading more books, I was programming intensively wired in, I was thinking about business ideas, I was implementing and now this. All that hardwork of urges just messed up. I know the reason why. It started when I changed my sleep cycle unfortunately it messed up. I started to oversleep as a result, not meditate, not exercise, not work... only thing I remember doing is reading my book. That played a role as I was on the brink of relapse I made a matrix to why do it and why not, I had just passed 90 days. 85-90 were pretty bad days to be totally honest, and after 2 hours of discussion with my mind about relapse I broke down. That's where I went wrong. I thought about it too much, plus I masturbated to porn which is worse. I was feeling very horny and now I know even if I had to release I should have just jerked off, becuz I was very unstable at the time. Though watching porn again, I feel different. I'm not that passionate about it. But again, I understand that I have not rewired. All those years of beating myself, and hurting myself. THIS IS THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL I'm going in. I am falling into the same black hole I tried too hard to escape and apparently succeeded at it. Should I be a coward and stop? Should I face a little adversity and just bow down to it saying: "maybe I can't do it". That's the excuse of the 99% and I know it. I am not the 99%. No one on this forum is. We are the 1% that choose not to follow the script. I mean come on. My life was going so good and yes I had every excuse to relapse but only one to not. I believe it *was* a success because I had never even gone more than 37+ days and that was years ago. I guess new foundations have to be laid now. What worked for 90 days will not work for 365 days. I can't live like this. Jerking off to screens. I don't want to live like this. I choose not to do this. I'll now go back to the drawing board and come up with a new strategy. I mean I was deep down in the hell of porn and nofap saved me, I can't go back to that. Instead I should go up. This is not good and I understand I have a problem. I am naturally compulsive and an *over doer*. Maybe It happened because I'm a porn addict but I must transmute that energy. As I said when I was doing those great things like meditation and workout I was not fapping at all(yes I had a ton of urges but never to a point where I was deciding to relapse, relapse was never even an option but that option became available after 90 days[to my mind]). So lesson of the story is just keep doing great things. My passion is engineering, I want to build things that change the world. Whenever I was not doing that I had a hole in my heart. Even some days I went without meditation, but as long as I came back within 2 days I was okay. But this was a steady decline of 5-7 days and I am paying for it.
    To the reader: Relapse after 90 days is the worst thing you can do. Please, for the love of God don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. I struggled and so did everyone who relapsed after 90 days.
    By mistakes is how we learn and though I lost after 90 days, I found a flaw in my fundamental system on which my nofap system was based on{90 days}.
    Its just a number. I felt like a king, and yet after relapse I feel like a peasant.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  2. Kookaburra_Tree

    Kookaburra_Tree Fapstronaut

    Mate, well done on reaching 90 days! That's an incredible achievement and, even though you say you haven't, hopefully you've successfully rebooted.

    I'd suggest looking at it a different way. You said you're no longer passionate about watching porn. This may mean you need to replace it with actual relationships and sex. This is what I intend to do when I reach your level and I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like you've been though a lot, probably more than I can imagine, but you need to give yourself credit for what you've accomplished and decide what you want to do now you've passed the usual timeframe from rebooting. You don't pass that milestone without having good mental strength so hopefully you can use this in a positive way and move forward.

    Best of luck mate!
    Sam78 and BetterMeForEver like this.
  3. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    I am sorry bro same thing happened with me on day 108 today I am very fearful of loosing all those benifits that respect from people, that insane attraction from girls that amazingly high levels of energy, and that deep voice ohh I am very fearful I may loose all those superpowers. very tough time....
  4. Liven

    Liven Fapstronaut

    It must be really difficult to relapse after that long, i feel for you.

    I really dont like this 90 days reboot thing. All it does it set up a mental finnishlinefor people. It can be any number, 10,, 20, 30 etc. If your set on a figure you mentally relax after that. I fear it to. And i have failed becauised of it in the passed with examples 30 days. I'ts like in the gym, if you set a number of reps you want to make, say 8, you mentally relax after 8 reps. Maybe you could have done 10 instead.

    It's not about the days, the whole day counting thing is basicillay saying that it will end, but it doesent. There is no finnish line. It can be used as a crutch to see how far you've come. But i myself just get stressed out, yet i keep finding myself thinking about reaching a ceratin days or 90 days. I've often looked at it and be like "I want it to be higher!" "Oh no, only day x".

    But maybe i should not say something about it since i look at the number myself.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
    Korra and BetterMeForEver like this.
  5. BloodyM

    BloodyM Fapstronaut

    You gotta change your attitude towards NoFap bro.
    Stop talking like the whole world fell on your shoulders, this negativity won't bring to anything good..
    91 days without pmo is a huge achievement that not too many people can be proud of.
    Take yourself in your hands and take some time to think what went wrong, what things were changed and how can you improve it next time.
    I can guarantee you that NoFap had a 1% effect over your energy levels and your mood, the rest was your attitude.
    BetterMeForEver likes this.
  6. Ronzon

    Ronzon Fapstronaut

    Don't be too hard on yourself man, you've made it further than a lot of guys did. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.
    "Life isn't about how hard you can hit, it's about getting hit hard and getting back up."
    Sam78, vishu and BetterMeForEver like this.
  7. BetterMeForEver

    BetterMeForEver Fapstronaut

    Let's hit it bro.
    vishu likes this.
  8. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Too late, already did it.
  9. Assurance success.

    Assurance success. New Fapstronaut

    We know you can do it dude..yes you can do it..nofap is possible
    Sam78 likes this.
  10. Ferns

    Ferns Fapstronaut

    You should be proud of yourself achieving 90 days. Hell, I haven’t reached that mark till this day and I’ve been doing Nofap for 3 years lol

    And I’ve relapsed too after 47 days of clean days, I’ve just come to accept what happened and learn from it. Like, what causes my relapse. I noticed I was procrastinating with my self development and that was why.

    It feels horrible to relapse and start from day 1 but what I do this time is that I know it’s not worth relapsing just to feel the dopamine rush next time I have urges. And promised myself next time I bust a nut is on a woman lol

    Until then, I’ll humble myself and focus on grinding and next thing I know is that I’ve changed completely for the better.

    Stay strong my G.
    Sam78 likes this.
  11. SovjetOnion

    SovjetOnion Fapstronaut

    90 days?? Amazing. You are everything but a peasant. Keep in mind that what you're attempting is so challenging, difficult and requires great self control. A lot of people will shy away from what we do/attempt which is beating a legit addiction. For attempting alone, you deserve great respect and you have to remember that. Every time you attempt is another attempt to fight against one of the hardest demons in your life. You should see the dates you wrote down as every punch you handed out to beat this addiction. The only thing you gotta wait for, is the knockout punch, which is beating it for good. Good luck mate, you can do it!
    Sam78 likes this.
  12. hexmef

    hexmef Fapstronaut

    Wow 90 days is amazing! I know It's hard to begin from the start, I am sure that the work you puted on that last period it changed a lot of your behavior.
  13. Zexiant

    Zexiant Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Don't give up despite relapse. 91 days is amazing bro