Day 37 : How I got into the College I wanted ! (Manifestation ?)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ImprovingDay/Day, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. ImprovingDay/Day

    ImprovingDay/Day Fapstronaut

    Well this is going to be a little pseudo scientific and talk a lot about the manifestation part of nofap. If you believe in these things then this post will strengthen your belief to some extent , if you do not this will be an example to my hypothesis. Still its your choice to believe it in the end.

    So I got into IIT Hyderabad for my masters degree. IIT stands for Indian Institute of Technology. So that is one of the leading colleges for engineering in India. The education standard and the level of people that get admitted in this Institute is way above normal.

    Coming to the point how did nofap get me here: Actually I started NoFap to concentrate better on studies(it was one of my primary reasons). When ever I had a streak above 10 days or so , people would see noticeable intellectual increment in me. Whenever I used to relapse, I felt so tired and sick of living that I used to sleep in coaching classes. What got me admission was the entire summation of the instances when I was performing NoFap and studying overtime.

    The guy who got very high rank in the entrance exams was also with me. He told me he used to fap once in a month. So unconsciously he too was doing NoFap for like 30 days in a streak.So it is clearly implied that people who are working hard for exams and stuff don'f fap that much.

    If taking on 30 Days of NoFap can produce such results ,what will happen if I stopped for 60 days or for a year even. I believe that the results will be legendary.

    Question : How this is connected with Manifestation?
    Ans ) I used to daily think about going to an IIT when I was going to tuition. So Nofap was a result of my Manifestation as it was a way to get more focused, more concentrated and more determined towards it. Nofap gave me a conviction towards the goal that could be clearly seen or noticed by other people. I personally believe because I was so determined I could manifest more clearly , the more things aligned my way and more I ignore fapping.

    So today on day 37 after knowing all this and after noticing significant changes in me I will never go to fapping again.
  2. Black jack

    Black jack Fapstronaut

    I hope i also get a reputed college like you brother as i am also struggling in studies and NoFap is helping me to heal myself
    New_born and Gamebred305 like this.
  3. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    congrats bro you going to be next sundar pichaai !!
    Gamebred305 likes this.
  4. sonic123rainbow

    sonic123rainbow Fapstronaut

    I don't think he's a genious compared to anybody.
  5. light&light

    light&light Fapstronaut

    What methods did you use? meditation, exercise, self-talk?
  6. Son of shiva

    Son of shiva Fapstronaut

    Congratulations bhai,
    Nofap clearly boost our concentration and will power .We can see the effect even in a week.So keep doing nofap and you will touch the sky with glory.
  7. ImprovingDay/Day

    ImprovingDay/Day Fapstronaut

    Continue NoFap along with reading books on improving time and lifestyle management to maximize your productivity. Good luck on your journey and never stop improving.
    New_born and Black jack like this.
  8. ImprovingDay/Day

    ImprovingDay/Day Fapstronaut

    In my experience.
    Let me first mention what didnt work for me:
    1)Meditation only helps if you have been doing it for a while to get your mind off lewd thoughts.
    2)Reaching out to people is also a partial solution as it is available at 3am when you are at your weakest.
    3)Whole concept of using willpower to abstain from porn.

    What worked for me was 5 changes:
    1)Sticking to a simple schedule of sleeping early and waking up early(This will reduce the amount of willpower required to abstain from having such thoughts to a ridiculous amount)
    2)Deactivating Social Media : Too much triggers and sexual content so I personally stayed away from it , you can also just unfollow such accounts but I chose to deactivate it.
    3)Avoiding Negative People******** : Now this has a star as you cannot always avoid negative people and it is very important to stay away from negativity. Negativity for me was a trigger to relapse as porn was like a drug to numb me up. I always made it a policy to kind of sleep for a little while after such an encounter so that I can reboot my brain. After a little sleep and a bit of tasty food I can tackle the world again.
    4)Meditation works(With a lot of practice): Now as I mentioned earlier that meditation takes a lot of practice. What you would be aiming for in meditation is to locate the center of your urge. Where the urge is happening, what kind of feeling are you getting because of it. In simple words mindfulness.The only permanent solution to NoFap is mindfulness.
    5)Avoiding heavy and spicy food at night: Now this will take 3-4 days to get a habit of but one of the best ways to clear the head at the end of the day. See night is the weakest time for humans as after facing all the shit during the day we revert back to ourselves for some quiet. You will notice it with an experiment what this point is all about.
    For day 1-2: Eat meat and heavy dinner at night with lots of spices.
    For day 3-5: Practice fasting/eating light food at night
    record that stuff in a dairy, you will notice significant results that i leave to you to discover yourself.
    New_born and light&light like this.
  9. Optimistic100

    Optimistic100 Fapstronaut

    I am also from India....I have completed 58 days today (No PMO) but there is no increase in brain power. Also I had 120 days and 90 days streak in the past but there was no significant increase in my brain power.
    New_born and Srisurya like this.
  10. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    You will have to work on increasing brain power. You will have to study, think.
    Not Fapping is not going to do that for you. It will give you the ENERGY, WILL to do it, but it won’t magically increase your brain power, unless you work hard on it.
    New_born likes this.
  11. Optimistic100

    Optimistic100 Fapstronaut

    I am a student and I do study hard but that doesn't means that one becomes 'A genius' as mentioned in this post.
  12. ImprovingDay/Day

    ImprovingDay/Day Fapstronaut

    NoFap does increase mental clarity so you retain what you study better, if Nofap isnt doing much for you it is probably because you have already reached a plateau where the benefits become stagnant or you haven't racked your brain enough from day 1 to see the change in memory retention and computational time variation in computing answers.

    Personally I have noticed some additional benefits with a vegetarian diet associated with brainpower and increased mental clarity. You can always experiment with it for a week or so to see the results.
  13. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    In fact I don’t believe in genius.
    All those people who worship all these so called ‘Genius’ people spend far too much time worshipping, appalling, or being jealous about these ‘Passionate’ people.
    There is nothing like Genius. There’s only: Passionate or DisPassionate.

    Most people don’t find their true passion and keep struggling elsewhere for materialistic titles or whatever.