Cravings killing me right now

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Luuciano, May 23, 2015.

  1. Luuciano

    Luuciano Fapstronaut

    Guys it's my third day without MPO. Until now i was doing very well but now the cravings are really strong. I dont know what to do im alone at home and its already night here so there is nothing for me i can do outside. So do you guys have some advices? I dont want to relapse again
  2. NeedAChange

    NeedAChange Fapstronaut

    Do anything that keeps your hands above your waist! Tidy up, do the washing, sort out your wardrobe, maybe do some press-ups, splash some cool water on your face, just keep trying.
    Dailydoer likes this.
  3. Luuciano

    Luuciano Fapstronaut

    Allright thanks i'll try to do some of these now to free my mind
  4. jason3

    jason3 Fapstronaut

    Where do you live? I'll come over and beat you over the head if you give up now.
    3 days ago would you say I'm going to quit after 3 days?
    Go for a drive. Go for a run. Stay right here until are calmed down. You have 50 guys waiting to see you not fail.
    Dailydoer and Luuciano like this.
  5. ezmon

    ezmon Fapstronaut

    Hey brother,

    I agree with Jason. Pull yourself together and watch some motivational videos or something like that. Go on the emergency button and keep yourself motivated. I know it's hard man, yesterday I had strong urges, too and I was about to turn crazy but then I pulled myself together and went to sleep. I woke up with no more urges.

    But you know, always when the lust appears ask yourself the following questions:

    Do you WANT to make a change ? Or do you want to stay the same porn-dependent person as before ?
    Do you WANT to dig up your real personality by destroying your old one ? Or do you want to keep your real personality buried by PMO ?

    I know that you can DO it! Just believe in yourself. You can reach much more than just 3 days dude! I believe in you and I don't want you to give up you understand ?

    Watch some movies, go take a walk or do some exercises, cook, clean your room, read a book, play a game, talk to someone, chat with someone, research anything educational, watch a documentation, play with your cat or dog if you have one, look for new devices you can buy on the net, learn programming or designing! Just DO anything!

    And DON'T YOU DARE to give up brother!

    And if you once fall, then don't give up neither! Stand up and grab your sword, fight PMO again and try again! You'll grow stronger, grow wiser and better.

    With the best regards

  6. Luuciano

    Luuciano Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much guys! With your help i managed not to MPO yesterday! I just did a few things f.e. tidied up my room, played some videogames and after that i went sleeping. It was your advices and motivation that kept me away from doing those things! Thank you brothers!