An Exercise In Life: 19YO, 90 day reboot Journal

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Billb, May 8, 2015.

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  1. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    So I'm currently 23 days into my reboot, my goal being to beat my previous best and furthermore reach 90 days. I've chosen to start my journal at this because I feel like the real changes are starting to happen. I've previously had several 3-4 week streaks and recorded my feeling up to those points in seperate journals so if you're interested in that go check them out! Also I've been busy af with uni lately so I haven't really had time to make a committed effort to a journal.

    So a bit of background: I'm a male, 19, started the P cycle when I was around 13. Up until then I was very outgoing and aspired to stand out in most all situations. This may be a bit of an exaggeration but it legit felt that way which shows how great my mindset was. I'd say this translated into confidence. After 13 I slowly became less outgoing and confident (The onset of average skin didn't help). Anyway I had a real successful last year of high school and got into uni well. However I lack the confidence I once had.

    After discovering NoFap Ive been on a mission to regain that. Overall I'm hoping for self improvement on several levels, physically, mentally, confidence, social interaction, and intelligence.
    Wish me luck!
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
  2. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    Day 26:
    Things have been going really well! As I predicted I'm starting to see some real changes.
    I've been noticing that I'm far more willing to talk to people and when spoken to respond in a way which continues the conversation. When I see people that I know but haven't seen or spoken to in a while I no longer walk past them acting as if I'm looking the other way and not noticing them. Now I just smile and say hi. It's so much better! I've also felt that I've been improving sports wise, which may be a result of me being more confident in myself. Oh and I can't forget, whilst I was out the other night I was definitely getting more attention from the ladies. One chick was standing next to her boyfriend and I still caught her looking at me several times.
    So yea things are going sweet!
  3. Way to go Bill! Keep up the hard work!
  4. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    Day 36:
    So I finally beat my previous personal best! I'm pretty stoked and determined to now beat my new main goal of 90 days!
    I'm definitely feeling a lot better these days when compared to when I'd regularly PMO. I haven't had any real bad brain fog in ages and I'm definitely more focused when it comes to my studies which has lead to some really good results in recent exams.
    Being noticed more by chicks is seeming pretty legit. I was hugely skeptical when I first read about this but the results don't lie. There's no doubt I've had way more interaction with females recently. They just seem way more willing/ keen to talk to me. For example, the other day I was walking to my class and a chick that was in my group for one of my subjects was walking with some guy up ahead of me. At the time I was on the phone to my friend and just as I said 'cya' to him she heard my voice and turned around. She basically stopped waited for me to catch up to her and began talking to me. I felt sorry for the dude cause I didn't hear him say a word for the whole walk. Then the next day I was in a study class where a group of students help you out with the material, and this chick that was helping walked over to me and asked if I needed a hand several times even though I didn't ask. She definitely spent more time over near me than anyone else, it was mad!

    Oh and my voice is definitely getting deeper, it's awesome. When I speak now it sounds wayyyy confident and self assured!
    Keep it up everyone, it's worth it!
  5. powerd992

    powerd992 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for motivating me! I'm 23 and I'm on day 6, but I feel already more confident around people, and am starting to "speak up" more often, not afraid of what other people might think of what I say. I was the "quiet one" since I was 14 basically, after about a year of masturbation.. I hope I can reach your level, but sometimes "it's hard" (in every way) ..
  6. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    Your welcome! Cheers for showing some interest in this thread! It really makes it all the more worthwhile knowing that through me partaking in nofap and making a journal, others might gain the motivation to make a positive change in their lives.
    I understand what you mean, but just be persistent and I'm sure you'll experience some great benefits.
  7. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    Day 41:
    Nearly 6 weeks through! I definitely find that the cravings have eased. I don't think of fapping nearly as much anymore and when I do I can't see my self doing it, I don't really even consider it.
    So I was on the bus the other day an I started thinking. I realised that for the past couple of years I've been 'living', but not really living life. I wasn't nearly as excited to do things compared to when I was a child. It hit me that the vast majority of the time I would do things just to be accepted and impress those around me, even though the people around me did accept me normally. I just didn't do things for me. This was quite the epiphany. I still want to impress people around me, but now when I see something I'll act on it the way I want. As a result I've got a renewed interest in life. When I was little I was really into Hobbys, but that interest seemed to slowly extinguish is the past few years. I recently saw an ad on TV about something similar and the interest from my childhood reignited. When I got home I got into action, my mind had so many ideas, so much fulfilment to be had. What I'm trying to convey is really difficult to put into words, but I have to say that this new benefit trumps all the others. It's like a new goal, which when achieved results in true happiness, not the fake temporary dopamine happiness that pmo gives.
    So yea don't give up, keep going!
  8. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    Day 54: I relapsed.

    I was exposed to several triggers within a few days which planted a seed in my head. Which, as seeds do, grew and lead me to PMO. Guess I'll have to start again
  9. powerd992

    powerd992 Fapstronaut

    Guess so...Don't give up! And don't think about it, focus on what you accomplished already.
    And don't try to get to 90 without being in the now
  10. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    Cheers for the positive words and motivation!
    What do you mean by 'being in the now'?