please save me guys

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by aarush goyal, Dec 31, 2019.

  1. aarush goyal

    aarush goyal Fapstronaut

    am doing it each and every day.. i know i feel bad when i do it but i dont stop it.. first i do it then i spent some of my time time making me feel better.. its like a break when i get frustrated about my life i use to do it... i have done it today and did it yesterday.. now am soo tired please help me guys... i loosing myself please.. i beg you.. i beg in front of my god.. from all my true heart i am saying this please me right path
    OlderMM likes this.
  2. Cutting back on porn and eventually stopping it completely can be difficult, but it can be done. May I suggest limiting your exposure to it first? Maybe install some P blocking software on your phone or computer and hiding the password.
  3. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Nobody can save you, but we can help you save yourself. The desire for romantic companionship can also be looking for salvation in a sense, we think having that partner will solve everything and make us feel better - that is very unlikely. You might have a lot of brainfog right now but just take the first step as best you can, it gets easier in time but only if you start working towards it.
  4. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    It's ONLY YOU who can change your life! YOU are responsible for your THOUGHTS and your ACTIONS and the consequences of those thoughts and actions. That's all you can control. Realize that you want to live a fulfilling life more than you want to jerk off to some pixels on your screen and make a decision. Experience the miracle of life as it was meant to be lived. Sure it's gonna be hard, but "what comes easy won't last long, and what last long won't come easy" so start today


    1. NEED, WANT, SEEK:

    NEED -> Realization you need to change, because you are stuck in a loop, constantly seeking behavior that always has negative consequences
    WANT -> You really need to have a strong reason why you want to change
    SEEK -> be open to everything… learn, learn, learn. Implement what you've learned in your daily life. Join recovery group (forum or live).

    2. KEYS:

    1st DIET & EXERCISE -> far the most important key. Regular exercise helps with depression, anxiety, makes your body healthy
    2nd DEAL WITH THE PAIN FROM YOUR PAST -> Eckart Tolle: "Every Addiction starts with pain and ends with pain." Gabor Mate:" Not why the addiction, but why the pain."
    You need to resolve it or you've done nothing and you will always be one step away from relapse.
    3rd GRATITUDE -> Your brain will rewire itself to positivity if you train it no matter how FU you are right now and you will again become the the person you deserve to be. The best version of yourself you can possibly be at a given moment.

    Don't limit yourself, seek improvement every day. To achieve all this you'll need determination, self-discipline and consistency.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
    That'sJustDandy likes this.
  5. What do you think will change if you stop doing it every day?
    Do you think your life will become fantastic?

    You are depressed, you are in emotional pain, probably most of the time. You find ways to deal with the pain.

    What you should do instead of just guessing "ooh it maybe porn that is running my life" - why don't you just explore your life's issues, what makes you so miserable, so sad?

    All you know right now is - you feel like shit. What you need to figure out is - why you feel like shit.

    Only working on the issues you have will ease the pain and abusive coping behavior will go away on its own.
  6. Arnuld

    Arnuld Fapstronaut

    All of these are spot on especially #2. This is the missing link for so many. What’s hurting you? Why do you feel the need to escape from your life? It’s so important to come to grips with this.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  7. aarush goyal

    aarush goyal Fapstronaut

    And i masturbated again. How do i feel? I wasted.. i feel like I have no motivation.. i don't wanna get up.. now i can get up for only two things first one in faping and second is eating.. my eyes are hurting.. feeling like body shape has been ruined.. gas in my stomach.. dull skin.. laziness..i just don't want to do anything.. no focus on my career.. nothing.. what should i do..
    OlderMM likes this.
  8. aarush goyal

    aarush goyal Fapstronaut

    its being time taking to come here after every relapse to talk... because i need internet connection whenever i have to open this site.. and i get so frustated after fapping that i dont want to open any website.. because even if a good site. i evantually land up on pmo kind of sites... i feeling not good today as well
  9. Warren_Beatty

    Warren_Beatty Fapstronaut

    Hey bro you mentioned God in your original have to go to him because God is the only one who can do this work in you. Keep praying with a sincere heart but keep picking yourself up and going again. If you give up God has nothing to work with so you have to give him something. You will get there if you keep trying, we've all been where you are now, it's a necessary stage to pass through. You will fail so many times on this journey. You will be discouraged and want to quit. You'll think you'll never be free but this is a lie. You will overcome and the only things you need to do is keep trying and to pray for strength to God.
    Silent Watcher likes this.