This annoying thing again.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jsthetic, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. Jsthetic

    Jsthetic Fapstronaut

    Throughout my journey I've relapsed and reboot many times. I am able to go months without messing up. Recently I relapsed on July 23 and ever since then I relapse once a week or once 2 weeks. Help. This is annoying not being able to pass the month mark.
  2. Maddey

    Maddey Fapstronaut

    U will do just fine, just figure out what is driving u back to relapse. usually it could be loneliness or boredom.
    Enwar likes this.
  3. One month was all I could do before as well.
    It might be a good idea to just forget counting the days for a while. Delve into the whys and whens of your relapses.
    I keep several journals. In one, I make a note of dates & times of when I do stuff like look at pretty actresses on youtube or Google who have never done porn. Seeing those dates and times and comments about them gives me insight into my behaviour: It's very predictable and can be managed.
    The #1 thing you can do is see a counsellor or psychologist who has experience with addictions. Will power alone does not do the trick. Still, a month is not too bad - never give up.
    LavaMe and Enwar like this.
  4. BreakingBenjamin

    BreakingBenjamin Fapstronaut

    First weeks are hard, i convince myself that after one month it gets easier, because the sense of achievement will help me carry on more.
    testwarz and willpower2020 like this.
  5. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    I used to relapse weekly. I saw this as my problem to fix. I just relapsed after a month and a half. Once you’re at two weeks, three weeks, you start thinking about it less. Right in the one month to two month stage, you think you’re past it and let off your guard. I wouldn’t let off until you’re at a good four months, because by then hopefully you’ll have found better things to do with your time and you won’t want masturbation because you know it’ll make you feel icky again when you’re feeling awesome. I have a lot of super important stuff going on this week so relapse is totally not cool! Stupid me. But! Face forward, chin up, march! Keep it going :)

    What’s your longest streak?
    LavaMe likes this.
  6. Jsthetic

    Jsthetic Fapstronaut

    My longest streak. I've done 5 months with gf so I had sex. 4 months single. No sex
  7. Jsthetic

    Jsthetic Fapstronaut

    Ok guys help. I'm gonna talk to a therapist today. I've relapsed about 6 times since july 23 it is now August 28. I haven't been unable to stop for this long since a year ago. I thought I broke my habits. Pls useful advice is welcomed.
    Ogikubo and Carbon Icon like this.
  8. Carbon Icon

    Carbon Icon Fapstronaut

    Obviously you cannot do it on your own, just with willpower. So trying that again is a a waste of time.
    You need a new plan for recovery. Come up with one. Post it here for feedback.
    The plan needs to involve other people as you cannot do it on your own.
  9. Good for you!
    And remember, if you attend a few sessions and find that this is not the right therapist for you, have no hesitation in getting another one. This is about your life and your future. I wish you all the best.
  10. Gratefulforchange

    Gratefulforchange Fapstronaut

    Crap, sorry about that jsthetic! I posted my comments in the quote. Read it if you can but keep the faith man. You got this. You will recover!
    Jsthetic likes this.