My Success Story - THIS REALLY WORKS!!! DON'T GIVE UP!!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by psto006, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Thanks for sharing, and congratulations. Your wilderness sojourn was truly a time of renewal and new life. Now...stay strong!!! Don't let the easy access tempt you. You are an inspiration!
  2. foxmaestro

    foxmaestro New Fapstronaut

  3. LookNoHands!

    LookNoHands! Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your story. It's nice to find other guys my age who have gotten over PIED.
  4. SundayMorninBoy

    SundayMorninBoy Fapstronaut

    Soulidious you actually have it harder then most people over their mid 30's If you see in this post psto006 says

    "I am 45 and have been hooked on M since I was a teenager. In my 30's I discovered internet porn and loved it. Prior to that porn was rarely in my life, I rarely used porn."

    When psto006 was a teenager he did not have high speed internet. He said he didn't even use P. He has the advantage because When you were a teenager your dopamine levels were at an all time high. Your testosterone was also rapidly increasing and all this growth was stunted by high speed internet. It is so much worse than your imagination or even pornography magazines. Also the addiction is stronger because you started an addiction when your brain was still developing.
    The reward system in your brain tells naturally tells you "Food is good. Pain is bad. Sex is good for reproduction with one woman." And that is the kicker "One woman" When you look at high speed internet your reward system is constantly being stimulated. Multiple tabs or rewinding and fast-forwarding. All of the stimulation in the advertisements constantly in the corner of your eye. All of this is telling your caveman brain "Mate. Sex good with woman" repetitively with hundreds of different women. Your reward system is shooting dopamine off over and over again. Not good.
    I am 23. And probably like you and almost every other male in our generation we were raised on high-speed internet. Our addiction became stronger even though we haven't been doing M and O for as long because our testosterone and dopamine levels were so high as teenagers. We got hooked on the good stuff and so our addiction is stronger. A study was done that surveyed men from 20-25 and compared to men over 30. The study shows mens apathy from 20-25 is sky high where mens over 30 is not nearly as bad. And that men our age masturbate much more often. Also in the past decade (since high speed internet was popularized) the apathy overall in men throughout all ages has increased rapidly. High speed internet is the main culprit here!
  5. psto006

    psto006 Fapstronaut

    I have now doubt that it would be much harder for a person who was raised with Internet porn to recover than those of us who were much older. All your points are valid and make a lot of sense. That doesn't mean it feels any easier, however. Being in the condition I was many months ago was still very damaging to my marriage, my sense of self worth and my health. From where I stood during the beginning of the process it truly was hard. A younger man may find it harder to recover without a two decade history of PMO free life behind them already. I want to encourage every one, regardless of age, to keep fighting. Don't give up.
  6. fsteier

    fsteier Fapstronaut

    well well. really good feedback. i believe as soon as you realize porn is bad you'll stop using it. but you have to really want it. i was surprised how easy it was for me. the first few weeks were really bad, but after a couple of months (around 4).... i also lost my interest in porn. well... a little interest is still there, but i keep ignoring it when it comes up every once in two weeks.

    thanks for your story!