My Success Story - THIS REALLY WORKS!!! DON'T GIVE UP!!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by psto006, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. psto006

    psto006 Fapstronaut

    Hello. I have been here for several months now but have not posted yet. I have been skeptical about whether this would work or not, but, like many others among us, was at rock bottom with nowhere else to turn. After a 90 reboot I am proud to say that I have experienced almost all of the benefits mentioned by others.

    I am 45 and have been hooked on M since I was a teenager. In my 30's I discovered internet porn and loved it. Prior to that porn was rarely in my life, I rarely used porn. As the 40's drew near I started experiencing ED. I got medication for it and that fixed it for a few years, but ultimately failed. Eventually ED got so bad that I couldn't perform for my wife causing a serious strain on the relationship. Also, having been into P for so long I lost interest in my wife and needed more extreme stimulation even for my daily M habit.

    Over a year ago I took a job in an extremely remote part of the country where there was very little access to the internet or cell phone service. I spent many months going cold turkey off the P. I experienced all sorts of withdrawal symptoms like so many other people described (flatline, cravings, etc.). I still M'ed regularly, but even that was difficult. After several months I made a trip back to the big city where I happily engaged in PMO. However, something was different. It wasn't as satisfying, exciting or pleasurable as before. I had no interest in it while I was doing it and it felt shameful and strange. I had no clue at that time that I had inadvertently cleaned myself up from my P habit. Before my next assignment took me back out into the wild I stocked up my laptop with plenty of downloads in anticipation of another many months out of internet and cell service. Later I was surprised to find that my new stash was totally uninteresting to me and that made me curious. At this point I started to wondered if I had been addicted to the P. I decided to delete the stash just to be sure. That was about 6 months ago.

    About 4 months ago I got to a place where limited phone service and data was available. I started researching P addiction and was shocked to find that I had been experiencing the symptoms of addiction for many years. All the negative effects everyone mentions are things I experienced. When I realized that my addiction and habits were the cause and that others were recovering with the help of this site I decided to jump in with both feet. I made sure all the P was off my laptop and phone. I got rid of anything that might be a trigger, no matter what it was. I vowed to give up M and P for a full 90 days.

    I can't say I went 90 days with no M, but I went from an average of once or twice a day to maybe once every two to three weeks. I definitely had no access to P. There was no real desire for P at that time having already pretty much cleaned myself up from it in the prior months, but I definitely removed all potential triggers.

    I recently returned home. My job in in the remote wilderness is now over and it's time to return home to rebuild the lost ground in my marriage. For the last week I have been home with my high speed internet, high speed cell phone service and a million cable TV channels. I have found that, even though it's available any time I want it, I have no desire whatsoever for P or M. NONE! I also have found that my ED is GONE!!! Achieving an erection is no problem at all when I am with my wife. Intercourse is no problem at all now. I have had successful sex 5 of the last 7 nights. I think we haven't had it that many times in the last several months I was home! I have no anxiety now about sex. I have all the superpowers still (confidence, charisma, energy, etc.). I won't lie to you and say that I feel 21 again, but I definitely have set the clock back a good 15 years. I will continue on this path and continue to build on what I have accomplished. I now know that the future is brighter.

    If you are like I was and you are wondering if you are beyond saving (like I felt) I want to assure you that THIS REALLY WORKS!!!. Don't give up! If I could recover so can you! Really, I thought I was much worse off than anyone else described and I felt that there was no hope for me, too. JUST TRUST ME.. This shit works!

    Deleted Account and Ploutos like this.
  2. PrevCDM

    PrevCDM Guest

    You're story is amazing! Thank you for sharing it. It is very inspiring and I'm so happy to have read it. Keep up the good fight!
  3. Soulidious

    Soulidious New Fapstronaut

    Thanks a bunch. I have been on here for a couple months now and finally made my first post. I feel ashamed to be having any difficulty at the young age of 22. But I know it's a problem, and I know I can fix it. People like you give me the inspiration to succeed.

    -Deepest regards
  4. JensDK42

    JensDK42 Guest

    Soulidious, don't be ashamed. Do you want to become a better man? It's easier if you just leave it behind. (Easier said than done, amiright) but you and others will benefit if you move on. I'm 17 for reference
  5. Kratos1

    Kratos1 New Fapstronaut

    Congrats! Glad to hear a good success story!
  6. Howie

    Howie Guest

    Congrats bro on your efforts...It keeps me encouraged now that im 3 weeks in to keep going....
  7. Steel Fury

    Steel Fury Fapstronaut

    Don't be ashamed, be glad you've found this problem now. At 22 you have plenty of life ahead of you if you can fix it.

    OP, great post. It also highlights another potential strategy for recovery -- getting as far away as possible for an extended period of time.
  8. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    congrats man! working out in the forests in nature must be amazing, i dream about it, i am a cubicle robot
  9. psto006

    psto006 Fapstronaut

    Actually being so isolated and away from temptation was extremely effective in breaking the cycle. I doubt that it would have been very effective long term had I not realized what was actually going and followed a reboot plan. Without that I likely would have reverted back to my old ways upon returning home. This community is to thank for my recovery (still ongoing) more than the isolation alone. My appreciation is to all of you who have participated in this forum. Without you all this would not have been possible.
  10. Jamescrow

    Jamescrow Fapstronaut

    Good job man. Love reading story like yours :)
  11. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    Wow, psto006...the second paragraph of your story is my story. Word for word.

    My job won't take me out into the wilderness any time soon, so I'll have to buck up and do it despite access to all of the temptations...but it's great to hear how well this all has worked out for you. It's a real inspiration for me to stay on course and beat this. Thanks!
  12. redsunsets

    redsunsets Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this psto!

    Its a great post - and really encouraging to hear :)
  13. Collin-Eades

    Collin-Eades Fapstronaut

    Congrats my friend. Hope you find more and more benefits as you go along
  14. psto006

    psto006 Fapstronaut

    I am happy to hear that I'm not the only one! When I started nofap I was a little discouraged because so much of the information I read was about much younger men and I doubted it would be effective for me. I stayed with it though as I felt it was my only hope to be normal again. Thankfully it worked better than I imagined. I wanted to share my story so that others would know that it does work and that it will work for them. I am thankful for the fresh start I have after so many years of the pain and frustration that all of us here know. Again, DON'T GIVE UP!
  15. Cojax

    Cojax Fapstronaut

    Great story! Really got me inspired now!
  16. Surrender

    Surrender Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your post. This kind of stories inspires me to go on.

    Bless you man!
  17. wally_s

    wally_s Fapstronaut

    "I am thankful for the fresh start I have after so many years of the pain and frustration that all of us here know."

    Thank you, psto006, thank you for sharing your experiences! I'm 52 and only just recently learned these realities about my condition. Before I'd just made up all kinds of reasons and excuses for why things were the way they were and when it came to sex, my life was all depression and despair. Now I'm so full of hope because of stories like yours and so many others here, I mean, it really gets one fired up, ready for change, ready for a new existence, way to live, a new life! Thanks again!
  18. ds112358

    ds112358 Fapstronaut

    This is an excellent post and is very inspiring, thank you. The science cannot be denied, and all we need to do is put the necessary work and effort in to it.
  19. TimmyTwoShoes

    TimmyTwoShoes Fapstronaut

    Inspiring man, thanks for the post!
  20. tjh13

    tjh13 New Fapstronaut

    thanks that given me motivation to start