F*****g shower.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ekhangel, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Dear Brothers in Fap,

    I don't really tend to post threads around here anymore - I thought I was more or less on a good way to starting a life without masturbation, without that constant feeling of guilt and worthlessness. And I really am succeeding in a way - after all, my relapse today was at a ~100 days streak, which was already the third streak of that length. And yet, despite being pretty good at controlling myself for some time, I always seem to fail somewhere around 90-100 days. I'm not sure why. This time I wasn't even really counting days, thinking it's irrelevant to my development. And I stand by that conviction.

    This thread has no other purpose than just self-meditating and sharing my thoughts with you - especially since I have no one else to share them with in my lonely life. NoFap was the spark that was supposed to change my solitude and misery, and I'm not saying it isn't helping. I'm still not there, though.

    Today's relapse was of a rather awkward nature; recently I found a new, silly way of sexual arousal that seemed innocent at the beginning, but which - quite obviously - constituted a threat of which I had been aware: pouring hot water at my penis and genitals, which gives a nice sensation and never fails to provide an erection. After numerous sessions of that sort which I had been managing to end without relapsing or edging, I failed this morning, using a combination of penis rubbing and water pouring - it was my first and only self-made orgasm without touching. Hell of an accomplishment, huh.

    Obviously, it didn't happen just like that - there was the usual moment of struggle of the "reasonable section" of my brain with the other part that just got out of bed depressed and tired with life and its challenges (of which there aren't even many in my life). Then I started doing it, thinking it'll end like always: with a short and pleasurable sensation, and that's it. This time I went a step further, being completely aware of the consequences. Any addict knows that logic and reason fail in the face of an irrational desire.

    This is not the first time this pattern took place, however - my previous relapses were also depression-induced. Some sort of resignation always seems to hit me around day 100; like I am tired with resisting any longer, or something. The truth is, I don't experience any positive effects of the abstinence other than the (precious, indeed!) feeling of moral integrity that was my basic reason for abstaining in the first place. But the moral integrity - the knowledge and the feeling that you're not sinning against your most abstract ambitions and dreams - just seems so hard to maintain when my life remains a dull, tasteless routine of working and sleeping, with hardly any extra content. The most pathetic thing is that I know the exact ways to change this, and I do have the potential, but I always lack the energy, the drive and the belief in myself to get out of the vicious circle.

    So, let the conclusion of this gloomy post be: don't blame masturbation for your problems - it is not the cause of your misery, but a symptom. A masturbation in itself is merely a physiological activity of which reasons lie deep within you. It is those reasons that you have to realize, and I believe ceasing masturbation is just the first step of this process - it's like rolling up the long carpet of your failures. Well, this certainly doesn't apply to those for whom PMO is just an obstacle to scoring chicks with a monster erection, but I know there are also many people here who, in their reasoning, connect masturbation with their low self-esteem, loneliness, social anxiety and so on.

    Apart from maintaining abstinence, we also have to add something to our lives - we can't just take away things, hoping the rest will sort out itself somehow. This is what I have learned throughout my struggle. I am happy and proud not to masturbate that often anymore, and - especially - to have eliminated porn out of my life completely. It allows me to be more at peace with myself. But this obviously did not change my loneliness and the shallowness of my daily existence - to change this I need to take further action. I need to interact with other (decent) people more, I need to gain the feeling of accomplishment in my life (other than completing another translating assignment at work). I need to ensure that everyday I have a good, valid and attractive reason to get up, so that showering my fucking dick does not remain the last resort in gaining any pleasure from life. Geez.

    If only this was as easy as it sounds...

    I've been sitting all day today doing nothing (despite work pending) and feeling horrible about it. I will now drive to the pool just to swim from one end to another, wondering why I am even doing this, and then reminding myself I wanted to be fit at some point in my life.

    I only hope there won't be any good looking girls around, so that I won't have to feel like a pathetic, relapsing moron who's unworthy of even glancing at a woman.

    Cheers to you all,

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
    NF-8900 likes this.
  2. iwanttobemyoldselfagain

    iwanttobemyoldselfagain Fapstronaut

    You had an amazing streak, congrats! Relapsing was bad definitely, but I'm sure you have come a long way from when you were completely addicted to porn. Don't beat yourself up too much over the showering thing, it isn't called an addiction for nothing, and no one said it'd be easy. We just have to keep trying.
    Doing it for moral reasons is just as solid as doing it for a healthy sex life or stopping ED or just getting laid more often. Keep at it. God is with you, and the benefits of stopping PMO far, far outweigh the momentary pleasure. Good luck for your next streak. Hope it's longer than the previous one and you emerge clean. All the best!
    NF-8900 likes this.
  3. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Thanks, mate.
    NF-8900 likes this.
  4. SeekingClarity

    SeekingClarity Fapstronaut

    The relapse doesn't take away the great streak you had. One thing you could try in the future is cold showers. Or at least lukewarm showers. Just something to consider!
  5. Idontevenknowanymore

    Idontevenknowanymore Fapstronaut

    +1 to the suggestion about cold showers. It can shock you out of that mindset you get into when the urge becomes too great and you try to rationalize in your mind, like you did, about ways that you can work around the goals that you have set for yourself because it's "not technically masturbation" even though it is. But the mind will twist it to have you fall into familiar patterns. It's not so pleasant to touch yourself when the water is ice cold, so if you're up for it, try to make every shower a cold one from now on ;)

    I hope this doesn't come across as if I'm bashing or slamming you in any way as I know exactly what being in that mindset is like, from personal experience. Consequently, I also know that ugly feeling of guilt, shame and failure that comes when you cave in. And that cocktail of negative emotions is never worth the short release and satisfaction that comes from giving in.

    100 days, man, it's quite something! Don't devaluate your accomplishment over a mistake. You'll reach 100 again, and pass it!
  6. KoalaDude

    KoalaDude Fapstronaut

    Hey man. Just wanted to say that I think I understand what you're feeling.
    It's not techniques and tips you need, it's the real change of heart.

    You are clearly capable of abstaining from PMO for 100 days at a time, that is a great accomplishment. But they are just days and numbers after a while.

    I too am getting diminished "benefits" of nofap these days. After many recovery attempts, each attempt feels rather dull. There is no "I'm going to kick it this time!, I'm going to change my life! type of eagerness anymore.

    For the last few days I felt incredible social anxiety when I felt bursting confidence the weeks before. All during my current nofap streak.

    Real change in the mindset and circumstances is what you seek, and I agree with you that PMO is not the sole cause of misery.

    And LOL at: "I only hope there won't be any good looking girls around, so that I won't have to feel like a pathetic, relapsing moron who's unworthy of even glancing at a woman."
    I hope that was sarcastic and if not a little self-deprecating.
  7. CaptainFaptastic

    CaptainFaptastic Fapstronaut


    I do understand you. Im at a 36day streak now and i found out that abstinence is very easy. But once you've eliminated your comfort zone, you do feel void. And as you said, it's YOU who has to fill the void with your dreams.

    Make sure you have a clear vision of what you are and what you will become. This is the most important thing in your life! Don't struggle with yourself just because you relapsed today, dont beat yourself up. You've been doin 100+ days man! 3 times!

    You have to give your life some kind of direction and develop an inner strength to take courage. It is hard. I know that and you know that too. but you will be rewarded and you will never have to feel like a
    My advice is that you sit down and make plans what you want to become. Take a whole day, a whole week if necessary. And once you've made a decission, nothing is going to get in your way.

    I hope this helps you.
    Have a nice day :)
  8. jayce_9

    jayce_9 New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, if I take a shower and I don’t do it sexually but when I rub the shower gel onto the penis I feel sexual tension like a little pleasure + tingling feeling but I don’t get hard and feel like peeing. It’s considered edging?? Cause I have this problem for some time and now I’m day 145 and idk what to do.. I am afraid I will just rub it to clean it without any sexual intentions and because I’m sensitive I’ll cum and lose my streak. Some will say use cold water but I got used to cold water and it doesn’t have that effect of numbing the feeling of the penis + I got bladder cold (UTI I think and it’s not good , I took some meds and last night I took a shower and I tried grabbing it in a way to not feel pleasure when taking care of my hygiene and I grabbed it hard to lose the feeling but it felt weird and I felt bad like I’m doing it sexually and stopped , put some cold water to numb it cause it felt tingly like something wants to burst out and after that I started feeling pain in the bladder area haha. And now I feel pain. What solution do you guys have for this shower sensitivity?