Men on Strike-Read it!!! by Dr. Helen Smith

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by KoalaDude, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    Women are becoming more independent and men are becoming little boys. I'm behind women 100%, but men are forgetting what it means to be men. They're becoming rather pathetic.

    Even though women are making a lot of progress, they're still enduring a lot of gender discrimination and aren't getting paid as much for the same work as their male counterparts ... which I find to be rather stupid in this day and age.

    I think men should be on strike for not letting their balls descend properly and not because women are making more progress in the world.

    All of the above is being said from the perspective of someone living in the United States. I don't know how women's rights are in other countries ... and obviously there are still countries in which women have almost zero rights ... so equality varies from country to country.
  2. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    This isn't the case in first world countries, let alone the United States. They are paid equal amounts as their male counterparts for the same work. It's comments and understandings such as this that breeds ignorance and lack of knowledge that pro-feminist people follow blindly.
    Kiddy likes this.
  3. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut


    A man and a woman can not fight or compete against each other. They both need to come together and support each other. A life by yourself is harder than a life with a companion to take care of you and vise versa.

    ~Squeaky Soul
    Kiddy likes this.
  4. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    WTF are you talking about? Making things up doesn't make them true. Sorry.
  5. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
  6. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    Or maybe you're looking for biases where there are none. Please provide a definitive article backing your claims of no gender wage differences regarding men and women in the United States instead of calling people ignorant and stating they are supporting extremist feminism. I don't support extremist feminism, I support facts. If I'm mistaken, please back your claims with solid information and not accusations of my intentions toward whatever it is you're accusing me of.

    I understand that there are a variety of factors influencing that pay gap percentage, like stay at home moms, taking more time off work, etc.. but to flat out say with absolute certainty there's no gender pay gap is not accurate either. I will admit the data is flaky.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
  7. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    The sole reason there is a pay gap between men and women is because women work less. Like you said, taking more days off work, stay at home moms, etc. However they are paid equally. They don't earn less because they are women. You really need to read before you blindly regurgitate what a pro-feminist organization posts on their respective website.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
    Kiddy likes this.
  8. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    I agree with that. :]

    And you need to learn to communicate better because starting a conversation with accusations doesn't lead to positive response.
  9. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Daaaaaaayum! Abel is tellin' it like it is!

    ~Squeaky Soul
  10. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I think maybe the wage gap seems large too is because many decently high paying jobs aren't as accessible to women physically. I'm a plumber, and by all means a woman could do most the work, but some of it is back breaking labor and HEAVY lifting. Most of the trades are like that.

    So that leaves a lot of lower paying jobs if you aren't going the medical or business/administrative route.

    I honestly don't know what point is, I'm so tired.
    Kiddy likes this.
  11. ponderingwonder

    ponderingwonder Fapstronaut

    I find it unbelievable that companies have to by law in the UK pay for a womans maternity leave for as much as the full 9 months. Why should a company have to pay for a woman or man to take so much time off to have a child. That's discrimination against the rest of the people at the company who have to pick up the pieces and work harder.
    I don't really care what the facts may be I just disagree with the situation so much. For this reason I think bosses have every right to employ a man over a woman as there is less risk.
    If you want to have a child you should have to save up your holiday time and take that off all at once. Any more time on top of that should be unpaid. (in my honest opinion)
  12. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    My honest apologies if you felt I was accusing you. I am simply tired of hearing all of these, excuse my language, bullshit feministic stats that are absolutely not true (well at least in the sense they use them in).

    Kiddy likes this.
  13. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    I apologize too. I'm very moody from this NoFap thing. >_> I didn't mean to snap, lol.
    Kiddy likes this.
  14. KoalaDude

    KoalaDude Fapstronaut

    Yeah your views are exactly why Dr. Helen Smith decided to write this book. To explain to you that men are not in fact refusing to grow up and "manning" up. Rather the society has made it very difficult for men to carry out traditional roles.

    "forgetting what it means to be men"?
    Most of them were never taught in the first place because all those angry mothers took away the child from the father.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  15. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    One person writes a book and you choose not to compare it to the views of anyone else's work? You're just taking it as gospel? I choose to question everything. When I'm wrong, I'll admit I'm wrong. But I won't sit here and just blindly accept someone's viewpoint because they wrote a book. I've changed my thoughts and ideas many times because I choose to study and learn and grow. I can be very wrong about certain things and that's okay. I won't defend a viewpoint to death if it turns out to be horribly wrong.

    And in what society are you referring to? There are many societies and cultures ... some are wildly different than others. "Society" is not a singularly unified concept. It differs all over the planet.
  16. Rewired

    Rewired Fapstronaut

    The economy benefits greatly from little consumers being born, so the economy should support breeding. Not punish it.
  17. XQJ-37

    XQJ-37 Fapstronaut

    I’m gonna throw my hat in the ring on this one, just for a shit stir. I live in the weirdest male culture on the planet, our Prime Minister thought it would be a rallying cry to address the nation with the phrase “Team Australia”, which by the way is not a sporting reference it’s a corporate reference because in some strange mangulation of our language we’re not shop assistants anymore we’re team members.

    I live in the uneducated swill part of the land occupied by checkout chicks, dishpigs, bushpigs, dickheads and wankers, Westies, rubbernecks and silver tail toffs. Everybody is on the Boogen spectrum to some varying degree's in this country but wankers in this country seem to occupy all the social class’s and both of the sexes. CEO’s in this country have to be from the silver tail wanker variety although on rare occasions they do rise to the top from the boogen end of the spectrum, such as our former Prime Minister Juula.

    Some bright spark on the opposite team had noticed that what she said before the election was not entirely in keeping with her performance in being team leader of this slip slap sloppy land called Stralia and God forbid she was a woman but she was the worst type of woman she was a lying woman. The Stralian battlers had to deal with the never ending fisty cuffs that eventually turned into a divisive discussion about sexism and not the real issue which was why do we pick leaders in this wide and browning at a faster rate country not by how much we like their policies but by the degree that we dislike the personality of the other guy or gal such as in this case.

    I was surprised by the feminist argument, it was like they had only just cottoned on to the fact that our political leaders speak to each other with appalling language. I was mullet faced with this for a while but the truth remained that everybody, the opposite team, the toffy wankers in the media and the vast uncouth ‘n unwashed held on to the fact that she was a woman who lied. Like a mangy dog with his first bone in week it was the crux of the whole argument. Thus uncovering a bloke’s deepest fear, is my Shelia rooten around behind my back?

    Politicians pander to our emotions to get elected, the very way that they speak is a downright lie and they treat the general population like a shit kicking council worker trying to pick up a bushie down the pub on a Friday night, they’ll say anything to get in her pants. Now the real question is, is it the bushies fault for wanting to believe it time and time again or the lying shit kicking dickhead who just wants get his end wet. The bushie wants to crack a wide on as well and this joker will do because he keeps buying drinks, much like the previous CEO, ol’ Jonny boy

    I miss the cadence of her voice, her red hair and that far away Cassowary stare in the bullpit of question time. Our first Woman Prime Minister is top’s in my book’s because she showed us who we are, a weird male culture that has an underlying fear of the real power of women. We can’t accept the fact that women are the stronger sex, emotionally their stronger and sexually their stronger and their strength is in their softness. Our weakness is in our hardness, our rigid brittle ideas that break at the first bit of fluff that floats our way.:)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
  18. KoalaDude

    KoalaDude Fapstronaut

    Uhm what?
    I wrote this post to feature a book that shares my view point. Of course not every single point she makes resonates with me personally but I wanted to give a shout to people that such exists. I said what I said because you sound very condescending.
    In what way am I defending the view point to death? it sounds like you're the one throwing the ultimatum because your viewpoint is not taken to full effect on me and others.

    I don't even know what you're referring to, why don't you talk about specific issues instead of telling me my view point is not valid and that you're somehow better because you admit that you're wrong. I'm not talking about things that can be right or wrong it is a matter of opinion.

    It seems to me you are assuming a lot of things. Don't say you are somehow more open minded because you "choose to study and learn and grow". Why you think nobody else does?
    If you ran out of things to say and can't talk about a specific issue, just keep out of it.

    And to address your question, I'm mostly referring to North American Society the general public the author has interviewed.

    I'm glad it got a lot of people talking here though
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
    Kiddy likes this.
  19. XQJ-37

    XQJ-37 Fapstronaut

    Regrettably, there is no greater sting of injustice then ones own personal experience.:)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
  20. what is real man or true man