50 days !

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Sentinel, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. I reached 50 days today and I therefore somehow felt obligated to say it out loud.

    Brain fog has passed away, feelings aren't cluttered, sense of living in the moment more easy to achieve and overall I'm feeling healthy! Confidence is at my all time high, anxiety is extremely low and after a very long time in my life, I'm expecting things in a different way. In a like "I'm-gonna-go-get-that" way, if you know what I mean. NoFap also means new unforeseen challenges. More sensitivity and deeper feelings of happiness also -means- more responsibility. You want to become an even better human being.

    This is my longest streak too. I haven't got wings, a hot blond from a repetitive CSI bullshit TV show or a Ferrari Testarossa but lemme just tell you guys this. You get a strong feeling, that gut sense that's tellin you, that you are now closer than ever // available to receive. Because you've removed the biggest roadblock in yourself. The barricade that blocked all gifts of life and made you a demotivated, anxious procrastinator. You're ready to get educated, to be loved, to experience life with new eyes and with a whole new perspective.

    So I'm telling that even though I'm only at day 50 , I'm not really where I wanna be, but now I'm READY!

    Ready to face the challenges, to help, to reach my dreams.
    (And ready for spring and allergy! Awesome!)

    Thanks! //
  2. iwillstop

    iwillstop Fapstronaut

    That's awesome man, great to hear about your success. I wish you all the best in now trying to finish the rest of the year PMO free.

    Stay Strong - iwillstop
  3. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    congrats - good streak!
  4. docker

    docker Fapstronaut

    RedDeer Congratulations! You should be proud of your self. Keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. iwillstop, monkotto and docker. Thank you all! You're all awesome individuals with great goals. One day, you'll be there.
  6. greekman

    greekman Fapstronaut

    inspiring reddeer,keep walking ;) !!
  7. nofapjt

    nofapjt Fapstronaut

    congratz. ive had the urge to relapse this morning becasue life sucks right now but your post was motivating
  8. NoRelapse4U

    NoRelapse4U Fapstronaut

    I wish I could say the same after 60 days... Damn Youtube has me tied up. Even brain fog is goneee like the wind, procrastination levels are at an all time high!
  9. Thanks greekman!

    I still agree NoRelapse4U, even though I'm at 56 days, it is everything but easy. Brain fog is GONE and the POWER is mine, but what's that saying: "with great power comes great responsibility" <- Put in a bad context, but you know what I mean. It feels difficult on a whole new level. Turn procrastination into creativity or listen to music. It works wonders. You just need to activate yourself.

    nofapjt, I ain't gonna lie, life feels like fucken shit right now. Cold and shitty weather, unemployed, overdraft bank account, feels like midlife crisis but then again, I'm only in my early twenties. Just remember, good times are coming and the best thing you can do (what I do) is get ready to receive. Be thankful for what you already have. I'm even thankful for my Vista PC from 2007, even though it is incompetent in every way. Have faith. The good things are on your side, it just takes some time now and then.
  10. willgrit

    willgrit Fapstronaut

    You guys are a great inspiration. But please dont let that make you feel proud. I made that mistake when I hit my 21 days for the first time. And I havent even been able to re-do that again.

    But I absolutely agree with everyone here. It is not easy. BUt at the same time, it is not impossible either.