Here's Why NoFap is Essential for Spiritual Growth

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Alpinist, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @DannyCool : I concur with RyanRVA, thanks for being direct about your questions. I must say, I do not believe Sexual Transmutation or Tantric Sex is a silver bullet. There are many masters which I am learning from from different traditions who were celibate. Master Yogananda, the great Vedantic Swami's Vivekananda and Sivananda. Milarepa of the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition was celibate, Paul of Tarsus and many other Christian Saints were celibate. In this sense, as I've mentioned before, celibacy isa great option if that works for you. Remember, none of us would be here if it was not for sex. Our bodies, which I think we all agree are a gift, are the product, the outcome of sex. If therefore, the whole world was celibate that would be the end of the human race and that would many other beings of light (souls, spirits, incarnations etc. etc.) would not have the opportunity to incarnate and experience divinity for themselves. So procreation cannot be ruled completely. Yes it can be ruled out by purists, by monks and by those who by choice, prefer being so. That is good. But to take a blanket silver bullet approach is not the way dearest bothers and sisters. Unity in variety is the essence of creation, as much as we may hold differing view point, we all know in depths of our hearts that there is something (that way may not be able to describe) that unites us all. So my simple view DannyCool is that if celibacy works for you be celibate - follow your heart, follow your conscience and do that which your spirit commands even if the whole world turns against you for it. However, it is a fallacy to prescribe celibacy to every human being on this planet, just as it is a fallacy to prescribe sexual transmutation to every human being on this planet.

    @DannyCool : Thank you for your honesty mate! I wish you nothing but the best on your journey - read Emerson's Self-Reliance and read James Allen's Standing Alone. They will assist you in being steadfast and honouring the dictates of your own conscience. On a closing note dear brother, I'd also like to share the following with you about my personal journey. I have also chosen not to be in a relationship for now. I've been addicted to PMO since the age of 12 and it felt utterly impossible for me to be free. I used to M daily, my mind would drag me hither and thither with thoughts that I felt I could not help and I absolutely hated myself. I felt like an absolute slave... ho I am today is a miracle. I was addicted to Alcohol (I nearly killed myself and was hospitalised three times with chronic pancreatitis and severe alcohol poisoning), I was addicted to Marijuana (by age 15 I had been arrested 3 times and had been in rehab), I was addicted to cigarettes (nicotine), Ecstasy (I got to the point where I would popp 5 pills a night just to feel even a slight sensation). I OD'd on Acid at age 16, I later OD on cocaine and got addicted to Cocaine in my early university years to the point where my sister saw me high one day and forced me into rehab for fear of losing me as her brother because her friend had a brother who was also addicted to Cocaine and committed suicide. Ok, I'll stop there, but my point here is that I am a living miracle... I am a walking, talking miracle because the moment I changed my life and started honouring my own conscience and intuition its then that doors for y life that I could never imagine opened up. I have been awarded by two Ministers of Finance of my country for developing leading Economic Essays of national significance to national Economic Policy (I am from South Africa by the Way). I have interacted with Presidents of my country and other countries. I have been the secretary General of the a Hub of the World Economic Forum's global Shapers. I have interacted with CEO, Professors, Politicians, Statesmen and leader of all kind from all sectors all over the world. This would not be possible if I never followed my heart. It's been two years since I broke up with a women I loved (at leased in the conventional sense of the word) and I also decided that the attachment I had towards her did not resonate with my soul. The ups and downs, the jealousy and insecurity, the lack of authentic connection at a spiritual level was not what I wanted, especially if I was going to have a family one day so I decided to remain single until I dissolve my ego and gro spiritually and release myself from the clutches of PMO addiction and lust, "not till then", I promised myself, will be in a relationship or be intimate with anyone again - not till then, not until I can truly love, without selfishly clinging to my partner to fulfill my needs.

    @DannyCool : What I want to illustrate by this personal story is that your departure my friend, should be simply because you feel its' better for you to do so for yourself and for your own growth. I personally have decided to remain single, not because I am incapable of being in a relationship but because like you I know that if I get into a typical 21st century relationship I will end up back in the clutches of lust and animal copulation because many girls today are trying to be like the people they see on TV. And it's actually surprising how many girls nowadays think watching porn with their boyfriends is cool - I've come across that offer several times. This year alone I have been approached by 5 girls, who expressed relational-sexual interest in me and I have had to say no. That was hard but truth is I know that if I give in, the kind of girls they are would lead to sex, and all the other kind of freaky sexual activity that young people get up to nowadays and I am also not willing to do that, for the sake of my spirit. My friends think its crazy, my sisters think its crazy and no one around me gets it - but I am growing every day because of it, and I am ever mong towards my goal of marrying my priestess with whom I will grow spiritually and with whom I will create a Solar family and a solar home (God Willing). Family, True Love, a beautiful home filled with positive vibrations - that is my aim but I must earn it in spirit and truth - this I know. I am on hardmode too - I've been on hard mode now for 238 days. In this sense this thread is not necessarily opposed to your path because I too am single and on the same path but I do understand if you prefer celibacy and would rather not entertain anything to do with sex at all whether it's now or in future. In this case the way of the monks are better for you and you should benefit much from their approach.

    I wish you all the best my friend! I think if we met over coffee/tea we would actually be great friends for each one is suited to their own place in life and that way there beauty in diversity and shared learning. Nature is not unilateral, nature is diverse. The universe is not unilateral, it is diverse. The Lion cannot exist without the Impala, the Impala cannot exist without the grass and the grass without the sun or earth worms or microorganisms within the soil on which it feeds. So too the grass cannot exist without the Lion because without it's predatory regulation of grazers population there would be overgrazing. Similarly the earth cannot survive without the sun and the moon, and galaxies without solar systems etc. etc. etc.... So too, the human race is diverse, some are better off as celibate, some are better off in normal relationships, some are better of in tantric relationships, some are better off in monasteries all together. To each his own, let each follow their own conscience and their own Spirit will reward them accordingly. If you come across things that do not resonate with you, no harm done, at least you've learnt something new and can move on towards your ideal.

    Go well my friend! Stay in touch...

    PS: I must leave you with James Allen's inspiring injunction once more:
    RyanRVA likes this.
  2. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @RyanRVA : The Daoist/Taoist tradition is amazing! I can only imagine the awesome experience you had with your wife. If it works for you, keep at it.

    Borrowing on from your comment above, Sexual Transmutation refers to the transmutation of sexual energy. There are many ways to do this and yes - breathing is one of them, authentic Yoga is another, prayer and meditation also help and there are probably many others which I may not know about. I have no doubt however, that Daoism/Taoism Contains many practices that are value in this regard even if they may not be called Sexual transmutation", they probably help in doing so anyway. Lao Tzo was a sage which very few understand, and from where I stand the Tao is Truth. His poetic style of writing is just not easy comprehend but for those who resonate, it's a an excellent option. Even contemporary Personal Development Guru's, like Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich" have acknowledged the power of sexuall transmutation in just maximising worldly success and power.

    @RyanRVA : Thanks for sharing your views on the Perfect Matrimony. If it doesn't resonate, hey put it down without guilt or even thinking about it. Master Samael Aun Weor was highly influenced by Mystical and Esoteric Practices of both the East and West. In the West he was highly influenced by Kabbalah, Christianity, the Rosicrucians and the great Western Alchemists. That's why the book and its practices are probably so freaky and repellent. However, Master Samael is one of Many Masters and there are still higher saviour and/or sages than him like Yeshua, Buddha, Milarepa, Krishna, Lao Tzu. So whilst the goal remains the same, the means may have to differ for you than it would for me but I am comfortable with diversity. Gnosticism works for me because having explored different traditions I have come to realise that they say the same thing just in different languages and context. I' a South African, and in South Africa one thing you learn is to value every human being, even racists who formerly and brutally oppressed your people. I can relate to poverty, to villages, to other races, to other religions and cultures and so forth. I also however can relate to power, to wealth and to privilege and social comfort. This is what informs my approach, so when I read master Samael's work and he switches, almost in an instance from Judaism to Hinduism, or from Zen to Mahayana, or from Alchemy to Islam - it doesn't phase me and I in fact get energised by it. I appreciate diversity and it works form me... I recommended The Perfect Matrimony because i thought you may find some value in it but I am also happy to say, salvage what little value you can find in the book and discard the rest brother - all the best with your journey!

    RyanRVA likes this.
  3. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    Shalom @Limeaid : Thank you for your perspective, I find it interesting as well. I agree with your perspective of Soul Contracts and Karma. Live makes a little more sense when you look at it from that angle. It has also helped me alot in forgiveness work, I used Colin Tipping's material found on Sounds True - it changed my life. Its amazing how your external world changed when you began to change you internal world - yes indeed, thoughts are things. Your view is prominent in New Age/Personal Development/Self Help and it is very true. we can manifest - I have an amazing new job that I love and I definitely manifested it. I also seek to manifest a divine marriage and a comfortable life. So I definitely agree. What I would add to what you've already shared is that that is not the end. There still higher than manifesting desire and things for one's own personal gratification, but it is indeed a step on the path and should be taken by those who wish to do so. It is important to first discover ourselves fully. I'll give you an example of this. I got to apoint where I realised that I will never really grown spiritually if I do not get myself together. In order to get books and other material and access to internet I need money - so I must work and be effective at what I do. Therefore I must be reliable, effective, punctual etc. Yet to grow spiritually I must also have time for meditation. So what to do? To grow I must work, but to work I may have to sacrifice my spiritual growth because of late nights at the office etc. - what a tradeoff! So I realised to actually make this work I must be super good at what I do so as to have time for other things and my meditation and I must have the money to hire other people to do things for me which I can outsource. So I must first be effective as a human being... I must regulate my sleeping patterns, I must bepunctual, I must be effective and efficient in the doing of my work so I can time for other things which are important to me and in this sense this is where manifesting has been of value to me. I have manifested an Academic job which does not pay me as much as the corporate world did but I get to do what I love well, and quickly and I have flexible work hours. I also manifested my old job however, which helped me buy my own property which I am now renting out and breaking even on in my first two years of purchase so the money i was making and the property deal I got was manifested and now I can help my family and loved ones with their needs. But to what end, ultimately both pleasure and pain must be transcended when one is ready and I think that is the stage that I am at. I'm no longer interested in manifesting so I can have a great life and luxuries, but rather so that I can growing spiritually and help those around me. I personally believe that suffering cannot be avoided. Riches, though they give access to goods and services produce a lot of suffering. Fame, though it bestows social power produces a lot of its own suffering as welland so forth. This third dimension is duel in nature - there is light and darkness, water/fire, love/hate(fear), up/down, life/death etc. The very nature of the third dimension is duel and being in it means being subject to this law of duality. My reasoning therefore tells me that the purpose of being in the third dimension is not to escape the bad.negative pole of this law an only dwell in the good/positive pole, but rather to transcend this dimension all together - to transcend myself, my personality and my desire for pleasure and aversion of pain. But that is the end goal and to get there I must first tast ain as well as enjoy pleasure, I must first have the power to manifest, then only will I have the power to renounce.

    In this vein, Swami Vivekananda tells us the following:
    This quote shows the significance of first realising our own powers and going towards that which calls us forth before trying to to do things which are behind us so I really value your inputs. On your interpretation of the perfect Matrimony, while Master Samael wrote is concerning two people it also applies to individuals as well. Every human has a Masculine and Feminine nature, and some of the greatest single/celibate spiritual masters did this - Yogananda is a great example, Milarepa another. So what you say does apply here too my sister. Love can be realised esoterically (by unifying the masculine and feminine natures within) and exoterically (outwardly in relationships or in divine arts and craft).

    I guess one cannot say exactly how it works for women but what I do know is that women have sexual fluids as well and those who wish to practice sexual transmutation should not spill it either. Biologically speaking, sex and the orgasm secrete the love hormone so it makes sense that it brings out the feminine, nurturer and cuddler in you. Nature has designed it this way because while our brains were still developing, we operated largely on instinct and brain chemistry. The human being is the only species which raises its young for over 15 years if not more. Therefore nature created the love hormone Oxytocin to ensure that the parents of the child stay together so that the mother can nurture while the father gets food and protects. Such chemical architecture still exists in us today. However, for those who wish to transcend this and to engage in Sexual Transmutation, it is beneficial for both partners not to although one partner alone can transmute if their partner is not ready or interested in doing it as well. When considering spiritual journeys which get to the stage of selflessness and annihilation of the ego, Desirability or how we feel should never be a measure at many things that feel good are not beneficial now matter how good they feel. So too, the orgasm has its benefits as does Oxytocin, but so does Sexua Transmutation.

    Thanks for your interesting views, and I agree with RyanRVA, you write a lot more eloquently than you'll take credit for.

    Limeaid likes this.
  4. Kenji

    Kenji Guest

    "Now let’s say that you and I debate. If you prevail over me and I do not prevail over you, does that mean that what you say is so and what I say is not? If I prevail over you and you do not prevail over me, does that mean that what I say is so and what you say is not? Or is it that one of us is right and one of us wrong? Or are both of us right or both of us wrong? If you and I are both unable to know, then others will become muddled as we are. Whom shall we call upon to put it right? Shall we call upon one who agrees with you? But if he agrees with you, how can he put it right? Shall we call upon one who agrees with me? But if he agrees with me, how can he put it right? Shall we call upon one who differs with both you and me? But if he differs with both you and me, how can he put it right? Shall we call upon one who agrees with both you and me? But if he agrees with both you and me, how can he put it right? Thus you and I and these others all cannot know – shall we await yet another? Harmonize all of these by the horizon of heaven. Relying on it to stretch forward is the way to live out your full lifespan; forgetting the years, forgetting all judgments, stirring within the boundless. What do I mean by the horizon of heaven? It is to say, assert what is not true; affirm what is not so. Were what is true so different from what is false, there would be no arguments; were what is so that different from what is not, there would be no arguments. The mutual dependence of shifting voices is the same as if they were not mutually dependent. Therefore lodge all this in the boundless."

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2015
    Alpinist likes this.
  5. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @Kenji : Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think we can all draw from your vast experience in spirituality and learn from your views. I must also say, I do not watch TV myself either - its absolute junk food for the mind. I love watching inspiring films and documentaries instead, because those tend to have some great content.

    Whilst I welcome your views brother, I have also noticed a tendency for you discredit, though in subtle ways, Gnosticism and other non-Buddhist perspectives and my response on that is this:

    I agree with this my brother, and this should be the approach we use when engaging in this thread. Buddhism might be the Way for you, but it is not for all people and we must respect everyones views. Being deeply spiritual and having studied many religions does not validate any insinuation that Buddhism is superior to other traditions. Siddhartha Gautama/Buddha Shakyamuni came from particular time in history and let those who resonate with him walk that path. Marpa and Milarepa came from a particular time and place in history. So with Krishna, Yeshua and all others so let us be aware that just as people from different climates need different cuisine and food to survive, so too do different people resonate with different spiritual teachings. Eskimo's survive off seal meat and blubber because nuts, seeds and tropical fruit firstly does not grow in their region, but even if it did it won't do for them, they will die - they need the fat to insulate themselves and keep them warm and energized in the blistering cold. If we are excessively prescriptive about how they should live and eat we will be killing them. Even the Buddhist Dalai Lama is not a strict vegetarian because Tibetan weather is harsh, even Milarepa ate meat because of his context and physical need yet he still reached Buddhahood, in fact, he says in his biography the meat invigorated him and helped him continue meditation in isolation the cave. Context is key, and we each have different ways of expressing and experiencing certain phenomenon. Fanaticism and Pureism cannot be lived by everyone, variety is the cornerstone of existence.

    Brother what you are insinuating here is quite concerning. My brother Kenji, no one else needs you to save them from a particular belief or practice. This thread does not need you to save it from the "perilous discussion of enlightenment through sex". Each one of us here has a story, a background and we have a journey that only we can walk. No one else can walk it for us, therefore refrain from this approach. If you have areas where you disagree, simply share your view without making comments that insinuate that others are "lost" or "need some kind of intervention". This is a typical fundamentalist approach. It is out of fundamentalism that there are religious wars and arguments, it is out of fundamentalism that many have suffered - this fundamentalist and fanatical inability to empathise with others even if you disagree with them, but to understand where they are coming from and afford them the very rights you wish to possess. Your right to believe in your own path necessitates my right to believe in mine. Your right to be a Buddhist is the Atheist's right to non-belief and it's the Christian's right to their Lord and it is my right to Gnosticism, lest one feels that they belong to an exclusive group of believers with rights superior to other seekers from other groups and that all others are lost which is essentially contradictory.

    Please hear me out here brother, I'm not coming from a bad place. All I am saying is I have seen people become Hindu or Buddhist and become vegetarians only to get sick, weak and in some real life cases diabetic. Yet I have also seen people heal from cancer by becoming vegetarian. What does this tell us? Some should eat meat or they'll die, but so too others should be vegetarians or they'll die - to each his own brother. The reason why I am responding this way is that you have taken this same approach in another thread were your first post was to discredit my suggestions to a sincere seeker who wanted any tips about Zen Buddhism. You explicitly said
    "May want to avoid the Gnostic teachings unless Gnosticism appeals to you. Stick with unadulterated Buddhism I would advise". Why did you have to discredit a sincere suggestion instead of just giving yours? Why must your view be predicated on your perceived fallacy of someone else's? So instead of seeking to discredit anyone else's writings why don't you simply share where you come from without discrediting others. Simply share your view, it's ok to disagree, but many people make the mistake for thinking they possess the silver bullet and this is the cause of much misunderstanding.

    This is why I am a Gnostic, I believe in everyone's right to follow their heart and live in accordance with the dictates of their conscience according to their present state of consciousness. I believe there is a piece of God the Father and our Divine Mother Kundalini in every religion, mystical and mythical tradition and genuine spiritual tradition. I do not believe in a God that will select a handful of people as his "chosen" as fundamentalists believe. Or that there is only one path. For example Milarepa was celibate, yet Marpa had a wife. The very guru who instructed Milarepa had a wife - to each his own as each have their own needs in accordance with their Karma and reason for incarnating.

    Therefore when we share with one another, we should do so coming from our different respective perspectives but our aim should only be to build one another, to help one another, not to discredit another point of view. Let us disagree as good sportsmen do, and have fun while at it but this tendency of yours to discredit Gnosticism or other views is not appropriate. But even if you're right, even if Gnostics are completely wrong and out of line and if sexual transmutation is one big hoax, give them room to learn that for themselves while offering what you think is a better route or option> Give others room to make their own mistakes and to come to your position just as you did after studying different religions and spiritual views.

    With much respect,

    The Alpinist

    PS: I leave you a quote by the Vedantic Swami Vivekananda, who in this regard very powerfully said:
    RyanRVA likes this.
  6. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    It is so very interesting @Alpinist because for me I think we are saying the same thing....or at least similar. I view transcending the duality as an internal process by going "within" ourselves to uncover the dark so light shines through similar to the way The Medicine Man or great Shaman might take an internal journey into the subconscious. I have taken Shamanic journeys before and each time I heal more and more. I think for me my healing journey is not complete and I may not do well with sexual transmutation without a purer heart. As I have said I am very new to this way of thinking so I have to keep going and learning. I think the journey for you has reached a point where you are wanting something more which I also hope to reach one day! You are an inspiration and I thank you for your honesty and vulnerability in showing us a topic you care so deeply about.
    Alpinist likes this.
  7. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    A big thanks to everyone on this thread I have learnt so much. Thank you for your comments and your commitment to wishing people to have healthier and happier lives. I can see you are doing a lot of good work for each other and many others. This thread shows how to integrate NoFap into existing relationships in a new way free from orgasm. Keep it up. I will check back to see how people are getting on with this. It is not for me though as I do not have a partner and am not searching for one as a way to happiness.
    RyanRVA, Alpinist and Kenji like this.
  8. Kenji

    Kenji Guest

    Danny I love you man. *Big hug*
    Alpinist likes this.
  9. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    @Alpinist : Your writing has a tenacity that is astonishing. Please ignore that comment, it will not serve you in your quest to vanquish your ego. Although it's pretty obvious to me that you cannot write that way without significantly transcending the ego.

    The reason The Perfect Matrimony seems odd is not so much the teachings it contains but the author's style. I had a similar issue with most of the translations of the Holy Bible. Still, these are vague and subtle reactions that may be personal issues. For example, I have spilled quite a lot of semen and perhaps when someone condemns that with authority it makes me feel like I've really screwed up. I could easily mistake that kind of guilt as a lack of truth recognizing resonance.

    I will stay open minded and keep reading it with much interest.

    @Kenji : I'm going to start back up my horse stance training. I hadn't considered how that might work to transmute the sexual energy, I bet it works very well. That's a tough form of yoga.
    Alpinist likes this.
  10. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @Limeaid : Yeah - we are saying the same thing. Your interest in these matters says a lot though, and people like us are never satisfied with surface appearances. Thanks for your kind words. I'm very interested in hearing about your shamanic experience. I once met someone who went on it and told me it is mind blowing. Why did you do it and what was it like? I was curious about it but given that one uses an hallucinogenic during the practice I'd rather relax - that's just because I once did a it too much LSD-Acid and had a very bad trip... It traumatised me - LOL, and I swore never to touch a hallucinogenic mind altering substance again.

    @RyanRVA : LOL - Ryan, thanks for the kind words brother. I hear you when it comes to the way certain texts are written. Whats amazing is that you have the self-knowledge to go beyond yourself and be objective - this is not easy but it surely is a great trait on the path. By the way, how is your wife taking all of this? Is he open or hesitant? And how does that inform your approach?

    @Kenji : I once did Sanshi Renshi Seven Star Preying Mantis but I was young and quite naive then. I also had the opportunity to train with Grand Master Li Su Sen in HuHot Inner Mongolia China. It was a great experience. It was only when I read Zen in the Art of Archery that I realised how the martial arts can have a profound spiritual goal and essence. When I look at the Chinese Martial arts it seems like only Tai Chi Chuan has a profound spiritual core, but what I have learnt from Zen makes me think twice about that. What, would you say, is the essence of Kung Fu/Wu Shu - is the a spiritual essence there or is it just spiritually beneficial in terms of it's secondary gains? For example, in Zen in the art of Archery, the philosopher who wrote the book speaks of the Japanese Master in this sense:

    Also at the end of the book. They expound on Takuan view of Zen in Swordsmanship. I was blown away to realise how profoundly spiritual any activity can be if dealt with with the right spirit and attitude of mind. I have summarised for myself the essence of Zen therein, what is your take on this?

  11. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    Since the subject of LSD has been brought up I want to share this.

    Currently this is the only drug I am willing to do with the exception of coffee which I will eventually give up. I have never had a bad trip although there are consequences for me with this substance because for many days afterwards I feel severely depleted.

    Here's what normally happens for me.

    Step one, going of the grid. Turn off the cell phone, make sure that I'm at home and there are absolutely no obligations for the rest of the day or the next day. I inform my wife of what I'm doing and she knows the drill.
    Dose around 4pm or earlier if possible.
    Within an hour there seems to be an increase in vital energy which must be directed through the proper channels or I become uneasy. If this is done properly there is no discomfort.
    The energy that emerges seems to be sexual in nature, it seems to pressurize the chakra system.
    About two hours in, there is enough pressure in the system that it reaches the crown chakra which I cannot normally do with anywhere near this intensity level although I'm doing it now as I write to a far lesser degree.
    Doing closed eye meditation during the peak, I can maintain full Chakra system energization for a straight two hours. During this time I experience many lifetimes worth of ecstasy that is non physical in nature. I feel the way I would expect a Buddha might feel. Demonic entities don't seem to want anything to do with me in this state, in fact they would probably be erased at the slightest glance if I was able to perceive them. This ecstasy could be described as cosmic oneness. Once I started to pay attention to this kind of thing the audio/visual hallucinations were of no interest whatsoever to me, I pretty much just ignore them and they more or less cease to exist.

    That is the good part, now here's the bad part:

    There's no free lunch. I feel burnt out the next day which is not really unpleasant but a bit debilitating. I usually end up doing a lot of chores that next day because I can't interact with people properly but my body is still fully functional. My guess is that my neurotransmitter levels are seriously depleted. My conscious mind (internal dialog) is essentially asleep that next day. So sensitivity goes off the scale but then drops WAY below normal levels for a while. Some people actually like this and find it relaxing, perhaps they are less aware of entities that normally torment them? Who knows. I don't like it one bit.

    More of the bad:

    If I were to do that stuff right now I would have to reduce the dosage because my energy has already accumulated so much. I'm not sure what happens if you do too much because I've never done it, but I'm sure it's not good.

    Even More Bad:

    Doing LSD is like going into spiritual battle. It's an advanced practice. You will find out just how much discipline and self love you have cultivated. The reason I do it is to map out the energy systems of the body. If one does not handle themselves properly, they could spiral into darkness. It is necessary to raise consciousness above that of the lower planes to avoid sharing the same space with evil entities. Some of these stories about people doing LSD at parties and for purely recreational purposes sound completely insane to me. People always want to blame bad trips on bad acid but I think it has more to do with lack of self mastery and the setting. Make no mistake, this is playing with fire. My wife seems to respect this drug but she has never done it and probably never will because she doesn't feel comfortable with her level of self mastery yet. People often smoke cannabis to take the edge off, I don't recommend this. If there is an edge then you need to deal with it the same way you deal with transmutation of sexual energy.

    If you are going to do this drug, my advise is to not give in to the astonishment. This drug enhances your sensitivity 100 fold, don't waste it. Look inside yourself , make sure you learn something every time. Also, I may eventually decide that this drug is holding me back like a stepping stone that must be left behind in order to move ahead.
    Alpinist likes this.
  12. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    For my shamanic journey I did not use any drugs! Drugs act as a facilitator to go deeper into the subconscious but if you can do this naturally you shouldn't need drugs. I decided to do the journey because of roadblocks I was encountering with regards to my relationship with my mother and several core beliefs I was carrying around that I was not good enough. The journey allowed me to go deep within my subconscious and feel anger and rage towards her and speak up for myself. I also met my power animal, which is a turtle! The turtle symbolizes taking time before making decisions and eating a mostly plant based diet. Oddly enough that week I saved a turtle from being ran over on a highway! I was highly skeptical going in but completely immersed myself in it. It really helped me in a way I can't quite explain. The mind is a funny thing! I once took a course in Reiki as well but the adjustment left me with an intense headache so I never went back. The instructor told me that I didn't need any adjustments because my energy was very high but it was my first time so I asked her what this meant. She told me I was a healer in another life. Hmmmm interesting I guess! I am still unsure what any of it means.

    Ryan that is so very interesting!! Thanks for sharing because I usually never hear positive experiences about drugs and I suppose it is because of your awesome energy control. I have also heard good things about Ayawaska....i may have spelled that wrong. Any interest in doing that?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2015
  13. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @Limeaid : Wow! That's sounds like an amazing experience. I never new one could do it without drugs... It sounds like something I would like to explore. It seems like reiki masters have a strong ability to read into ones energy field and the information contained there. I once did a consultation with a reiki practitioner who does anger release and breath work and it was also interesting to get feedback from a regression. Thanks for sharing Limeaid!

    @RyanRVA : Thanks for that openness brother. Most of my old friends have had great trips on LSD but me... It was different. What you shared above is really helpful for putting it into perspective because I had a rough one which was quite diabolic. I went out with a group of people but I was only familiar with one of the guys who was a close friend. It was my first time ever... I had just turned 16. They insisted on giving me a full paper (Heart) and two ecstasy pills at once! I thought "Cool, if its anything like weed the more the merrier". little did I know. I was in hell for four days without sleep and in a very dark place... I was too young, too foolish and inwardly unresolved. I have always had a deep desire for spiritual growth and understanding since I was young but I never had the willpower to break away from being cool and hanging out with the bad boys - it got me into a lot of trouble but I learnt a lot of lessons about life and friendship. I always knew deep within my heart that that bad trip was real and was an expression of my state of consciousness... But I doubted myself... Was it my mind playing games or was it that my mind was really open? While meditating deeply on it last year I retrospectively realised that it was a very real experience and your post above has just validated that. I'm glad I've finally come to the light, though I still have a long way to go. Your quote above really captures it for me: "Doing LSD is like going into spiritual battle".

    @Limeaid : I think you'll enjoy this short video: . It details a modern man's journey into the Amazon to meet authentic shamanistic cultures and his profound experience with Ayahuasca. Its mind blowing, so mind blowing that TED Talks banned it - LOL.
    Limeaid likes this.
  14. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    One last thing about LSD. My friend and I purchased the exact same batch. Each of us did the same dose (3 paper units) separately by ourselves at differamt times. While I had a beautiful cosmic unity experience, he was getting gang raped by demons.

    He felt so ashamed telling me about this because he knew that it wasn't the batch. He told me something else that blew my mind. He told me that one of the demons told him that they were called breeders and that their job was to perpetuate a blood line that they have special access to. My friend said that he was part of this blood line and that it came from his mom's side. He admits that this could have been his imagination conjuring up information from research into reptilian conspiracy theories but I was on the edge of my seat when he told me about it. He also told me that these entities had him convinced that if he told me I wouldn't want to be his friend anymore but he figured out that was a lie when he sobered up, however it prevented him from making a phone call that would have ended the horror.

    The strange thing is that there is clearly something off about my friend, at the same time I know that it is my duty to help him out and not abandon him no matter what.

    I was able to help him deal with the entities by explaining that they use deception to destabilize our emotions. I told him that they cannot consume unfiltered attention and that it has to go through the fear or anger filter. You'll be ready to fight them when you are happy to see them. Once they realize they are wasting their energy on you they will leave you alone, they don't have access to infinite energy the way we do so they can't waste it on someone who is not going to reciprocate.

    This is all speculation because they don't seem willing to come anywhere near me, but if they did I would call them out right away and I sincerely doubt they would survive the encounter.

    @Limeaid : You can have a shamanic experience sober? That's impressive. I would try Ahuasca but I'm not going to go to South America to do it. I doubt I will ever see it. Psycodelics are not very popular in the US. People like more recreational drugs around here. I don't even have a source for LSD anymore.
    Alpinist likes this.
  15. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    @RyanRVA it really isn't hard when you have a medicine woman guiding you! All you do is sit back, deeply relax and open your mind! It is mostly about intention. I think it's the same with any type of spiritual journey the intention sets the mood. Your friend may have had some unclear energy that he was grappling with on a subconscious level and his intention was to "see" them or bring them to consciousness. The fear he is experiencing makes entities like that grow bigger. You don't show fear so it is unlikely they will attach to you. Of course from my view evil entities are just negative energies that we are trying to make sense of. I hope your friend recovers.
    Here is an interesting talk about this stuff:

    @Alpinist that video is amazing! I am going to watch it again with my husband to see what he thinks! Have you ever seen the documentary Wake Up? It is pretty unique. In it he goes on a vision quest which I would LOVE to do someday.
    Alpinist likes this.
  16. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @RyanRVA : That's a hectic contrast. It just goes to show why following ones inner guidance is so important. I like your confidence when it comes to your energy. You in a very fortunate position and should use that capital to gain more. That's probably why you were led to explore so spirituality and Taoism so deeply.

    @Limeaid : LOL are you sure we have not before in another life maybe...? Never mind watched it, I bought Wake Up and was moved by it! It just goes to show that we are in an era, an epoch where dimensions are opening up like what Teal say's its in the video you posted. I think Teal's take on it is very wise and helpful. Ryan's story also just goes to show that its a gamble and unless you've got a strong energy field one may be found wanting.
    Limeaid likes this.
  17. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    @Limeaid : Teal's video seems spot on to me.
    Limeaid and Alpinist like this.
  18. Don Frank

    Don Frank New Fapstronaut

    I have been a follower of various teachings that help me grow spiritually and have been striving to be selfless while at the same time retaining the individuality.

    Sex is a connection of body, soul and spirit. When I engage in sex making with my beloved, I strive to be as selfless as possible, and the result is beautiful.

    On the other hand, porn has made many to perceive sex to be only the connection of body but not soul and spirit, and that creates a lot of issues such as dissatisfaction, angerness and stuffs (my partner is very demanding on the sexual experience, and being a porn addict myself for 10 years, sometimes I couldn't keep up with the energy required that I should have given my age), making the experience awful sometimes.
    Alpinist likes this.
  19. wholelife108

    wholelife108 Fapstronaut

    Hello, everyone. New here on nofap. Been trying for many years to make spiritual progress & purify lust into love & higher consciousness. I am interested in discussion of spiritual topics in relation to sexual transmutuation and developing higher consciousness. I have studied much of the gnostic teachings and there is much interesting info to be discussed in regards to sex and spiritual growth. It would be nice if we could focus on these topics.

    I am also here after many attempts on my own to abstain from PMO. I am 44 now. Started masturbation at about age 10. From then masturbated regularly 2-3x a week up to age 22. At 22 I started into celibacy as part of my spiritual practice, along with meditation & vegetarian diet, eastern based philosophy, karma, reincarnation & all that. Was actually able to be strictly celibate for 3 whole years, with no masurbation, but only nocturnal discharge (wet dream) maybe twice a month or so. Eventually when the initial entusiasm for practices wore off & it became more of just a regular routine, I eventually got back to occasional masturbation maybe once a week or two while still attempting to be celibate but obviously failing in the strict sense. Went like that for about 10 more years then eventually got married and pretty much have regular sex with wife and mostly when wife is gone away to visit family every few months and I'm alone will masturbate.

    All along it is my understanding that having sex only for procreation & retaining one's semen is the ideal for spiritual progress. According to many spritual teachings attachment to sex for pleasure alone is a primary cause for reincarnation into a material body subject to repeated pain, pleasure, birth, disease, old age & death. Many teachings advise an ideal of complete abstinence from sex other than for procreation. Who is really able to do this though ? And the Gnostic teaching is that tantric sex is absolutely essential for spiritual growth where orgasm must be completely avoided for one's entire life, even for the purpose of procreation (Gnosis claims that procreation can still take place with tantric sex even without orgasm, supposedly the most developed spermazoid will find it's way to the womb). And how many are able to do that either ? These are high ideals that I am still working towards, and sometimes failing completely. In the meantime, at least moderation in sex would be progress.

    Even though I consider myself a spiritual enthusiast, I am just like many on this website, struggling with sex desire and bouncing back and forth with trying to refrain - building up my seminal energy, and then losing control and spilling my load either by sex with wife or masturbation. On the other hand, sometimes it seems that relatively normal sex or masturbation keeps some sort of balance compared to trying to refrain for a couple weeks and than going to an extreme of porn binging and excess masturbation. It seems I need to unload 2-3 times a week to keep lust at bay. Otherwise I get to 2 weeks and it's as if lust starts raging in me like a wild animal that wants to be unleashed. But masturbation regularly just to keep it bay really just keeps the beast from rearing it's ugly head. It really has to be tamed and properly directed.

    So hats off to all the fapstonauts that are able to control themselves. I've attempted again and again to do it on my own but now I'm gonna give this nofap support a try. So would be happy to discuss about nofap in relation to gnostic teachings, meditation, astral projection & lucid dreaming, karma, yoga, consciousness all that stuff. I know alot of guys are into nofap due to erectile dysfunction & low self esteem and looking to regain better sex life. Whatever the reason it's all good. For myself the ultimate goal here is spiritual awakening. From the spiritual idea loss of semen is considered detrimental to spiritual growth. By indulging in orgasm & spilling the semen one may enjoy the momentary pleasures however one cannot achieve the true everlasting & indestructible happiness which is the true nature of the Self but which is covered over & forgotten by a material body, mind, desires & karma. Material pleasure, of which the most intense is orgasm, is dualistic in nature, thus for every pleasure there is pain as well. Pain is being felt now by many who realize how their life force & energy is wasted, even for those here who are not directly interested in the spiritual aspects. And the pain will be realized also as the body gets older & incapable & this source of pleasure becomes taken away, & perhaps there is deterioration of the body & mind as a result of habitual wasting of one's vital life force, the semen.

    Samael Aun Weor gives some amazing scientifically & metaphysically detailed descriptions of what happens during an orgasm, something to the effect that the spiritually charged atoms making up the semen are expelled & immediately replaced by demonic lower vibration material atoms from the lower spheres of existence & something about one's spinal chakra energy flowing downwards rather than ascending to higher realms of consciousness, the descending flow of energy actually developing into a demonic tail formation at the bottom of the spine in the astral body. After a cycle of 108 human lifetimes those who make no efforts for self realization, those who do not raise their lifeforce by sexual transmutation, devolve down into hellish regions and again begin the evolutionary process through eons of lives beginning in the mineral kingdom, up through the fish, reptiles, birds, beats, etc, until again attaining a human birth and another 108 human lives to again have the chance to attain spiritual perfection.

    Anyhow, interesting stuff to discuss. So anyone attempting at sexual transmutation for spiritual growth, would be interested to exchange thoughts.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
  20. wholelife108

    wholelife108 Fapstronaut

    And I'd be interested to know from people how signing up for this website has helped you reach your nofap goals - Is it just by having a counter & communicating that's made a big difference, or having an accountability partner ?