Traditional Chinese Medicine view on ejaculation and its effects on health

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by digiter, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. @Silver, every time humans have tried to artificially select themselves, the selection has been usually on an unscientific basis. Hitler's views, that the Jews were inferior and Germans are the superior race, were primarily used as Propaganda so that Germans would unify and blindly support him. Also, the Eugenics movement in the early 1900s in the U.S., while based on scientific principles, was not humane. Mentally disabled people and even those who had slight dysfunction in cognition (i.e. low IQ) were given lobotomies that were performed in the hopes that they would not be a nuisance in society. The people who got lobotomies experienced a change in personality and were dysfunctional for the rest of their lives (think Rosemary Kennedy). As you can see by my two examples, selecting for a superior people by discouraging the reproduction of those with mental defects (psuedoscience or not), will inevitably mean some ethical standards will be violated.
  2. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    I dont really understand your logic women in all species are as expendable as men in the animal kingdom. After throwing its babies a females "objective" is also fullfilled but the males are needed to provide and protect in many cases.
  3. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    That's indeed an interesting statement.

    And it's true for a lof of animal species, especially insects and spiders, where males even might get killed by female after the mating.

    But for humans, who are social, I see it differently. Nature wants strong and healthy individuals.
    Therefore, if a guy is strong and healthy, then natures wants him to procreate multiple times.
    It is also a well-known fact that a successful mating makes a man very attractive for other women.
  4. TheWannabe

    TheWannabe Fapstronaut

    If I abstain from PMO for long enough, do I get to learn Aura Sphere? That'd be a pretty kickass motivator.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  5. hulia

    hulia New Fapstronaut

    digiter- i just read your posts and want to express my thanks for your well stated input. i was looking for some decent info on whether or not men need to ejaculate to be healthy. my boyfriend, who is your mainstream kind of guy, insists that it necessary (he's 62) and i, being trained in taoist arts, having studied master ni's teachings in depth, gotten a tcm license thru tai hsuan monastery in honolulu etc... well, i am not a man, he's right about that but i just needed some reinforcement of enlightened approach to things. i was beginning to think that the taoist teachings were unrealistic or something! but you speak my language. and i would really benefit from having people like you in my life. are you a tcm practitioner, or just an enlightened layperson? are you on facebook? lol. i am starving for good info csonce moving to morth carolina!
  6. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    No you go to the next level of a great alternative medical tradition. Homeopathy! Works even better then traditional 5000 year old Chinese medicine. I heard they make people fly. And their medicine tastes just like water. No more bad tasting drinks. Awesome!
    Aiyoshi likes this.
  7. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    Love how everyone is getting old and unhealthy and I'm here with an strong health, looking 6 years younger.
    The only limitation you have are the ones you believe.
  8. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    And how are you able to keep younger then your companions?
  9. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    Don't know tbh, my mother says it's due anorexia when 15yo, maybe it's genes, since my younger brother who's 15 looks 20, he even has a beard while I'm struggling to grow one. Maybe it's the fact that it only became a compulsion in the last few years, one of it's causes was separating orgams from ejaculation.
    Then there's the fact that it's hard for me to become stressed, became even better at handling it after joining nofap.
  10. Kalito

    Kalito Fapstronaut

    It's pretty much the same with me. I'm 22 and my beard was hardly growing, started NoFap and after 1 month of it with countless relapses I already am seeing massive increase in beard-growth. So I don't know if I look so young because of my genes, because my father definitely is the same, or if it was just too much MO.
    Anyways, there are clear physiological changes in my body happening after nofap, so for me there is not a single doubt about the health benefits. To me it seems like people are just trying to hold on to their comfort, trying to justify to keep mastrubating because of obvious reasons. And yes, if you want to justify a bad habit, you can literally find studies that will support your claim. If you want to do the opposite, you'll find studies aswell. It has really nothing at all to do with scientific procedure.
    Sure you can trust some News article on the internet, or you can simply try out yourself. But then again, alot of people are far too addicted to even abstain for half a year. They just can't, they are mentally incapable of doing so. All I can do for those people is express my compassion.
    The |E|volutionary and Aiyoshi like this.
  11. nintendo1889

    nintendo1889 New Fapstronaut

    My feeling is that ejaculating destroys this precious essence, and may be why women live longer than men, even though men are able to produce a child (as old as 70 or older) at an older age than a woman. Imho.
  12. UBS

    UBS Fapstronaut

    Nice, I have found an interesting topic.

    First, let me congratulate all of you who are interested into this matter, it is a life or death situation :D literally.

    I have gone 15 months I reckon without ejaculation, and life has changed. Actually, my life situation hasn't changed a lot, instead I have changed as a person. I plan on using it only for procreation, and pray to God night emissions won't happen..and if they do, it must be a reason for that too, and I must learn a lesson.

    I apologize for not reading the entire conversation, but are there any men out there that have gone over a year? I'd love to know.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  13. Cellman

    Cellman New Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for this post; I always knew in my heart that Western Medicine was wrong about masturbation being "healthy". I knew it was depleting me, but I just couldn't articulate my beliefs.

    I have a question...You say that coffee depletes jing. I couldn't agree more. My question is, does TEA?
  14. Can I just pick from one of those Jing and Yin supplements and take them to recover my lost Yin and Jing or do I have to take a combination to get a more rounded recovery?
  15. ReSpir3

    ReSpir3 Fapstronaut

    You got me thinking about animals that die after copulation. In this regard your argument holds pretty well.
  16. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    I thought this is why there are so many Chinese massage parlors for happy ending.
  17. HardALot

    HardALot New Fapstronaut

    My experience in life as a 45 year old male who is “a model of perfect health” according to my recent doc full physical, doesn’t jive with this.

    I should look like a serious grandfather by now!!!

    I loose semen daily and have for the past 20+ years, without exception! I am told often people can’t believe I am 45, they think I might be 35!

    I have way less wrinkles and grey hair than most men my age.

    I always have a lot of energy! I drink a lot of water and get enough sleep. I laugh a lot and enjoy the beauty of naked women as frequently as I can!

    I believe there is more information or research that needs to be done. Maybe if you do it really frequently you get thirstier and drink more water, the reason for my improved health and vitality? I suspect that’s the case with cannabis studies that show stoners as getting some kind of benefit from that habit. That the smoking just makes them thirstier and thus they drink more water than non-stoners!

    Beyond drinking more water, I have found sticking my bare hands into freezers frequently is “The true fountain of youth” concerning energy. Since I have been doing that for a few months-2 years, What mountain did you say I should climb? No problem! Easy as pie!

    My intuition, blood flow = life = more boners.

    Plus, I have huge testicles compared to most guys I see in porno. Perhaps if you go the other way there is a turning point and you grow bigger balls like me! Maybe beyond this turning point the other way, your body panics! Am I the only remaining stud man left on Earth? Did the females kill off all the other “men” cause they were disrespectful jerks who went around calling women whores, bimbos, and made up stupid demeaning names like “tramp stamp” to further justify their hatred of women? Suddenly there is a much bigger demand to make the body more attractive and create more sperm to satisfy the lust of all these hungry women?

    Maybe the body thinks war killed off all the other guys and now I’m the only chance for the humans survival?

    Frequent masterbation bad for your health? What about the Harvard study that shows it keeps away prostate cancer!?

    Guys who spend all their money on porn, are late to work cause they missed sleep trying to wade through the enormous amount of sick crap on the web just to find something spank worthy, yes these guys need help.

    My varied perspective part 2: Not going to discredit Chinese Medicine. I have an Accupuncturist in my family. I know it works for me. I see the body as a cosmos within and infinitely bound to the greater cosmos even beyond our own galaxy perhaps.

    However, didnt Ancient Emperors have first bids on health gems like the Reshi Mushroom? If you kept it for yourself you would get in trouble! Maybe a lot of health practices were kept secret from the common folks.

    Emperors back then were the guys that were having the most intercourse with women, right? The reason so many people of all different races look so similarly related in certain people? I believe there may be some lies, a lot of lost teachings, many GREAT mysteries yet to be solved. Some cosmic knowledge perhaps already accidentally discovered by myself!
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  18. HardALot

    HardALot New Fapstronaut

    Except Humans are not Honeybees!
  19. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Brilliant thread, hat off to you sir, are you a tcm practiccioner by any chance? or just an inquisitive bookworm?
  20. You might be the exception that proves the rule.