Just deleted 280GB of porn!! Finally!!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by IamMike, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. I don't think its "hoarding", my porn video stash was hoarding, but that's rather strong word for what's left - some very softcore audio p-subs. It's just less than handful of recordings that I find particularly nice and used to listen or regular basis. It's not like with my video porn stash what I just hoarded but barely ever checked.

    What kind of guy? A guy that has some porn on his HDD? If that's what you men I frankly don't really care. My current audio p-sub stash would not be something I would be embarrassed of. I sometimes wish I would care more of what others think of me, would make some changes much easier...
  2. Congrats and not an easy task. I used to keep a few nude pictures, as some sort of "go to" security blanket, even if I rarely looked at them, I still felt some sort of strange comfort knowing they were there, plus it kept me from main line searching for more. Be proud of yourself, that is harder than most people think and it does feel like you are free of something holding onto you, once you are rid of everything:)
  3. Abdulrahman99

    Abdulrahman99 Fapstronaut

    280GB that's unbelievable, I never thought that would even be possible.... wow!
  4. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    @burningheart: Yes! "security blanket" exactly. Having gone through that deletion process has made my recovery feel that much easier knowing that that stuff is gone forever.
    @daniel99, someone mentioned they had a 10TB stash, so very possible indeed.

    The term "hoard" can essentially be considered as a metaphor for anything we naturally hang onto that artificially inhibits our greater self esteem, confidence and connections with other people, whether socially or sexually. Now, if you honestly feel in your heart of hearts that the subs are:

    1. "clean fun" and that's it
    2. Won't tempt/risk you to relapse
    3. Doesn't make you feel shit after,
    4. Doesn't keep you away from getting out there and meeting real people

    ..Then keep using them bro!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Well, 2. and 3. probably yes. 1. definitely no. And about 4. I'm not sure, but more probably no as well.

    Haha, I kinda wish to get convinced to delete them. But I'm not so far. I wish I could find the reasons good enough for me delete them. But maybe it's just because I don't really trust that stuff anymore cos of porn. It might be irrational "fear" based on bad past experience. But at the same time I wish I would convince myself that these things are ok, cos I'm not 100% convinced of it either. O man... sigh... O well, I guess I will see eventually.
  6. Piet_Krediet

    Piet_Krediet Fapstronaut

    Congrats. It must have been a difficult step. I deleted over 500g which collected over 15 years. It was a hard decision but it made my life easier knowing I cannot sneak peak at it anymore.
  7. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Jesus Christ! that's a shitload of pornography alright. I hope the guy got to delete his porn stash just like you did.

    Congrats by the way. Must have been a relief to get rid of that stuff right?
    IamMike likes this.
  8. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I thought 1TB was bad. Even widdling it down to around 280GB was bad. But 10TB? That is just insane!
    desiaddict likes this.
  9. grandiose

    grandiose Fapstronaut

  10. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    Some of it could have been super HD with even her mitochondrias visible, who knows?

    I've never looked back since deletion and it was the best, most empowering thing I could have done. I truly no longer associate/see myself as a porn viewer/user at all, which has made rebooting SOO much easier. It's like a fundamental self image shift if you know what I mean.

    Guys, don't keep any of shit anywhere, seriously.
    Dizzy Lotus, volt2187 and GSarosi like this.
  11. stopthebuzz

    stopthebuzz Fapstronaut

    Cleaning all my devices of digital porn was a huge step to my recovery. I still have one bag put away of fetish based objects that I debate tossing every trash day. Hoping that at some point as I go further along in meeting my goals that I'll finally commit to the truth that I'm never going back.
  12. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    I can see you've come a long way in your progress. That's really awesome Congratulations.. You know first hand the power of getting rid of it and how liberating it can be.

    Don't toss your bag... BURN it... and post a picture of the flames (only flames) when you do. The time will never be right (it was never right for me for the past 3 years). Burn the last ship here. I challenge you to do so within 48 hours. Go!
  13. Congratulations man!!
    I still can't believe some actually store it on their hard drives. Thought everyone was streaming nowadays.
    MdAmir027 likes this.
  14. stopthebuzz

    stopthebuzz Fapstronaut

    Unable to burn it at my current location, but come trash day I have every intention of sending it off, never to be seen again. As I wrote that sentence my brain was attempting to come up with some good reason to keep the materials around. A last gasp from my addicted self.
    Simon Shy likes this.
  15. bcc3234

    bcc3234 Guest

    Thanks for the inspiration guys. My struggle at the moment is that I've held on to some old pics from exes. I tell myself that I keep them for collateral -- you know, in case they ever tried to use old pics of me that they may have. And I haven't looked at them in a while. But I can't help thinking it's a just too much a matter of me holding on to the past...
    IamMike likes this.
  16. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Fapstronaut

    All these threads were inspirational and funny!
    Way to go guys!
    I guess I am really cheap and was easily pleased since I never downloaded anything. Just watched the free short versions :p
    Might have been nice to solidify a feeling through deletion.
    Keep it up fellow fapstronauts!
    IamMike likes this.
  17. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    48 hours up... did you dispose it??????????/
  18. stopthebuzz

    stopthebuzz Fapstronaut

    Sigh. I had it in the trash can for a day, but in a moment of weakness I pulled out the bag and tossed it back in the corner of my messy garage. I have purged these items in the past, only to then spend even more money building up my fetish collection again. I am so happy that I have not faltered in any of my goals of late, but this last step will truly require a strength I have yet to master.
  19. That is great thing to do and a major step for recovery of you. Those that wish to get past PMO getting rid of all traces of Porn on your computer is the first step.
    New Life Mantra 333 likes this.
  20. stopthebuzz

    stopthebuzz Fapstronaut

    It took a tortuous week of urges and soul searching, but everything is gone! Still in a state of shock, but it was a necessary step that had to occur. Thanks for your challenge! It truly helps knowing people are pulling for me to get past this addiction.
    IamMike and Dizzy Lotus like this.