90 Days...How Quitting PMO Has Changed EVERYTHING!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by volt2187, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    From my perspective, a lot of it is how I project my voice when I talk. Before, a lot of times I would hesitate when talking, which sounded like I was mumbling. At my job they actually noticed it and told me I had to speak up because they couldn't hear me. Now I have a confidence behind my voice and I say what needs to be said. As to the tone itself, there have been a few instances where it sounded deeper to me. It may be placebo since I feel so much better about myself, but I definitely don't find myself being afraid to speak clearly and loud enough to get my message across anymore.
    Nouvel Homme likes this.
  2. Truculent

    Truculent New Fapstronaut

    I just came across this website today, and read your story. I never thought of quitting porn or if it has bad effects on us. I just mo today just before i came here. You just inspired me! I will go check that yourbrainonporn website :)
    volt2187 likes this.
  3. Landomike

    Landomike Fapstronaut

    I haven't watched p in at least a month. I still feel everything else except the brain fog from p. I still mo. I don't feel nearly as confident as when I was on a 25 plus day streak. I've kicked p but mo is still an issue. Do I still need a 90 day hardmode to be fully rebooted?
  4. alphawarrior

    alphawarrior Fapstronaut

    inspiring !
    Congrats man
    volt2187 likes this.
  5. Ultra Zork

    Ultra Zork Fapstronaut

    nice post
    volt2187 likes this.
  6. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    I say yes. During my first decent streak of around a month of just no p, still plenty of moing, I felt about the same and as you can see eventually I went back to full blown pmo for over a month. What makes me feel so good about myself is knowing that not just pmo, but mo as well, is detrimental to my mental health (because it's to sexual thoughts I create for myself). Knowing that keeps my resolve strong to not go back to that lifestyle.

    I said it in another post but will mention it again here. I believe the reason why I've healed as much as I have and have changed my perspective on just about everything is because I cut out the porn. That's what created the sexual thoughts for me. I never had them until I started watching porn. Now that it's been over 3 months, not only is that desire completely gone, but so are so many of my sexual thoughts. My drive to pursue real partners and not fictional ones (either through porn or thoughts) has never been higher.
    Ultra Zork and Landomike like this.
  7. doooooonotagain

    doooooonotagain Fapstronaut

    inspire me
    I also mo for 8 years

    Ultra Zork and volt2187 like this.
  8. yeprussell

    yeprussell Fapstronaut

    Awesome stuff!!!
    volt2187 likes this.
  9. Dude, this is awesome, thank you for putting your story on here; Ive been ensnared by porn as of late, and seeing your stroy has given me the impetus to fight through the pain, so to speak.

    Seriosuly, thank you so much!!
    Ultra Zork and volt2187 like this.
  10. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    Congrats man! All the best for your educational career. Have a great life ahead.
    Keep inspiring self and others!
    Ultra Zork and volt2187 like this.
  11. Stan17

    Stan17 New Fapstronaut

    Wooow, very encouraging...but damn I am struggling. I really need to kick this habit off ASAP.
    Ultra Zork and volt2187 like this.
  12. Landomike

    Landomike Fapstronaut

    Thanks man!
    volt2187 likes this.
  13. thesmexyboi463841

    thesmexyboi463841 Fapstronaut

    did you see any improvement in concentration and learning ablility and how long had you been masturbating for
  14. SkyFallBack

    SkyFallBack Fapstronaut

    good post! congrats!
  15. Betakerotin

    Betakerotin Fapstronaut

  16. wow