Why do I still have a feeling that revealing my virginity to a partner would be their dealbreaker?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by TheLoneWolf88, Mar 17, 2024.

  1. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I still get this uneasiness that whoever I would date would break up with me after they find out of my zero body count. Being in my mid 30s, I would still see it as a possibility this would happen.
  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    I think that if someone breaks up with you over that, it's a sign that he/she is not the right partner for you. They are not worthy of your time or your love. You deserve better.
  3. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I know that, but my mind is telling me they are all gonna do that
  4. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    You don't know that, though. Frankly, I would think that a person may like the fact that you are a virgin. It shows that you have a lot of self-control. That's a very loyal trait to have -- and loyalty is a praiseworthy attribute. ;)
    Wolves of Wisdom likes this.
  5. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    And I think being demisexual helps
  6. It's a sad state of affairs in our society when we view virginity as a weakness and promiscuity as a strength.
    LongSault and Wolves of Wisdom like this.
  7. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    Older male virgins are seen as weak and pathetic by society. But these last couple of years, more and more older male virgins are making themselves known.

    Tbh, I think most of them would be due to the massive abundance of P on the internet.
    Meshuga likes this.
  8. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    If you are super worried about it, find a way to mention it early in the dating process. That way you don’t over invest in one another when there’s potential deal breakers laying around in your baggage. Of course it can’t be casually done, and it might be awkward as it could sound like you’re desperate to ditch your virginity. You could also run into someone who wants to exploit you, but here’s the reality of your situation as far as I see it.

    1. Anxiety is usually worse than anything that actually happens.
    2. More is made of virginity than need be.
    3. Some women will be intimidated, thinking they need to make it an amazing first time for you.
    4. If you are clear that you are focused on a long term relationship, your virginity will be less of an issue.

    You are looking for a partner, to share life with, not a toy or service that you will rate after consuming. She should care more about you and her as a couple, not what you can do for her in the short term. So you can tell her you’re not going to be amazing and “rock her world” the first few times, because you’re going to be learning, and that’s going to be ok for a few reasons. It means she will be conscious about communication, that she can tell you what she wants and not deal with you being calibrated to another woman or women, but also, she’ll know there will be plenty of opportunity to experiment and improve.

    Honestly, one of the biggest hurdles is breaking your expectations of sex based on porn. That’s like prepping for the UFC by watching a lot of kung-fu movies. There’s no way to forget porn, or to fully purge your expectations based on porn, but you do need to be aware that it’s different. Good sex looks different from what porn shows, it sounds different, it definitely feels different, and it’s usually quicker. Just communicate. That’s all I can recommend.

    You’re going to be ok, 88.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
  9. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    All I know is to not reveal it almost immediately. Once trust is gained and you feel comfortable.

    I still feel a little insecure over it, but largely indifferent. Nowhere near as bad as it was a few years ago. My previous 3 month journey P free helped clear my mind
    Meshuga likes this.
  10. LongSault

    LongSault Fapstronaut

    Anyone who broke up with you for such a stupid reason is probably a degenerate. Besides, people with lay counts that are too high are more often than not poor relationship material. They have a harder time committing to relationships and are much more likely to cheat. Besides, our bodies are different at the end of the day; people respond in different ways an one has to take time to understand their partner's specific needs.
    Agree 1000%.
  11. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    Nobody broke up with me because of a zero body count, but when I dumped my psycho ex, she tried to blame my virginity why I ended it. I just refuse to deal with someone as crazy as her. I would also never sleep with crazy. She tried to signal me to go to bed with her after the third date, but I wasn't having it.

    It makes total sense now that I learned I'm demisexual. Because I didn't feel anywhere close to having an emotional connection to even go through with it