Sex is a high prioity.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Khri$$ Javan, Feb 25, 2024.

  1. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    Its not the most important priority but dam I ain't gone lie its pretty high on my list A brotha just wanna slap his nuts inside some cheeks, geez is that hard fucking concept grasps? When has society become so soft? We live in a world when a man is scrutinized shammed for wanting some booty. No FYI I dont objectify women, I can honestly say after being on SR for 5 months the first thing I look for is ENERGY. Can't be with somebody who dont want me. Its a difference between finding someone attractive vs sexually being turned on by a person. Alot of women I see or meet its just not there. I find them are attractive. But it takes more than looks to be compatible with someone. Look for the mind body soul spirit they both go hand an hand.

    Breaking News..... 60% of men are going through a pussy crisis, Some men are going through a drought and will never live to experience that moment.

    I refuse to watch porn. I'm never releasing my seed unless its inside a women or wet dream. I don't get on this corny social media crap or dating apps bullshit. Its for really lame people with self esteem issues and social skills. Everyone puts on a fake persona on the internet. Who you are on the internet doesn't define who you are in person.

    I will say this B4 i Go. I admit Im not stable as of yet. I made alo't of stupid finical decision in my 20's. I can't offer women alot of $$$ or extravagant lifestyle. The only thing I can offer a lady is what between my legs, and my knowledge. I would be a great mentor. I don't want to be in a relationship, get married or have kids. I just want to get my fuck on so I can move on in my life.

    I been holding my seed for so long, people always do you a favor in long run. I want to fuck, I want some nookie, ready to go to pound town. I aint gone settle for anything less if that mean I got wait 2 more years to fuck the girl of my dream so be it.
  2. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    This entire rant is operating from a pornography informed position. But that’s just my opinion.

    I’m not saying this for the benefit of the op, because he’s made his opinion clear. This is for others, who might otherwise take silence for agreement. As a culture, we’re obsessed with sex and we don’t have to be. I speak from experience; when you get some distance from PMO and don’t obsess over the day when you can finally indulge your carnal cravings, you at least have the potential to stop caring about the entire thing so much & the feeling is liberating. You no longer center every major decision around an event that rarely ever happens, and are free to pursue relationships and goals that actually make an impact.

    Sex is not the point of life’s journey. It’s something you pick up along the way.
  3. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    I kindly disagree. What demon time you on sir? Just because sex isn't a necessity for YOU doesn't mean it isn't for everyone else. Dick and Pussy run the world why else would we exist? A women fertility is the ultimate currency . The clothes that wear on your back or how much money you have or how many followers Instagram don't make who you are, Take away all of that material shit and everybody on the even playing field. You can't win in a system that was already rigged to begin with.

    We need to stop dancing around this subject and take it a little bit more seriously because its something that needs to be addressed. A large percent of men isn't getting laid. My question is what solutions do you think should be taken? because this porn, social media/dating app shit inst working. In fact I think its adding more fuel to the fire. A man shouldn't be entitled to a women or her time but just know that lack of sex= sexual frustration. That frustration can turn into violence, envy, hate and destruction.

    I tell men go chase that orgasm FIRST then work On yourself. Life is too short. This self improvement community has everything backwards. It helps to extent but @ the end of the day a women is gonna open her legs to who she chooses to. Alot of these nofap/self help gurus make money on getting your hopes up. Everything is done to fuck with you on a psychologically level to keep you stuck watching porn on top of seeking "self improvement" videos every time someone relapse as way to cope.

    I want to be a women's dildo or sex toy I shouldn't feel ashamed because of that. Fuck "dating" or being a provider Who made those rules? My nuts are getting heavier and Im getting angry! If this keeps happening I can for see a revolutionary or a war happening. More men will stop going to work and this beast system will eventually crash.
  4. Frank Black

    Frank Black Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your honesty bro, you also made me chuckle :D
  5. Onuphrios

    Onuphrios Fapstronaut

    Have you ever considered, that an obsession over sex is part of your porn addiction? When I was deep into my addiction I thought sex is the greates thing ever, something that would give me inner peace. I needed it to live, let alone to be happy. Nowadays I appreciate sexuality more than ever, I enjoy it more than ever, but I dont see it anymore as means to an end. If you think the lack of sex equals sexual frustration I disagree. There are enough people having daily casual or paid sex who could tell you first hand. A unhealthy relationship to sex leads to sexual frustration.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Meshuga like this.
  6. legendsneverdie

    legendsneverdie Fapstronaut

    it’s a good thing bc subconsciously your body and mind is forcing you to become better so you can attract a mate, so just hold the nut in until that happens
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  7. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    You already know it! We doing this 4 lyfe. Im never going back to porn/masturbating so I have no choice but to improve.
    SirQwerty likes this.
  8. Failing_upward

    Failing_upward Fapstronaut

    Is it anything outside of being a human dildo for horny women that you aspire to be? Use your sexual energy for that
    Onuphrios and Sign of the Cross like this.
  9. Your sex drive seems to be out of control right now.
    Try to calm down, keep on looking for your nookie but don't be so desperate to find a partner.
    Certain kinds of women know how to take advantage of men who are avid for a nice p*ssy.
    Keep that in mind. Good luck!
  10. I mean no disrespect, but your comment made me laugh out loud here at home :D:D:D
  11. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut


    I'm not listening to you. No disrespect, this that serpent talk. People like you like to cause confusing and misdirection. I was hearing the same shit since I was 18....... I am 30 now. Life is too short. I feel like punching brick walls sometimes because that's how sexually deprived I am. I know this post means no harm, I like to think optimistic . But this is reality, we got to wake up and smell the coffee sometimes.

    Gee since your on my sack so hard. I use my sexual energy to make post.
  12. Failing_upward

    Failing_upward Fapstronaut

    Let’s start a fight club bruh
  13. Yes, exactly.
  14. The way OP phrases his argument makes it come across pretty goofy but I think he makes a fair point. Western society is schizophrenic when it comes to sex. Glorifying it on one hand, demonizing it (and the men who want to have it) on the other. If you point this out you're labelled an incel or a creep and shunned from society. All OP wants to do is get laid, there's nothing wrong with that.

    I'd also be interested to know if OP is a virgin or not. Same for anyone trying to claim that sex doesn't really matter. I ask this because I find it amusing, and by amusing I mean really damned annoying, when people who have had plenty of sex try to act like it's not worth it, especially when talking to someone who can't manage to even have sex once. I also think some of you guys are so hung up on tying everything back to porn addiction that you're discounting the fact that sex is generally considered a basic human need. Yeah sure you can go without it, you won't die if you don't have sex, but you're clearly missing out if you don't have it, at least with a person who you love. Anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit, I'm sorry but they are. Sex isn't just about the physical act, it's about being desired by another person and the physical and mental validation that comes from that. Virgins and people who can't get laid aren't just angry because they can't stick their dick in a woman, they are angry because they are essentially being rejected, over and over and over again.
  15. And before I forget, OP explicitly said he's been abstaining for 5 months. I don't think his attitude is based on porn at all. I think his sex drive is driving him feral. He's a 30 year old man, not a eunuch.
  16. Nobody can have a healthy life without sex, that's a matter of fact.
    My point is: don't get too much desperate to get a nookie, there are certain kinds of women out there ready to take full advantage of one's sex drive.
    Go seek sex, that's what normal human beings do every day. But be wise, don't let people deceive you and use your needs against you.
    Khri$$ Javan and SirQwerty like this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    I believe there are some studies out there that show celibates actually live longer and there are plenty of historical example of people who had healthy lives without sex, you got all those religious holy orders but also some of the most distinguished people in history like tesla or newton and anyone who think celibacy make one less manly should read on the the templar order.
  18. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    I'm directing my anger towards these male pornstars, infulencers Chad/Tyrone. Why you may ask? Because spiritually they're weak people, Sure they may be financially successful, have nice body, cars, big house etc. They fly through women like its nothing. And that shit pisses me off. They never had to experiences several years of being involuntary celibate. never having girlfriend or never being on a dam date! These same bimbos always tell you to keep "working on yourself" while they shooting multiple women club. These chumps are snake oil sales man. When a man has been holding in his seed for MONTHS... is not getting any kind of sexual attraction from females it creates tension.

    Exactly! I will even go as far to say the psychology behind all of it. A lot of women are not cooperative. Always stuck on they're phones.... have short attention spans, refuse to make eye contact when having a conversation, don't say excuse me etc.. The respect for males is gone. I never had a relationship, never been on a "date" I only had sex 7 or 8 times in my life. Those were one night stands so as you can see I'm very inexperienced when it comes to women.
  19. Onuphrios

    Onuphrios Fapstronaut

    There has not to be any shizophrenia. The corruption of the best, is the worst! If you really value something, you will automatically dislike its distortion and perversion. Sex is great, but that does not mean that every form of sexual acts are. In fact, missuse or even abuse are bad. Thats why we can all agree here that porn is bad. And some people may argue, that casual sex is and it should be reserved for commited relationships with intimacy.

    Different people different experiences. I had at different lifephases very fullfilling sex lifes. I can assure you, that a a great sex life, or to be more specific the access to great sex, does not solve porn addiction relatet issues. Having relationships makes addiction in many ways even more complicated because another person is involved. Im not saying that sex is not worth it. Its great, but its not everything and not the magic cure some people hope it to be. Some people on NoFap insist that having a girlfriend and real sex will solve their problems. I was on the other end and can tell people from my experience. Let me tell you, it wont. But of course, find it out for yourself, I just want people to have the right expectations.

    Of course people get lonely and everyone seeks intimacy, but dont forget that the obsession and sensitisation on sex is by definiton part of the sexual addiction problem. Seeking sex "over the top" is a symptom of addiction. Its very difficult for an addict in the earlier stages to differenciate between real hunger for intimacy and compulsive urges. Wanting to be "a womens dildo" with no personal interaction or intimacy, refraining from dating because sex is the only interest from the other gender and in general the impression that one is overwhelmed by their sexual urges gives me the impression, that OP's way of thinking is heavily influenced by his porn use. And by the way, I say this not to disrespect him, but because he seems genualy like a critical thinker and may profit from this. If he would be as critical toward his own affections as to society, who knows how much would improve his life.

    With this I completely agree. In general I appreciate your post and dont want to seem like just countering your arguments.
    UnholyConfessor and SirQwerty like this.
  20. niam305

    niam305 Fapstronaut

    I totally agree with you that sexual desire is a need but differ your proposition for not taking responsibility for it, Islam recognizes that sexual desire is a need and not a want. And You know what?! Curse our society for making marriages hard. That's why our prophet pbuh recommended us muslims to get married as soon as possible. More than half of the men prominent in history married early. As soon as i'll manage to pay up the rent of my parent's house. I'll be getting married inshallah. It's also said that in islam, if you're poor and you wanna marry for the sake of keeping yourself chaste, allah will enrich those couples from his bounty. It's excluding those who literally have nothing to offer for their wife for dowry.

    If they be poor, Allah will enrich them out of His Bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficent for His creatures needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people)” [an-Noor 24:32].

    This hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhaari (5066) and Muslim (1400) from Ibn Mas‘ood, who said: We were with the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), young men who had nothing of wealth. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to us: “O young men, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and guarding one’s chastity. And whoever cannot afford it should fast, for it will be a shield for him.”

    If a person sincerely puts his trust in Allah, wants to keep himself chaste, and seeks that which is with Allah of bounty, there is the hope that Allah will help such a person and grant him provision from His bounty, as at-Tirmidhi (1655) narrated, in a report which he classed as hasan, from Abu Hurayrah, who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There are three whom Allah is bound to help: the mujaahid who strives (in jihad) for the sake of Allah, the mukaatib (a slave who has made a contract of manumission with his master) who wants to pay off his manumission, and a man who gets married, seeking to remain chaste.”

    And it was narrated that Ibn Mas‘ood said: “Seek independence of means through marriage.”

    But we have made our culture to be independant first as an individual then marry. In fact it should be the quite the contrary.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.