I Masterbated To A Sick 4chan Fetish Thread And Now I Feel Even More Depressed

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Massimo2002, Jan 29, 2023.

  1. Massimo2002

    Massimo2002 Fapstronaut

    It Was A BBC White Genocide Fetish Thread. Now I Hate Myself After Jerking It Out To That. But The Normal Porn Stuff Got Boring To Me So I Had To Reach Orgasm By Any Means Necessary. Or At Least That's How I Felt. Now I Can't Even Look At Myself In The Mirror Because I Feel So Ashamed Of Myself.
  2. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    4chan stopped being a funny subersive-quirky place like 5 years ago.
    I think racial affairs shouldnt be a fetish,altrough I do enjoy bantering against britons for example. haha.
    Anyways let me tell you, thats the LEAST bad thing you can find on 4chan...Make sure you stop this stuff before you thread unto a path from which there isnt a return.
    im_done, jay3241, Biophage and 2 others like this.
  3. beyondlife

    beyondlife Fapstronaut

    Hi, do u mind telling us what would be something there isnt a return? That is very interesting.
  4. The main issue with porn is that you need more and more extreme content in order to satisfy your sex urges. And then your mind gets totally obliterated in the process. That's why ALL kinds of porn are harmful.
    All of them. No exception here.
  5. If you allow me to say something here, it's very very easy to reach a point of no return when it comes to porn. The more extreme you get, the easier to become lost in one's own porn fantasies. Some people will never get rid of this kind of addiction.
  6. beyondlife

    beyondlife Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your insights. I hope everyone will be able to return no matter his situation. It would be too sad to see someone loosing this fight for ever.
    Sign of the Cross likes this.
  7. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    Bro, internet is sick and those chans are the concentration of madness that we have in internet (including reddit on that mess). Social medias e website used to "socialize" are now just ways to share "soft-porn", scams, false ideas of how to live the life, false claims of success in many cases and so on.

    I recommend you avoid any social media and only use those that you need to keep to talk with family or friends. It could be worsing the addiction.

    I hope you overcome.
  8. You're welcome, mate!
    And I hope that each and everyone of us is able to get out of our own "rabbit holes", so to speak.
  9. i developed some very strange fetishes when i was deep into the addiction. the sick thing about places like 4chan is that they use politics to further the porn addiction agenda and keep you further trapped in these weird fetishes.

    practice nofap, stay away from PMO and especially places like 4chan that tout the "unmoderated" motto and attempt to be some pathetic rebel place when really it just reinforces the status quo and reduces you to a self hating gooner.

    youll notice a lot of fetishes disappear the longer youre sober. eventually you begin to crave REAL people and conversation, connection, and real intimacy.
    Syphax and Sign of the Cross like this.
  10. AbelHimself

    AbelHimself Fapstronaut

    Fuck 4chan, I am glad I no longer frequent that internet sewer.
  11. I used to go there every now and then.
    But that's a place full of weirdos, I got tired of it all and just quit.
  12. Frank Black

    Frank Black Fapstronaut

    No, all websites with lots of content uploaded by third party are not regulated, and the more people there are the more problematic they are, so i would advise avoiding it like a poop on a street.
    Sign of the Cross likes this.
  13. JimmyConway

    JimmyConway Fapstronaut

    Going to 4Chan as a NoFapper is the equivalent of an alcoholic going to a bar that gives out free drinks by the barrel. It’s not even a “Be Careful” it’s a “STAY AWAY”. 4Chan is the embodiment of the dark human psyche actualized.

    That being said: Accept the guilt (which says “I did something wrong”), rid the shame (which says “I am a bad person, I am the thing that is wrong not what I have done”), and move on my friend. You have not utterly failed past some imaginary barrier. It is possible to recover. We have to accept the guilt and use it as fuel to fight against these desires. Best of love and luck to you
  14. Onuphrios

    Onuphrios Fapstronaut

    I dont know what fetish your talking about, but I really dont even care. Sounds like some stupid nonsense on the internet, thats all I need to know. I have a real life and real interest in women. Most professional porn turns me off because it has those "instagram aesthetics" where it seems so obviously staged and shallow, and amateur porn feels weird for other reasons. Im also not too much into any fetish, honestly, I barely even need more than 3 sex positions. I need intimacy, touch, personal interaction and good vibe to not feel weird about sex.

    Im not saying that to brag. Im saying this to show you what could happen if you reboot and rewire. All that stupid nonsense you think is so difficult to give up, so important and so desireful, may become boring or repulsive. Step by step you will regain a natural desire for sex. Image you would show XYZ kind of fetish porn to a cave man, would he be turned on? No, I dont think so, he has not conditioned himself for that. You on the other hand have trained yourself like a circus lion to feel sexual dependency about something I dont even bother to google it.

    Now the good news, your affections and desire can change. You think you are not strong enough to quit this behaviour for good, maybe you even dont want to quit and just dont like the negative consequences, but trust me, your desire and affections will change and make giving up so much more easier. However, till then it will take a lot of effort. You have to learn saying more often no to your urge than yes. You will have to practice abstinence from said behaviour, because a wound cant heal with a thorn. And then you will have to rewire yourself to natural sexuality, which means real every day women (they are better anyway).

    Till you get better and heal from your addiction understand, that escalation is part of addiction. Dont shame yourself

    Get pluckeye or any other good internet managing software that you cant bypass. Block 4chan and any equal site. I dont even use Youtube and recommend blocking it too.
    Also get experience in rewiring and cultivating your desire for whats beautiful. You can start in a not sexual realm. Stop listening to any other music than classical music for 30 days. Its an interesting experience that may help you.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    FocusIsLove and VikingThor like this.
  15. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    That hypno race play stuff is disgusting.
    If this’ll help, then here goes.
    Black men, especially in The West, make a small percentage population and there’s not enough of us (surprise!) to “corrupt” young White/Non White maidens as depicted in those videos.
    Don’t let these weirdos subvert your masculinity for a goon session.