The Reality of Social Media (Instagram ,FB etc)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by _hector_, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. _hector_

    _hector_ Fapstronaut

    Social media is soft-core pornography nowadays. Personally one of my biggest triggers is opening the explorer page in Instagram. Modern media glorifies lust. The seductive photos intended to arouse people are one of the main reasons people keep visiting these social media platforms time and again.

    I came across an article saying that men forty years ago were much more masculine than they are today.Even photos of high school guys back in 1960s can prove this.The main reasons for this as cited in the article are 1. food habits(modern processed food can decrease T-levels and this is a proven fact) 2. social media and pornography(trying to live up to other people's expectations and in the end getting more and more depressed).

    My granddad is one of the strongest men I have ever seen, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. My mom used to tell that he used to walk over 8km to reach his nearest school after helping his father in their farm. He skipped breakfast and had meagre meals for lunch in his school days. After his Twelfth grade he served in the military for over 5 years and was forced to return due to his mother's worsening health conditions. He was a common man who worked all his life for his family.

    Now my whole point is that men were forced to be a lot more stronger in those days.So instead of mindlessly scrolling on those Twitter or IG pages why not go into your field and plant some vegetables? Why not read a good book?

    You can share your opinions about this.

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    I think you will like this too
    thor_odinson and _hector_ like this.
  3. desmond3

    desmond3 Fapstronaut

    This is the result of high technology level without morality as the foundation.

    Morality is much neglected at schools now. Instead, education looks more like job-training. So what will the kids lacking moral education do with their skills / knowledge when they grow up? Thinking about it really breaks my heart...
  4. _hector_

    _hector_ Fapstronaut

    This is true to some extent.
    But I would have to state that all females don't think like this. There are many who are realising that this new "pseudo feminism" cult is getting out of hand.
    Slogans like "We don't need men" are seen around in almost every feminism rally.This couldn't be further from truth.
    I am not in any ways trying to impose "toxic masculinity"(as toxic-feminists call it) or the old patriarchal ways. It would be good if men knew where they came from and their worth.
    thor_odinson and ARCEUS like this.

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    Agreed. I feel the balance is never leveled, in the past, males tried to dominate over females, and now, several females are trying to dominate over men. The world will be in so much peace when both will get equal importance and respects.
    desmond318 and _hector_ like this.
  6. _hector_

    _hector_ Fapstronaut

    The people who post seductive images intended to excite the opposite gender don't realise that they are causing many to sin. Or they do realise it but they find joy in causing lustful temptations in many.

    And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. Pay attention to yourselves!"(Luke 17:1-4)
  7. _hector_

    _hector_ Fapstronaut

    Couldn't agree more..
    desmond318 likes this.
  8. _hector_

    _hector_ Fapstronaut

    Yes this is very true.
    Nowadays females are taken to word more than men as if they are the weaker gender. We need equality not dominance of a gender.
    desmond318 and ARCEUS like this.

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    Before coming to this community, I thought I am alone in the surrounding to think and is aware about this issue, but I am very happy to prove that I am absolutely wrong :D Many know this issue, handful of us also discuss about this
    _hector_ and desmond318 like this.
  10. I think I would say social media CAN BE soft-core pornography. Not all of it is though, and there are plenty of ways you can use social media without it being pornography.

    I mean, if you use Facebook was it was actually originally intended for, to connect with your close friends and family, then you shouldn't have a problem with that. If you have a friend who posts triggering things, delete them. Otherwise, you're fine.

    And if you use Instagram to follow certain pages you enjoy, regarding your hobbies, that shouldn't be an issue either. When I was on Instagram, I followed mostly book pages, so it's not like people were posting dirty pictures.

    But if you use social media just to scroll through random strangers stuff, then yes, that's gonna probably lead you to some problems. That's one reason why I deleted Instagram, because it was such an easy place to find porn. But that doesn't mean social media is porn. It means social media can be used in a bad way, especially when you are an addict, and might be wise to avoid if you need to.
    _hector_ and desmond318 like this.
  11. I agree that morality is important, but that's a parent's job, not the government's job through the public school system.

    Public schools already have WAY too much power over shaping children's minds. They already are teaching kids "morality," or at least their version of what they believe is moral. We need to stop advocating for schools to take over parents jobs even more than they already do. They are already constantly pushing parents out and trying to control your children's upbringing as much as they can.
  12. desmond3

    desmond3 Fapstronaut

    This could be something complicated, but I tend to agree with you that parenting is more important, especially it shapes the children during their earliest stage. (Thank you for mentioning the parents, I neglected them earlier.) As for the power of public schools over shaping children's minds, I am not so sure about that.

    In addition, only "teaching morality" isn't enough. I notice that the failure of education stems from the "educators" (both parents and teachers) not being good role models. On one hand, they tell the kids to do something, but on the other hand, they are violating the same rules being enforced. In this way, there is no way the children would be genuinely convinced.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
    _hector_ likes this.
  13. _hector_

    _hector_ Fapstronaut

    Yeah you are right. Not the whole of social media.
    But IG has degraded to a platform just meant for showing off. The models (or anyone with large fan-following) do post something inappropriate to please their fans. I deleted IG 1 year ago because it constantly led me to depression because I started comparing my life to the lives of my friends or even actors. Even while I was not invited for any hangouts I saw pics of my friends partying. It made me depressed and you know what most young men do while they are depressed. They try to make themselves happy by looking for that dopamine rush. They go back to the same social media which was the root cause for depression to release and get rid of the melancholy. They in turn get more depressed.

    There is one way to use social media without temptation. Unfollow any one(even your friends) if they lead you to temptation.Report any inappropriate content.For me this was not that easy and I found one way or the other to go back to my old ways. So I did the right thing. I uninstalled IG. Now I may reinstall it when I feel I have a control over my temptations.
    desmond318 and TakingTheSteps like this.
  14. SnakeyWakey

    SnakeyWakey Fapstronaut

    I have to use Insta for my job. If I didn't I would just get off it. Same goes for FB, although I enjoy FB to stay in loose touch with friends and family (real ones, not ones I've never met.) I check out 4-5 books a week from the library, too. I don't take this loneliness and isolation lying down.

    I guess I'm a "real man." My Pops was a combat vet. I own and use a gun. (shot rotten watermelons Friday early evening!) I drive a truck. I'm pretty successful in my job. I don't complain, don't bludgeon others with my troubles. (Except the suicide hotline when the loneliness gets unbearable.)

    Yea, don't put too much stock in those social networks, men. Get out there in the real world and talk to others.
    _hector_ likes this.
  15. Yeah, Instagram I would definitely agree is pretty much just a terrible place for us to be. There is way too much porn on there and it's too easy to just slip into looking at that stuff.

    I don't really use social media except for Facebook, and on there my entire homepage is always just posts from writing groups I'm a part of. So that community is really important for me. People help with blurb critiques, beta readers, cover critiques, marketing advice, etc. It's more of a business resource for me.
    _hector_ likes this.
  16. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    The thing is what appears on that page is due to what you look at. If you were to only look at posts about baseball, lions, and volcano your discovery page will be full of posts related to baseball, lions, and tiger. I don't think you can blame Instagram for what appears there.

    Well, I'm glad there's more acceptance of people who are different these days. I'm not the most 'masculine' male myself and have worked with men who say I'm weird because I'm not into cars and don't drink beer. Having said that other aspects of me are stereotypical male like I'm really into sports and I'm reasonably physically strong. I'm glad I have more freedom to be truer to myself. Pretty sure there were people in the 60s who were being forced into gender roles that they weren't comfortable with. I think it's a mistake to look back at the past and think things were better then, every period of time has positives and negatives.
    desmond318 likes this.
  17. _hector_

    _hector_ Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your comment.
    But that's not often how things work in IG at least for me. I only began an account in IG at age 16. The temptations were way too high at the start and I always found myself clicking on the soft-core thumbnails that came popping in my feed. This led to more and more of such material. Eventually I understood that this is how the algorithm works.
    But slowly I realised that actors, models and even teenagers(some even who are my friends) use seduction as a technique to gain followers. As we have often heard "Sex Sells". So IG is not a very safe place to be for any teenager. As @desmond318 mentioned the only way to ensure safety is education about such topics.

    In no way am I trying to impose a stereotypical male. But we as a society have degraded to the level that anything nowadays are acceptable. Even cross-dressing is considered normal.
    Back in 60's men were having a much healthier lifestyle. They worked in farms and fields instead of sitting down in a couch and scrolling through social media the whole day. My point is our life style should change.
  18. BrianaHo

    BrianaHo New Fapstronaut

    It's interesting to reflect on the evolution of society and how our lifestyles have changed over the years. Social media has undoubtedly impacted our daily routines and perceptions. While there's a lot to consider about its influence, finding a balance is key. If you're curious about navigating social media trends or seeking a fresh perspective, you might want to check out for some insights.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2024