15 days in and ED already Cured? :D:D:D

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Keemo, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Keemo

    Keemo Fapstronaut

    I am only two weeks in, but it seems that if you go FULL ON HARDCORE MODE (no masturbation, making drastic positive lifestyle changes, meditation, and improving your diet etc.) you can start getting amazing results in just two weeks!

    That's right, today, I just came back from an Asian massage SPA with the hugest smile on my face. Not only because I had an orgasm, but mainly because for the first time in years, my penis was proudly erect at the touch/smell of a human female, and ejaculated at the stroke of her very same hands. Erectile Dysfunction and Delayed Ejaculation are problems that I thought would never leave me for the rest of my life.

    You see, my story is that of the typical child who has been exposed to pornography at an early age and did not part from the habit of PMO'ing since. All the girlfriends I had have always had to deal with my ED, DE, and other sexual problems. As if it wasn't enough, I was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder which even added more complications to my relationships.

    Now that my sexual problems are slowly getting resolved thanks to NoFap, a glimmer of hope is lit at the end of this journey, which makes it more exciting to carry on.

    Factors that I Feel Contributed to Curing ED/DE:

    - Less stress during my interaction with the masseuse (due to NoFap increasing confidence)

    - More ability to concentrate on the pleasant feelings, subtle touches & smells (this is essential for regaining sensitivity in your penis and being able to reach orgasm)

    - An overall better lifestyle in which sexual gratification is not a priority. Duties and productive activities come first, which makes "sexy time" way more appreciated and enjoyable, even if it was not as stimulating as porn.

    - A healthier Diet (I went hardcore here as well, and eliminated most "pleasurable" foods such as junk foods, sweets, pastries, and gluten based products, which I feel greatly increased my sensitivity and appreciation for the other subtle pleasures in life)

    If two weeks alone can achieve this much, imagine what NoFap can do in 1 month, 3 months, or a year! The key I found is to discipline ourselves and fully commit to this journey. IT WORKS and all the effort you put into this will pay off sooner than you think! The feeling is just amazing and a million times better than the gratification of a million orgasm.

    Much love and Good luck to all!
  2. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    I'm so glad to hear this and I'm happy for you bro! I to have been struggling with ED problems which are going away but I'm suffering from DE now. Seeing this post is giving me great hopes about the future of my nofap journey. I just have one question. Do you have a girlfriend and if so did you have sex while doing nofap? I'm only 6 days in and I'm in a relationship and not having sex isn't really an option. I'm not gonna see her to have sex until next weekend so I'm hoping a week will give me some decent time to recovery from this damned DE problem.
  3. Keemo

    Keemo Fapstronaut

    I know exactly what you are talking about, brother, don't worry I'll tell you everything you need to know about DE.

    Over the past year I was having regular sex with my ex-girlfriend and it would take me literally an hour of strokes/thrusts to ejaculate which really ruined the whole experience for both of us, and even sometimes caused me to stop out of frustration. This is how horrible DE can be.

    I noticed two main things about DE:

    - You find that the sex is not interesting enough which causes you to get lost in random thoughts during the act that are not related to sex

    - You find that the sex is not stimulating enough in terms of the sensation (you complain that her vagina is not tight enough, or she is not stroking the penis correctly)

    Best ways to cure DE (in my experience):

    The trick here is to regain sensitivity! Not only in your penis, but also in your mind. I explained in detail how it works in my previous post, but to sum up, you can follow these tips which worked great for me. I ejaculated in 20 min with the masseuse yesterday (which I used to test out my progress since I am single at the moment) with no ED/DE problems, and it felt great throughout the whole session.

    1) Meditate, meditate, and meditate. I cannot stress enough how important meditation is to regaining sensitivity during sex. The more you are able to become aware of little sensations in your body (being able to feel your heartbeat, the temperature in your hands, the tension in your body etc.) the more you will become receptive to the pleasures of sex, which will make you orgasm faster.

    2) Stop Masturbation at all. Cutting out porn alone is not enough here. People with DE often masturbated too frequently to the point that our penis and mind got used to our grip, our special style of stroking, and specific position (on the chair, in bed, the toilet seat etc.). It is thus important to reboot here, and let the mind and body get used to the new real life setting.

    3) Get yourself "Hungry" for Dopamine. This is by far my best personal trick for curing DE. I stumbled on this trick through an analysis of ancient religious ascetic ways. Basically, what monks do is they deprive themselves of the main pleasures of life, which initially withholds their dopamine secretions. Eventually, dopamine has to be released somewhere in their lives, so it starts to find the slightest pleasurable moment to get released. The ending result is that the monks start to enjoy small things in life, such as making tea, feeding the birds, taking care of plants, chanting, and eventually praying/meditation which triggers enlightenment.
    In our case, we are not cutting out sexual pleasure from our lives, so we still make use of this trick but this time we cut off sources of dopamine such as overindulgence in food and TV/video games or anything you find yourself doing for a prolonged period of time that is constantly pumping dopamine in your system. If you cut it off for a week (in my case 2 weeks worked like a charm), your other sources of pleasure will significantly increase in order to compensate for the deprived sources of pleasure.

    Hope this helps dude, let me know how it goes, and just keep in mind that you have to be patient and communicate with your girlfriend because there is no doubt that your DE will be cured, and it's just a matter of time.

    Best of luck!
    Ghost79 and slickback like this.
  4. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply. It's hard finding people on here that talk about recover from sexual dysfunctions other than recovering from PMO which isn't my problem because it's easy for me to not do any of it seeing how I only get turned on by my girlfriend as of late lol
  5. Keemo

    Keemo Fapstronaut

    No problem dude! You can also try the website http://yourbrainonporn.com/ if you haven't yet, it refers you to many actual studies about sexual dysfunctions which you might find useful.
    sirfapstinence likes this.
  6. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing. Your story will likely help me considerably with future relationships. Do you normally recommend one of those 10 day seminars or similar amount of time to learn meditation with on premise instruction and guidance? I have substantial interest in Buddhism and can typically autodidact most subject matter, but I have a feeling meditation needs to be more immersive to take hold. I do think a couple of weeks can be enough to see improvement. In your case, you are likely already more in tune with your body due to your meditative and other similar practices. I'd wager it would take most people a bit longer. I haven't really had problems with DE and have typically been able to finish in under an hour during sex. With medications I take however, your advice will really help me as I will definitely find myself in a chemically induced state of DE.

    Men and women are so very different. What you did to overcome your trouble is superficially similar in nature to what an anorgasmic woman might need to try, but otherwise wholly different. Not as many men have DE and have also analyzed it effectively. After a few instances of being late to work on account of my meds, I knew something would need to change.
  7. Keemo

    Keemo Fapstronaut

    You are spot on with your observations. As for your question about meditation, I would say that if you find that you have the curiosity and patience to read about it online and watch some basic videos on YouTube than I definitely suggest you take the autodidact path. All the information you need is on the internet, it took me a couple of months to get the big picture (how to meditate, what it feels like exactly, what is the philosophy behind it) and never attended any meditation retreats.

    I am not sure if it is Buddhism or the idea of spirituality itself that is boosting my effectiveness in this journey, but one thing I know for sure, is that the process of meditation is scientifically producing results that I can "copy+paste" in my daily activities. And I'm finding that really cool.