Suffering wife seeks support as her marriage (and life) gets put back together

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Gamerwife85, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. DanVT

    DanVT Fapstronaut

    I read that quickly and thought it said "personality counseling" and my mind went all Clockwork Orange.

    Good luck! Hope you find easy fixes and won't need more than the first 5 meetings. I know my counseling is going to be in the months category, so I am already trying to budget for that.
  2. Thanks for the well wishes, @DanVT. I can only speak for myself but I think I can safely say that I'll need more than those first 5 sessions. Our couples counseling gets financial priority though. We're seeing the same therapist for our personal counseling, and she operates on a sliding scale. Once we both finish up our 5 sessions we'll have to crunch some numbers and assess the feasibility of continuing personal counseling. Fingers crossed!
    Blondewife likes this.
  3. @Garnadaan and I fought last night. Emotions are running high on both ends, as are our stress levels. As a result of this communication barriers are up. I hate it when we fight. Before all this happened we fought maybe once in a blue moon - it's happening a lot more frequently now (which makes sense but is still lame). Looking forward to couples counseling this evening....I'm a little weirded out at my excitement toward it but I think the excitement is there because it's a step we're taking together. Lately it's felt like we've been both pursuing our own individual recovery paths (him with going to weekly SA meetings and solo counseling, me with weekly S-Anon meetings and starting solo counseling tomorrow)...I think it'll be nice to be jointly taking direct action on repairing our marriage.

    I didn't end up going to the movies yesterday. I'm planning on doing that today instead! The water is going to be shut off for 4 hours at our apartment complex for repair reasons. Seems like an ideal time to get out of the house! The movie theater is attached to a mall....oh no...curse you, mall! You and your siren credit cards are cowering in fear. :p
    Blondewife likes this.
  4. Hi there, @The Eleven! I'm definitely curious about meditation. I've tried it once before, a long time ago, but the situation is (of course) a lot different now. I'm definitely interested in more information! Thanks for the suggestion. :)
  5. Been an interesting past couple of days. @Garnadaan and I started couples counseling Thursday night...we really like our therapist. I think the counseling will be helpful to us both - there are certain parts of our situation that are definitely going to be uncomfortable to revisit, though (namely Garnadaan's physical attraction to an employee of his). I started personal counseling on Friday also....that'll really help me as well, I think. Due to Garnadaan's work schedule I'm going to start attending S-Anon meetings on Monday nights instead of Thursday nights.

    Remember how I mentioned I was going to go shopping at a mall in one of my previous posts? Well, malls make me extremely anxious right now; they're apparently a trigger for negative emotions. Provocative ads + other women dressed provocatively = me feeling bad about myself. I feel like they're all telling me, "Hey, look at us. We're WOMEN, something you're not. We're better than you. Your husband shouldn't be wasting his time by being with you. You're worthless." I had a total meltdown on the way home - full blown panic attack. Social anxiety is definitely a thing for me now. I'm afraid to leave the house sometimes. For me, the worst thing about what's happened with @Garnadaan (aside from the betrayal, trust, and attraction to the aforementioned employee) is my feeling worthless, like I'm less than a woman...less than a person, even. My (admittedly already somewhat low pre-PMO disclosure) self-esteem as well as my feeling connected with my womanliness are practically nonexistent. I don't feel like I belong to the female gender anymore, which makes me feel more isolated than ever. In short, I feel terrible about myself.

    Our couples counselor gave us homework: do an activity together outside of the house between Thursday and our next appointment (tomorrow morning). Last night we had a "date night" - we went out to dinner (Mediterranean food, yum) and saw the movie Inside Out. Today we went miniature golfing, which was really fun. The weekend has been great but I'm afraid of what this week will bring.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
    TheWife likes this.
  6. DanVT

    DanVT Fapstronaut

    It is amazing what PMO does to someones brain. It doesn't even have to be you doing the PMO. I know that when i was watching P, I saw those ads and signs, (and even mannequins) and would think about sex. The way the women were dressed, sometimes even the poses they were in... I can totally see your anxiety @Gamerwife85

    BUT, (see how big my but is? :p) now I remember that those women aren't happy with their life. They are TOO skinny. They get super stressed about their photo shoots. Then on top of that, they get photoshopped because even they aren't good enough to "sell clothes". Is this what your envious of? They have to take dozens, if not 100s of pictures to find one that is "good enough", and then these women find out that they STILL need to be photoshopped before they can be shown in public.

    I hope you don't mind me going out on a tangent, but you were made in His image. You are beautiful in His eyes, and your husbands. There can never be a more perfect version of you than you are right now. Know then that you are loved just as you are.
    SkyDoge likes this.
  7. Strugglesaurus

    Strugglesaurus Fapstronaut

    I'm starting to believe the idea circulating around the forums that we have some form of PTSD. We are triggered by anything that reminds us of the hurt and betrayal, we try to avoid situations that would trigger us, we've developed much more anxiety, we are paranoid, we have flashbacks of painful memories, we fall into depression and low self-esteem, have bad dreams, and all of this isn't simply a natural reaction to a horrible event. It doesn't go away. I, and many other women on here, have been dealing with these feelings for months.

    Pools, malls, restaurants, Walmart during the day, university campuses, etc all make me extremely anxious because of the women. I have a horrible time seeing an attractive lady and assuming that, because she is attractive or I am not as attractive, then I am not desirable at all. It does make you feel like less of a woman. Thinking of how our SO's used to PMO to thousands of women more attractive than us, ogling scantily-clothed women in public, it all adds up. But you are not these women, and they are not you. That may produce feelings of depression within you, but do you really want to be the object of some guy's fantasy? That's all they are. All they present themselves as, and all the media sells them as.

    Being part of the female gender is not wearing less clothes and dolling yourself up to compete with other women. You're a woman just because you are. If you feel less "womanly", maybe try to do some nice things for yourself, like taking a bath or fixing your hair nicely one day. You are worth more than your physical appearance, and those women don't have a foot up on you just because they leave nothing to the imagination. They are objectifying themselves, which in turn leads men to believe that objectifying them is alright. There is an abundance of media influence in what people believe to be "beautiful" or "womanly" or "sexy", but that doesn't mean it's correct. You are loyal, loving, beautiful, sexy and important just as you are. You don't need to hurt yourself further by feeling pressured to conform to beauty standards that only serve to put women on a pedestal and offer men some eye candy.

    I hope counseling is going well for you two and that you possibly try medication to help with your feelings soon. Best of luck to you, Gamerwife.
  8. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Wonderful post love. And yes, best of luck to you and Garnadaan, Gamerwife
    Blondewife and Strugglesaurus like this.
  9. Blondewife

    Blondewife Fapstronaut

    Very well said Strugglesaurus!!!
    Strugglesaurus likes this.
  10. Strugglesaurus

    Strugglesaurus Fapstronaut

    I haven't seen you two posting lately, how is everything?
    Blondewife likes this.
  11. Rookie_Wookie

    Rookie_Wookie Fapstronaut

    Hey Gamerwife85!

    I've been skimming through your posts on this thread. It seems like times are difficult for your marriage, but I just want to congratulate you (and your husband) on the effort that you guys do to stick together. I'm far from being a religious guy, but I believe in commitment and effort.

    I made a mistake with my girlfriend about 2 months ago. It was not porn-related (rather about my ex) but I felt horrible for the next 2 weeks and did my best to repair the broken parts. But things got back and we're quite great right now. I understand it's not the same thing at all, but it's just to say that I'm glad we worked it out.

    Reading your story made me sad and I can see better how porn can be destructive.

    I really hope the best for you two!

    I wish that things will get back and that your relationship will grow stronger :)
  12. WOW, I had no idea that it's been so long since I posted! Holy moley! Life has been a bit bonkers but really positive lately.

    As far as @Garnadaan 's and my relationship goes, things are improving more and more with each passing day. I think the couples counseling is really helping; we go back for our next session tonight. We still have "bad days" on occasion (fighting, negative emotions being experienced on both sides) but those days are getting fewer and farther between. The tradeoff is that when the bad days DO happen they're more severe (for me, at least). It's almost as if they're making up for lost time or something. When the good days happen, though, they're REALLY good. :D I'm not able to trust him yet; my wanting to be able to trust him, though, has always been present and is increasing exponentially.

    My individual counseling has been beneficial as well. My counselor has been giving me tips and techniques to help manage panic attacks when they occur (which thankfully hasn't happened since the mall incident mentioned previously) as well as what to do when I get triggered. I'm still feeling pretty poopy as far as the whole "feeling like less of a woman" thing goes but it's improving. Baby steps, Gamerwife. Baby steps.

    We're going to a wedding out of town this weekend. I think the trip will do us both some good; I'm nervous, though, about being triggered while we're gone and potentially making a scene in front of Garnadaan's family. We both have a plan in place for what to do to prevent that from happening though. Prepared minds prevail!

    Separate from the PMO recovery-related stuff, there's a decent amount of stress going on in my world. I went to my OBGYN for my annual lady-parts exam on Monday. A couple weeks back I’d noticed some tightness/lumpiness in my right breast, and when my doc examined me she was extremely concerned by it. SO I’m scheduled for a bilateral mammogram and ultrasound on the 18th. I’m trying not to freak out too much about it but given everything that’s happening with my mom right now (she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and starts chemo next week) emotions regarding anything boob-related are running a bit high.

    Garnadaan is so close to 60 days! I'm so proud of him.

    @Rookie_Wookie - Thanks for the kind words! I wish you and your girlfriend all the best. :)

    @Strugglesaurus - Hi there! Thanks for posting in my thread and serving as a reminder for me to post here. :cool:
  13. Well, life just got a ton more difficult. The mammogram/ultrasound I mentioned previously? I was able to get the appointment moved up and I am SO GLAD that I did. A mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy turns out that I have breast cancer. At the age of 30, no less.

    What hasn't helped lately is that before the mammogram/ultrasound happened there was some miscommunication to me on @Garnadaan's part about an interaction he'd had with the coworker he's attracted to. Any trust that had been starting to be rebuilt these past couple of months was obliterated, and he and I are pretty much back at square one. Now that cancer's part of our lives I feel that everything pertaining to our PMO-related recovery as a couple has to be put on hold. My partner is supposed to be my prime support person as I embark on this "healing journey"; how can that be the case when I don't trust him and am terrified that all this will scare him off/make him stray again? If I lose a breast and/or my hair during the treatment process I fear my husband won't find me sexually attractive ever again and that he'll relapse (or even worse, find sexual release with someone else). This all ties into/adds to the "feeling like less of a woman" thoughts I was experiencing a short while back. I definitely feel like even less of a woman now. There's so much going on now I feel like my head's spinning.

    I'm not sure how much more I'm going to be posting here on Nofap. I know this isn't the place to post about cancer - after this I won't mention it. If any PMO recovery-related updates transpire I'll update this thread accordingly.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
    TheWife likes this.
  14. Blondewife

    Blondewife Fapstronaut


    I am so sorry to hear about your medical news. I think that if you feel comfortable posting here, related to PMO or not, it's healthy to do. Some people may disagree with me but if they don't want to see you posting about breast cancer than they can stop following your thread. Fact is, now you are dealing with this new news AND your husbands PMO addiction. You need people to talk to and we are here no matter what you want to talk about.
    Mj1064 and DanVT like this.
  15. Hi Blondewife! Always a joy to hear from you. I truly appreciate your kind words, they mean a lot. Thank you so much! You've brightened my day. :)
  16. Blondewife

    Blondewife Fapstronaut

    You can get through this Gamerwife. I hope they caught it in early enough and with all the advances in medicine now, cancer can be beaten- and you WILL beat this!
    DanVT likes this.
  17. Thank you for the words of support. We're still finding out further details about the cancer...hopefully it hasn't metastasized (spread to other organs). If it hasn't then the odds will be more in our favor and we will beat it. Fingers crossed. :)
  18. These past 11 days have been CRAZY for us - a whirlwind of phone calls to our insurance company and doctor's offices, appointments with surgeons, and stress. It's all been pretty surreal. I still have a hard time saying/typing the words: I have breast cancer.

    I dropped all of my college classes for this semester (I'd enrolled in 14 units); that wasn't something I wanted to do but it needed to happen. From what I've read so far, cancer treatment requires A LOT of flexibility as far as scheduling goes; the idea of juggling school and treatment wouldn't have worked from a logistical standpoint. At this point my treatment plan is as follows: chemotherapy, followed by surgery (lumpectomy), then radiation. I might have to go through another round of chemo post-radiation depending on the results of a test we're waiting on. Garnadaan has been a champ; he's helping out around the house a lot more than usual and put himself in charge of handling all the important cancer-related phone calls. Since the diagnosis he's gone with me to every medical appointment as well. I'm truly blessed to have him by my side during this huge ordeal.

    We have an appointment with an oncologist (cancer doctor) next Thursday, the day that @Garnadaan returns from the work conference he'll be attending next week. I remember a couple of months back pre-cancer diagnosis (cripes, has it really only been a couple of months? Feels longer than that, sheesh) that this annual work conference was a huge obstacle for his personal PMO recovery as well as our marriage's recovery. Even with all this cancer stuff the conference is still a big worry of mine but not as much as it was in recent months. I still don't trust Garnadaan much; I know that's the root of my conference-related worries. The conference is held in Las Vegas of all places, which doesn't exactly ease my mind! LOL. I do have to say, though, that Garnadaan has been doing so well with his reboot so far; I'm really proud of him. He's so close to his 90-day milestone; he's confident that he'll reach it and so am I.

    Once chemo starts our sex life is almost guaranteed to take a hit. That's one of my primary concerns going forward. There will definitely be some adjustments to our, uh, activities, that'll have to be made. Those feelings I'd mentioned in previous entries, of feeling like less of a woman, are going to go into overdrive once I lose my hair. Ha, I definitely won't feel very sexy then! But we'll make it work.

    That's all from me for now. Stay strong and vigilant, everyone!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2015
    TheWife likes this.
  19. AnotherAnonymousWife

    AnotherAnonymousWife Fapstronaut

    My heart goes out to you. From reading your posts, you seem like an incredible woman. I am so so sorry that you are having to go through this. I can only imagine the stress. I wish there were adequate words of comfort that I could offer to you, but none seem good enough. Just know that you are cared about and that you are in my thoughts. I sincerely wish you all the strength you need, all the love you deserve, and all the happiness you want.
    Mj1064 likes this.
  20. Thank you for the kind words, @AnotherAnonymousWife. Your words warm my heart. :)