I dont think I can do this anymore

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by DefendMyHeart, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    My husband and I have been married going on 7 years now. About 3 years ago I found out he was addicted to porn. After finding out, he promised to never watch it again, and he didn't for 2 years. He relapsed earlier this year. I've spent these last 3 years dedicating so much time, energy, and emotion into helping him recover, only for him to constantly find excuses to continue to objectify women and "get high" from it. I dont feel special, as any woman out there can gain my husbands attention and get him aroused. I feel defeated. It has had a huge impact on my health, and I just recently started counseling for betrayal trauma.
    My husband also sees a counselor, but his counselor doesn't think porn addiction is real. So when my husband tells him of his difficulties in thoughts he has of other women, his therapist tells him its okay, its normal, and he is entitled to do so. This type of thinking is why men continue to feel entitled to look at women as though they are nothing but sexual objects put here to please men. So I ask my husband the hard questions, dont let him sit in his excuses, and dont let him justify something that can't be justified. Then he tells me that he is tired of me lecturing him over what he does. To me, this sounds like he is telling me he doesn't want the help. That he doesn't want to confront the cause of his addiction, and he is more comfortable lying and sitting in his excuses rather than trying to fix himself. At what point does it become a lost cause and at what point is it okay to walk away? Because I feel as though this relationship cannot be saved as long as he maintains the mindset he is currently in. The mindset that his therapist enables and allows. I big part of me just wants to throw in the towel. I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't even know he was like this when we got married. I didn't sign up for this, and I feel so alone right now
  2. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    I’m so sorry. It’s the most unfair thing. We are faithful - we get punished. We try and make good choices for our family - then someone else’s choice uproot our dreams, our life, our heart. It’s so freaking unfair.

    Unsafe therapists/counselors can be so damaging. The first one my husband went to flat out told him it was no big deal and stuff like this happens. He didn’t even listen to the addiction part, of daily PMO, sometimes in public places (while hiding it). That’s not normal! That’s a freeking addiction! Thankfully my husband told me what that therapist said and we ended up finding a wonderful, safe, addiction therapist who is helping him a ton.

    There’s so much chaos currently flying at us. An unsafe therapist should not be adding to it.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
  3. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Heeeey, you were so kind and answered my questions. So I want to right you an answer.

    The shock that he would have if you leave him will be insane from him.

    I learned a new sentence on reddit: "Woman suffer in relationship, man afterwards."

    If he does not want to change himself he won't change himself.

    I can not give you an advice to stay with him or not, cause you are going to live with the consequences.

    Maybe tomorrow my mind will bring up more thougts.

    For me if I watch porn for arousal of another woman, it is for me cheating.
    fadedfidelity and BrokenHeart 2 like this.
  4. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Can you find a csat? To be honest, any time is ok to leave your sex addicted husband who betrayed you and lied. However, when is it time for you personally , is a far different question that only you can answer. I’ve been married 28 years. Didn’t find out about his porn use until we had been married 5 years. Of course marriage counseling at the time didn’t even address porn use as an addiction. So basically we wasted 3 years of counseling. I think you will know when you are done. We all have our breaking point. I stayed because I couldn’t bear to lose 50 % custody of my kids. Finally, come June, I can leave. My husband knows I’m done. The past 2 years he has literally become a different person in every way possible, ways I didn’t even think were possible for him.,Not instantaneous, but huge changes none the less. Still don’t know if I want to stay. Living with an addict is hard. Relapse is always just a click away.
  5. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    That was similar to what my husbands therapist said to my husband when he relapsed; that he didn't need to tell me because he was entitled to his privacy. He discouraged my husband from telling me about it. The only reason my husband eventually told me is because of my sensitivity to the change of his energy, and my health started to decline again. Then he confessed. But in little spurts, which hurt so much more.

    My husband was the same way, doing that in public places as well. No, it is not normal and I really don't see how anyone could think otherwise. I wish he would find another therapist, but that is something that is on him now. He doesn't want my help anymore so I will put effort elsewhere.

    I'm sorry you are going through this as well. It really hurts my heart that there are so many of us
  6. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    Him finding another therapist is up to him. I've spent 3 long years suffering while he was trying to overcome this addiction. I feel as though I got the raw end each time, first, by having to listen to all his stuff that I would have to drag out of him because my chest was hurting so I knew he was hiding something, and 2, by basically trying to help him through his depression that was caused by his own actions, then feeling even more worthless because I couldn't fix him in the way he wanted. Which was basically telling him what he wants to hear. I dont do that. I would make him sit in his lie, call him out on his justifications and BS, and make him look inward to see if there was a cause. It took around 4 hours a day for 3 years. I'm exhausted. But like you, I didn't want to put our kids through a divorce. My little one is autistic and it would be so hard on her to make any changes like that. I've told him that when I graduate and get established in a career, that if his mind is still where it is now, I am leaving then. That gives him around 2 more years. That doesn't mean in the meantime we won't go from husband and wife to roommates though.

    I'm so sorry about your experience too. I grew up with addicts, my ex husband was an addict, now my current husband is an addict. We didnt deserve this
    Henryforward likes this.
  7. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    I agree that it is cheating. Betrayal trauma applies to those who are with porn addicts as well. Us women didn't ask to be part of this when we got into our relationships, and it is so unfair that we have to deal with it years later, especially when there are kids involved.

    I appreciate your reply. I do think that quote is correct, and it may devastate him if I leave. Or it might give him the freedom to go back to that way of life he seems to have a problem with leaving behind. It is difficult to tell at this point.
  8. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Lol, I didn’t necessarily mean “ you” find him a csat. I meant you telling him he needs to see a csat or you guys live in separate bedrooms, or some other boundary that you’re comfortable with. I do nothing for my husband. I have never lived or been around addicts so I didn’t understand anything! Once I read it was an addiction, I did show my husband and I found a csat for me who then recommended my husband get into groups and see his own csat. I agree that he needs to do the work. He needs to find a csat, not a counselor that agrees with him, lol.
    Henryforward and DefendMyHeart like this.
  9. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    If he isn’t willing to do the work and find help, I think that shows you where his heart is really at. Doesn’t leave you much choice at that point.
    fadedfidelity and Henryforward like this.
  10. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    I sorta understood what you were getting at, as in, he needs to be the one to find it, lol. I answered that in such a way that if he saw what I posted, he would see I am not going to be the one to do it (he is on here too), if that makes sense? It wasn't until after reading it that I realized I sounded a bit rude to you. I didn't intend it that way
    Henryforward likes this.
  11. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Lol! I in no way thought you were rude. I’m a huge proponent of women taking care of themselves and letting their men sink or swim. Too many women do all the work in trying to get their husbands into recovery. Besides, I’ve got a thick skin....
    RUNDMC and DefendMyHeart like this.
  12. A relationship is made of two people. Blaming all your relationship issues on your husband sounds lazy and unrealistic to me. If you're so sensitive to energy, why did you marry such an apparent deadbeat in the first place? And why have you decided that his addiction to porn is the deciding factor in your relationship, like he has nothing else to offer as a human being? Besides which, by the sound of it, you make him feel like a piece of shit for 4 hours each day, but that's okay, because he's dealing with a serious psycho-emotional problem. Does that seem appropriate to you? Or is it just an excuse to indulge your own apparent lack of empathy? What even makes you think you're the one doing him a favour by staying? You're even blaming him for your own failing health, which is your own responsibility. Enjoy blaming him while you can, because if the same pattern emerges in your next relationship, you might have to start looking elsewhere.

    If the above sounds harsh, consider it a taste of your own medicine.
    JoeinMD and Damnation like this.
  13. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Have you ever been married? Just curious
  14. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    Yes, you're correct. A relationship takes 2 people. But if one is coming into the relationship at 100 percent and the other is coming in at 50 percent, what makes that fair to the one who is giving their all?

    And to clarify, 4 hours a day spent with CBT therapy, and teaching him to find his worth and his value, showing him that what led to the addiction was not his fault, and creating a safe space for him to try to learn who he is outside of the addiction is hardly about lack of empathy. If anything it is complete empathy and understanding.

    Yes, he is dealing with a serious problem. I understand that, hence the hours of time I put in with him to help him understand who he is a little better. I put off my issues and how I felt about everything for nearly 3 years so I didn't make him feel like complete shit, so your opinion on what I've done, or had done to harm him doesn't hold water.

    I'm allowed to talk about how all this makes me feel. This is why I am on this specific thread, to connect with others who have had similar experiences. If you don't like what I say, or can't handle how it makes someone feel, keep scrolling. You have no right to tell me who I should blame in my own relationship.

    Of course he has a lot more to offer as a human being. That is why I have done so much to help him. That is why I've stayed as long as I have. I didn't know about his addiction when I married him. I've never considered him a deadbeat.
  15. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    Sorry I don’t have much to say about this as I’m not married, but reading these threads make me more determined than ever to keep myself under control and grow before I get married as I do not want to put my future wife through this, even though I haven’t met her yet.
    I really hope your husband comes to his senses and gets the help he needs.
  16. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    Porn is evil. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s evil. Iv seen porn turn really good men into degenerate creeps. Porn is a curse on this world. A wife’s body is meant for her husband and her husband only, the only body a husband should look at and get turned on by is his wife’s. it’s a special thing, it’s love, it’s natural, it’s the way it’s supposed to be. A HUSBAND is not supposed to be sitting at a computer jerking off to women on a pixelated screen. You have any idea how messed up that is? As a husband as a man as the man of his household he needs to claim responsibility for his actions and he needs to put his family first. I’m not saying he can just click his fingers and be free from his addiction, but he can at least go and see a specialised addiction therapist.
  17. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    I think one of the sad things about all this is how some addicts will defend, and push the blame onto their significant others. My health issues are related to constantly being under stress. My adrenals decided to quit functioning normally and I am under treatment for it now, and will most likely have to be for the rest of my life. He does need to accept responsibility in order to keep moving forward. I was not like this until after finding out and dealing with the stress that came with it. I'm glad you feel this way. It is nice to hear that some men see the problem and work to fix it rather than blaming it on other people. I hope he comes around as well.
  18. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    That is what being a man is all about.
  19. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    Girl, yes. My long hair literally started falling out/thinning. Stress can do so much damage to your body.
    Starchild5x and DefendMyHeart like this.
  20. SequinHistory

    SequinHistory Fapstronaut

    I agree with you both and it’s terrifying to hear stories like yours. Counsellors/ therapists that act like this just provide further justification for an addict to act out e.g. “If my therapist thinks it’s normal then it must be...” etc. It’s insanely damaging and just strengthens the addictive processes.

    My own therapist is far from perfect but he is extremely knowledgable and has more experience in this field than anyone in the UK. My wife and I wouldn’t be together now if it wasn’t for him and I’m strong in my recovery. I also recognise that I have done irreparable damage to my wife and I am well aware our relationship might not survive this (although I wish this wasn’t the case). When I reflected on these concerns in my session my therapist invalidated me and told me that he doesn’t think my wife will leave because “75% of partners stay”.

    How does that help me? Is he telling me I’m silly to be concerned and that I can be secure in the knowledge that she won’t leave? Is he telling me that I shouldn’t listen to my wife and that she’s overreacting? Where did these arbitrary figures even come from, and why couldn’t my wife be in that 25%?

    I suppose the point I’m trying to make is that counsellors/ therapist are there to help you figure out your own thought processes, not to think on your behalf.

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this @DefendMyHeart. Your husband is choosing to listen to his therapist instead of you because his therapist is saying what he wants to hear. I wouldn’t even consider him to be in true recovery.
    MountainInMyWay likes this.