For Muslim members : preparation for Ramadan (NoFap June)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Beatzeppe, May 31, 2015.

  1. Beatzeppe

    Beatzeppe Fapstronaut

    This is by no means an attempt to exclude other members but as you know a religious belief can be crucial in conquering an addiction, it can even beat social or medical issues and just a quick reminder all medical journals tell us that fapping is totally ok :(

    Ramadan is on June the 18th and so tomorrow can be a good start to beat this in preparation for Ramadan and also by fasting for a few days.

    Main tips
    - Pray the demanded 5 times in the mosque
    - Hit the gym
    - Read the Quran and put a target to memorize a few verses
    - A healthy raw food diet every weekend
    - Avoid alcohol, fast food, porn, TV movies and series,
    - Meditation and listening to music is helpful and if you can play an instrument it would be great

    Best of luck lets beat this
    AdamJibril, Musta, Seeker19 and 3 others like this.
  2. Bpmofree1yr

    Bpmofree1yr Guest

    Thanks for the thread. Aiming to reach Ramadan fap free!
  3. bhai_babu

    bhai_babu Fapstronaut

    - Meditation and listening to music is helpful and if you can play an instrument it would be great banned Music.

    Music banned in Islam.
  4. Beatzeppe

    Beatzeppe Fapstronaut

    Who told you so??? Which quranic verse??
  5. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  6. Beatzeppe

    Beatzeppe Fapstronaut

  7. Seeker19

    Seeker19 Fapstronaut

    This is great!
    Im not born into Islam, but im planning to fast this Ramadan too.
    All the best you all :)

    If you all dont know about Sufism, please do research about the great Islamic mystics Rumi and Shams of Tabriz :)
    HippyMinstrel and AdamJibril like this.
  8. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    I don't think that they can merge 2 threads together ... you can re-post these great tip there though :)
  9. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Good luck fasting Ramadan bro , such great health benefits come with fasting !
    Is Sufism spread in India if I may ask ? :)
  10. Beatzeppe

    Beatzeppe Fapstronaut

    I am egyptian bro sorry not Indian :)
  11. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    I was asking seeker19 in that one :D
  12. AdamJibril

    AdamJibril Guest

    Is Music haram? Theres ikhtilaf. There are some instruments totally forbidden (flutes, string instruments etc.) . There is ikhtilaf on duff. Music which turns you away from God is Haram. But whats about kharidas(Poetry) of the Ahlu Tasawwuf (Sufiyyah), its in a way singing :p Is this haram? I am Ahnaf and my madhab is very stric in the matters of music, but still in hanafi fiqh is great ikhtilaf on the topic of music. I've even read in a hanafi fiqh book, that music(with instruments) for the sufis becomes halal, because its a tool to get nearer to Allah (Its not my opinion, but there are such opinions). Imam Al Azam Abu Hanifa rahimahullah has a very strict opinion against instruments. So its matter of ikhtilaf, but we the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah agree upon, that some instruments and kinds of music(which leds you away from Allah ta ala) are forbidden!! Wa Allahu alam (And God knows the whole truth).
  13. Beatzeppe

    Beatzeppe Fapstronaut

    Use quranic verses dont just repeat the words of previous scholars
  14. Seeker19

    Seeker19 Fapstronaut

    Musta, I dont really know the answer to that question, but i will say that there is notable influence of Sufism in India and in some of our very secret spiritual practices too.

    And i see a discussion about music here.
    I dont know a lot about Islam, but in Sufism certainly, they use musical instruments to go into a state of ecstatic union with God.

    I think it may be a myth that music is banned. Because the incidents of Shams of Tabriz and Rumi happened many many years back and they introduced this Dervish dance i described and it was very well received in the Islam community.

    Or maybe only vulgar music is music.
    Like someone here said, music that takes you closer to Allah is not a problem, its very good infact.
    Have you all heard Sufi songs about divine love for God?
    Its beautiful.
    Musta and AdamJibril like this.
  15. AdamJibril

    AdamJibril Guest

    I forgot to translate, Ikhtilaf = different opinions among the scholars. (Islam is not a white&black Religion)
  16. Happy Gnome

    Happy Gnome Guest

    I can move this into "Muslim Fapstronauts" if you wish. Just tell me what you want me to do, Beatzeppe. :)

    Also, like Seeker19 even though I'm not Muslim I wish to fast during this time. I really hope I can make it this time!
    Seeker19 and Musta like this.
  17. Seeker19

    Seeker19 Fapstronaut

    Awesome! :)
    AdamJibril and HippyMinstrel like this.