500+ days of PMO abstinence and its life-changing effects (4 parts in this thread).

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Angus McGyver, Jul 19, 2019.


Does this success story continue to help you in your struggle?

Poll closed Aug 18, 2019.
  1. Yes, it definitely does

    12 vote(s)
  2. No, it doesn't help much

    0 vote(s)
  1. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I have so many on my mind mate (dozens of them actually) but here are a few of them:

    -"Think and Grow Rich" (Napoleon Hill) is a much read still, 85 years later. It is a book that every single man should read at some point in his younger years.
    -"13 Things mentally strong people don't do" (Amy Morin)
    -"The Happiness Advantage" (Sean Achor) is also a great one which really makes you aware of your own mindset and can propel you to change it.
    -"The daily Stoic" (Ryan Holiday) should be read daily, all year around and not be put down after one year but rather read year after year since its quotes, teachings and lessons are very valuable.
    -"The Power of your subconscious mind" (Dr. Joseph Murphy) still stands strong 75 years later and really makes you pay attention to your own thoughts and mindset.
    "As a man thinketh" by James Allen is a classic written 115 years ago whose messages are timeless and even more useful in these modern days and times.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  2. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    It is my pleasure mate!
    I am more than happy and grateful to see that it is making a difference.
  3. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    My pleasure mate!
    I hope it can help you and that it makes a difference in your own life.
    Active990 likes this.
  4. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    What thread are you referring to and what do you need help with?
    Although, I can't guarantee I can help you with it (since I am not almighty and know everything), I can at least offer some assistance.
    iwillwinthese likes this.
  5. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Thank you mate!
    I might have had a rough start in many ways but that's nothing I dwell on now since those rough steps prepared me for something bigger and better ahead.
    I wish you better days ahead as well. Just try to take it one day at a time right now and be present in the moment because the moment in which you think too much about the future, the past and forego the present moment in the process because of these, you will never reach inner peace and harmony.
    ronkumar likes this.
  6. iwillwinthese

    iwillwinthese Fapstronaut

    I am talking about this thread https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/help-is-this-a-medical-condition.273511/

    I know that no one here is a certified fapstronaut but sometimes experiences help more than professionals.
  7. Vivek Gajula

    Vivek Gajula New Fapstronaut

    Hi Bro,

    This is vivek from India, and your story is a xerox of my story and everything each and every point which you've mentioned in the story happened to me as well.

    I will also read your remaining three part and will get back to you and i even want to talk to you personally if possible please share your mail ID atleast.

    Vivek .....
    Angus McGyver and NCK like this.
  8. NCK

    NCK Fapstronaut

    @Angus McGyver Thank you for sharing your story. I will read the 2nd and 3rd parts right now. Keep on the good writing and the good behavior! Wish you the best!
    Angus McGyver likes this.
  9. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Hello Vivek and thanks for sharing your feedback!
    It really helps me to see what I can improve when sharing my stories, advices and tips since my business idea relies on delivering the best service possible for my clients. Just send me a private message and we can exchange contact-information there if you would like?

    Best Angus McG
  10. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your feedback mate!
    I will try to keep writing as much as I possibly can (outside of working on my and business idea and other goals in life) since I find that very stimulating and relieving. Even better and greater is feeling the joy when seeing that what I write seems to have an impact on many people in this community.
    Keeping and maintaining a good, positive and encouraging note towards everyone (even those who happen to be rude, grumpy and angry) I do see as essential for building up trust and confidence amongst people. The people you draw into your life are essentially the sum of your mind, mindset and attitude towards life.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of people never realize this during their lifetime but remain in mental and spiritual imbalance for the remainders of their lives and hence get only to live out a fraction of their true potential which is really sad to think about.

    I wish you the best to and feel free to send me a private message if you need to!
    ronkumar and NCK like this.
  11. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for your feedback mate!
    It really motivates me, fills me with additional positivity and encourages me to continue writing these stories and working on my business-idea.
    Keep in mind that trying to force, avoid and push away the PMO-demon will only give it more power over you (as the urges arise) than just accepting it's there. During those moments, just accept that the urges and thoughts are there and think of it as something you just put in a garbage bag and throw away.
    Also, focus on the streaks one day at a time and not one, two or three months ahead because in that way, you will just build up too much pressure on yourself and feel even more miserable during a relapse. Just relax and take it day by day.

    Feel free to send me a private-message if you want some additional advice, tips and assistance.

    Best Angus McG
    ronkumar and Asgardian36 like this.
  12. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Although there have been many negatives coming out of the Covid-19-crisis overall, I still think that many people who have been living in their superficial and sheltered bubble until recently will reevaluate a lot of things and aspects of their previous lifestyles.
    Many of those people who have slaved for years climbing that big-corporate ladder (neglecting their families, friends, health and relationships in the process) will probably have a big wake-up call as they get laid off after years of loyal service to their enterprise. They will then only have the choices of either reevaluating their working life (and life overall) and lifestyle and turn it around and do something more fulfilling and meaningful.

    Or, they just continue to pity themselvs in eternity of what they recently had but lost in an eye-blink and can't think of any other way to live their lives since their jobs were essentially their identity.
    That's one big reason as to why you will see so many suicides in the near future, especially amongst men whom for many their job is their identity and when being laid-off their sense of identity goes as well. That is a factor most people don't think about but it (the role of their position and as a breadwinner) plays just as big of a role as losing the income and security that comes with it.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  13. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the very late reply but I hope at least it has given you some inspiration and motivation in the continuation of your journey ever since. It is hard to describe but after two years of hard-mode, it felt like it tuned up another step since I feel even more peace, tranquility, less cravings and more of a connection to the inner world nowadays than previously.
    Just getting off those sugary (and wheat-containing) food has helped me a lot during the last month or so and only doing those two things alone do a lot to push your level of consciousness up a few steps.
    Not to mention the fading of former cravings!
    ronkumar and Asgardian36 like this.
  14. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    You have already replied to my post the very next day! Anyway I am glad to see you reply again. I have read your first post again and its so fucking awesome. I feel limitless just by imagining If I am on the path of PMO for 1 year. And to spend the 1 year eating healthy, working out and working towards my goals with unrelenting persistence and grit!

    btw how is your online blog or business going?

    Are you from sweden?
    Angus McGyver likes this.
  15. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Hey mate! I might just have missed my reply then. Being on the right path (i.e. complete abstinence / being on hard-mode from all PMO) started to change my life after 11-14 days already as I one day woke up and felt an energy surge and sense of positivity I hadn't been feeling before. If you remove much of the junk-foods as well, including wheat and added sugars, and take some well-needed vitamins as well, your consciousness will be at a level you never thought possible.
    But, I was living quite clean at the time and was in good shape when that last (and still standing) streak began so I was probably more sensitive and fine-tuned than most men. I can best compare it to me (with a low body fat percentage) trying to chug 2-3 beers within an hour after which I would feel quite tipsy while average Joe wouldn't feel much at all.

    The business is at least moving forward (one step at a time) since I have been starting to give some shorter coaching sessions, plus the writing of the book and coaching-program progresses almost every day (I'm currently at 65-70 pages right now). Although I give these sessions out for free right now (as a bait and to spread the word/PR around), I will start charging at some point in the future as the demand for my services gets higher. But still, the first session will even then be free if the client has the ambition to return in the future.
    The blog unfortunately, hasn't been progressing very much but it will be quite limited when up since it will be in Swedish to begin with (unless there is some way to make it bilingual without having to write the blog-posts up twice), plus writing all the NoFap-stories up has taken up a lot of time as well. I will dedicate more time to it as the last two parts of my latest and most detailed four-part story is done and published.

    Jorå, jag pratar svenska! Gör du?
    Skicka mig bara ett privat meddelande ifall du vill utbyta lite kontaktuppgifter, eller få råd, tips och dylikt.

    MVH Angus McG
  16. MLetho

    MLetho Fapstronaut

    Your story is quite similar to mine (but i am younger), your posts and threads gives hope for change.
    Thank you Angus
    Angus McGyver likes this.
  17. Stp890

    Stp890 Fapstronaut

    Prejizz is ok man,its volume is directly proportional to your sex hormones responsible for your libido,people with zero or very low libido are crying for not preejaculating,their sexual activity produces nothing other than semen.

    If a man is healthy his cowpea's gland has to produce precum in response to any sexual activity,not doing so shows that something is wrong somewhere may be the gland responsible,

    Testosterone level is also correlated with your prejizz and your overall libido,prejizz is natural,serves as lubricant,correct the PH in the urethra for sparmial life,prepares body for sex,and brings much pleasure while foreplaying,

    All you need is studying your body,dont allow your self relapse due to precum,just ignore it,clean yourself after preejaculating,and go ahead with your reboot.
    Angus McGyver likes this.
  18. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    No worries and thanks for your feedback mate!
    I am positively surprised by the large impact my personally experienced stories seem to have on others and I am gladder that they seem to inspire, motivate and push men worldwide to become better versions of themselves.
    I am also surprised to see that so many of my responders seem to have experienced a lot of similar events, pains, miseries and agonies as well. But to end it up on a positive note, I am very grateful that I went through all of those events because if I hadn't, there is no way that it would have all come crashing down on me 3 1/2 years ago so the transformation could start taking place. :emoji_grin::emoji_grinning::emoji_pray::emoji_muscle:
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  19. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Hey mate and thanks for your reply!
    Yeah, I know it is a sign of just being healthy and having normal (or above normal) T-levels but it still bothers me since just a very short arousal produces a lot of it. Then, I can feel that stickiness in my underwear, especially when my D is rubbing towards them which is really nastily as I fear it's going to seep through them. Sometimes, if the arousal has been going on for long-enough, I can almost get a mini-orgasm that shivers through my entire body so I get almost shaky on the spot and at that point, it gets really hard to cover-up.
    Especially troubling is it if I don't have a toilet nearby so I can go in and wipe it off, like during a cocktail-party outdoors in some large open space. In those moments, it feels really embarrassing and I feel so helpless and exposed.

    I know it might sound ridiculous to complain about something healthy like this but it has actually been setting some deep marks in my subconscious and many have been the times I don't approach women I fancy as I know it might leak from down there after a few minutes of conversation. So, it has become a sort of a handicap/disability for me and overall, it seems like something that hurts you way more times than it helps out.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  20. Awesome story man! read all 4 parts. I hope you have continued success with this and everything you do. :)

    When would you say was the day you started to feel the majority of the benefits from NoPMO.
    Angus McGyver likes this.