Traditional Chinese Medicine view on ejaculation and its effects on health

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by digiter, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. digiter

    digiter Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,
    There are many posts about social-psychological and relationship issues of masturbation. I would like to point one other reason to abstain from masturbation. This is the one that convinced me to end this habit once for all so I would like to share it. Sorry for my english, but it's not my language.
    This topic is not broadly discussed, but You may certainly find many resources in the internet about that. Many men who masturbate observe many degenerative health problems but don't know what is the reason. I would like to write more about this topic from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine - medicine that is over 5000 years old (compared to less than 100 years contemporary medicine).

    At first I would like to point that for a man every ejaculation has bad effect on their health. Usually masturbation is worse, because people do it more and it forms habit, but the main factor is frequency. Every man after ejaculation feels severe fatigue and sleepiness. The more frequency, the more he feels it and more time is required to recover (if someone does it once per month you may not notice). But most of them don't know why.
    For years of masturbation (usually one per day for 12 years) my overall health was getting worse and worse. I suffered from adrenal fatigue syndrome, I had low immunity (throat infections 10 times per year), eye floaters, gastric problems, indigestion, headaches and many many more. I spend tons of cash and time to diagnose what's wrong. From the medicinal perspective nothing was wrong. I just had "low immunity" and a few "syndromes" (like AFS, IBS, .....). But why??? I was born healthy with good genes and had much energy during childhood. I would have saved much money, health and time if I knew something I will write in this post.

    What contemporary medicine has to say about masturbation and ejaculation?
    Do it more, it is healthy, normal, do it whenever you want! Sex and masturbation is healthy, you will have less risk of heart attack, etc.
    What says TCM (Traditional chinese medicine)?
    Man is build from many different vital substances:
    Most precious of them is Jing. It is the essence of all vitality of human. Part of it is inherited from parents (DNA) and the rest is aquired from very slow process of refinement of digesting food and breathing air. It is the most concentrated vital substance which is crucial for all living processes. All other substances, like blood, marrow, brain tissue or bones have their source in jing. Jing is stored in kidneys. To form one drop of blood it is necessary to digest about 20 times more food. To form one drop of jing about 40-50 drops of blood is required. Although energy which controls the vital processes (qi) and form thoughts (shen) comes from transformation of jing.
    Guess what is the main ingredient of semen? Exactly - Jing. It has the power to bring life. But what gives life, that takes life. Each ejaculation depletes man of tons of vitality. Frequent ejaculations lead to jing deficiency. What are the effects?
    Of course premature aging effects and other diseases:

    Jing is the source of all yin and yang in man. It nourishes blood, marrow, brain, eyes, ears, it is required for digestion (and thus consuming new energy). Depleting jing leads to premature aging, hair graying, teeth problems, tinnitus, bone malformations, mental fog, bad concentration and many symptoms related to specific organs.

    These informations and their confirmation with my actual experiences made me finally leave the habit of masturbation. Nothing else made such effect on me, but the awareness that I'm constantly destroying myself was sufficient. Ihope others will think about that too.
    Jesús77, MC88, LeonardX and 8 others like this.
  2. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    My scientific hypothesis goes a little something like this:

    The moment we ejaculate, it signals to our body and physiology that we have succeeded in our evolutionary objective. To find a mate and procreate.

    Therefore we are no longer needed. Men in all animal species are expendable, women are not - this is evolutionary.

    We die a little every time we come. Women do not.

    This theory is firmly grounded to our current understanding of science. I challenge all scientists to falsify my theory.
  3. Silver

    Silver Fapstronaut

    It's a way of looking at it. Other studies have shown that it actually is good for you. The fact that we don't die, or weaken to a dangerous state after we had sex is part of our evolution to have sex with many woman. It's why we reload and go again. So no, I don't believe this will 'destroy' you. I still live the exact same life as I did before the nofapp. Yes I do notice differences, but that might just be because our sperm-filled balls are yelling to sell ourselves to a willing female. Making us "better" than who we are. (the other side of the coin)

    I do believe that every addiction is bad for your health. The problem is that we (ignoring religion on this one) only life once in this body. Asians actually have a bad sex life compared to all other people on earth. They aren't known for their long age or their happy lives for that matter, so no I don't believe this to be true. Italians, Spaniards and a lot of other cultures are known for their passionate lives, age very well and have no restrictions whatsoever. It's assumptions versus assumptions.

    And yes this might be true, we are far from that evolutionary state. So no SP Wild, I don't even think a scientist needs to falsify your theory since you don't base it on anything but assumptions and basic theories. Your putting pieces together, your not figuring them out.

    Basic biology also tells us that "nice feelings" are good for you. It's why taking a solid dump feels good. It's why vaginal sex feels better (for her) than anal sex because the body was designed so she will want it in her vagina. It's why masturbating is "faking" a sexual performance and actually refreshes the seed in your ballsack. It actually makes the semen more healthy and the male more fertile.

    But like all things, excessive behavior and addictions are always bad for you.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  4. digiter actually has some valid points, beacuse it is indeed works like that, though the effects are not that severe. Yes, semen loss means energy loss, and we need 72 hours for our body to regenerate itself. I mean to reach the basic energy level again. But since the average pmo user doesn't wait till 3 days between "sessions" the overall lower energy state becomes permanent, thus you'll think it's normal. However if you stop for at least 3 days, you return to the factory defaults, but that might be a much higher energy state then you are used to, so that's why a lot of guys experience a bunch of positive effects in the first few days. But the thing is, it's tiresome, so the brain "raises it's standards" to accomodate this new energy level, making it the default setting in a few days, or weeks.
    After a month of nofap you feel just like when you were fapping, however you actually have much more energy than before, you just don't notice it anymore.

    The thought that our only purpose is to sire seeds, then we become unnecessary evolutionary, is horrifying. I have no idea why the so called "scientific method" wants to rob us from our humanity and degenerate us into a bioenergetic machine. Where everything can be calculated, measured and predicted. This must be the most soulless, heartless, cruel and unforgiving approach I ever heard. Because it means that life has no purpose whatsoever.
    Robbing humans from their humanity is the greatest sin and mental genocide there is. Yet we call it "science" and worship it. Do you really think that it's your worth? I won't go into a great religious speech, but if you think that you are a meatbag in a senseless universe: think again. You're so much more than that.
  5. digiter

    digiter Fapstronaut

    Indeed - we die a little during ejaculation, women don't.
    Bu I disagree that men are expendable. Both men and women aren't. Child will not be conceived unless both factors are present.
    I also don't think that man's puprose is fertilizing women and woman's is giving birth. This is wrong.
    Humans have civilication and big brains to do something much bigger than that. Procreating is just a way to continue the species and progress. Sex is from animal origin, love, science and spiritual progress is human. Masturbation is neither, it is pure lust.

    Anyways - back to the topic.
    My personal feelings and subjective thinking is only a small part of this topic. I present the point of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine - philosophy and medicine that survived many centuries. It has a lot more experience with treating people and restoring health than modern medicine. And it worked during that several thousands of years. I don't need scientific research on that, the reality and experience is better than any research. Moreover todays researches are sponsored by many groups of interest and are not reliable at all. I have seen many "scientific" research results on the same matter which had absolutely contrary results. They do not have any value for me. Personal opinions on that matter are welcome, but I'm not here to convince anyone, I just want everybody to read this point of view (which is not only mine!) and do whatever You wish with that knowledge. It worked for me.
    And TCM is very specific about ejaculations - they ruin mens lives. It should be avoided unless one would like to conceive a child. Of course even thousands years ago (in absence of sex culture) it was against human (or animal) nature. Therefore TCM suggested to limit ejaculations to specific count given one's health status and age. Here are the suggestions for MAXIMUM ejaculation frequency:
    20 years old - 1x daily
    30 yo - once per 2 days
    40 yo - once per 4 days
    50 yo - once per 10 days
    60 yo - once per 20 days
    70 yo - once per month if he is good health
    Moreover if someone is in bad health he should divide those by 2 or better not ejaculate at all until his health get better. Man should limit his ejaculations in winter and can increase in spring. Ejaculations in winter are especially harmful. Of course people who would like to have rich spiritual life, engage in meditation (or become immortal :) and so on shoul follow taoists directions and refrain from ejaculation at all, unless when wanting a child.
    In last post I forgot to mention that jing is composed of two ingredients:
    - pre-natal jing - this is inherited from parents and can not be replaced od replenished (immortality would be aquired then). This jing can transform to moving form and it is called yuan qi then. When it is depleted, man dies.
    - post-natal jing - this is the essence produced by organism by eating food and breathing, so it can be replenished by eating (especially specific herbs and foods) and breathing (breathing exercises like pranayama helps).
    When ejaculating - you loose part of BOTH. So part of it You can never replenish. When You're ejaculating in a very little frequency (ex once per 3 months) you loose more post-natal jing, but when ejaculating frequently the post-natal jing is insufficient so you are using mainly the unreplenishable jing, the deepest reserves.

    I would like to put a small note about women, because whole topic concerns mainly men.
    Women do not loose vital essence (jing) so the orgasm doesn't have any negative effect on them. Woman can even absorb some part of jing from male semen (assuming it was without condom) and feel better and also orgasm may improve her mood because it relieves liver energy stagnation. Women loose part of jing during every menstruation (probably the same amount that is in single ejaculation) and lots of jing during pregnancy and birth. That is why a woman should not have kids one after another because she needs time to replenish jing.

    There are many materials on the web that confirm the theory I presented. If I did not convince someone, I probably won't, but at least I will provoke some thinking. That is not my intention to provoke any quarrel between different opinions of the matter.

    The first step is to quit masturbation to stop the leakage of jing. In the next posts I will try to show how to recover from negative health effects that years of masturbation have done to the body from the TCM point of view of course and how to replenish lost jing.
    Woodcutter74 and DIYAS1 like this.
  6. digiter

    digiter Fapstronaut

    I would like to write some directions for people who ended fapping but years of masturbations left their bodies and minds exhausted, full of diseases and low immunity (like me). The most appropriate name for this condition is the Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome but in addition jing deficiency could trigger many more diseases from different organs, but it differs between people. The underlying reason is usually the same.

    So what can one do to improve his health after years of constantly loosing jing?

    Jing is stored in kidneys and is the source of all Yin and Yang. After over-ejaculations organism depletes much Yang and Yin so at first one can feel symptoms of Yang deficiency, but in longer time because the Yang is insuficient it draws from Yin. Yin is a source of bodily fluids so it is seriously depleted during ejaculation. After many years of masturbation man usually has both Yin and Yang kidney deficiency patterns. The treatment principle is to first replenish Yin (because Yang has its source in Yin) for several months and then replenish Yang. If one would do it in reverse order, the supplemented yang would burn the yin and deepen the yin deficiency and body heat. In the meantime it is crucial to stop the leakage of fluids (semen too).

    1. Lifestyle
    First point is of course absolute ban of masturbation, ejaculation and lust. Sex without ejaculation is not harmful but it may lead to unwanted ejaculation (most of fappers have premature ejaculations problems too). Moreover it strengthens lust and may lead to nocturnal emissions. But as long as you don't ejaculate, it's fine. Oral sex provided on woman is alright :) (yeah!)
    It's crucial to sleep well, go to sleep early and take naps if you want to. Jing replenishes through eating and breathing, but the process goes when we sleep. Do not overwork / over hours. Rest much. Do moderate exercises, especially yoga, tai-chi, qi gong. Pranayama - breathing exercises. Do not overtrain.

    2. Eating
    No alcohol or other stimulants, no coffee (coffee depletes jing!), no sugar, only small amounts of fat. Most of meals should be warm, do not drink during eating and drink mostly warm drinks. Do not eat spicy foods. Eat slowly, chew well and moderate amounts.
    Dietary suggestions:

    3. Chinese herbs.
    These that are for replenishing of kidneys jing and yin. After few months You may add Yang supplements as well. Formulas copy/LiuWeiDiHuangWan.html Formulas copy/ZuoGuiWan.html Formulas copy/ZiLuXianZongTangJiaWei.html Formulas copy/ShouWuPian.html

    Yang: Formulas copy/YouGuiWan.html

    4. Accupuncture points:
    KI-3, KI-6, SP-6, ST-36, CV-4, CV-12 - tonification

    I also recommend article about treating Adrenal Fatigue syndrome with chinese herbs:

    As many people here say they have some adverse effects after not fapping for several days (like anger, mood changes, depression, etc.) it is usually because liver qi stagnation as masturbation disperses qi from liver and relieves symtpoms for a while.
    I suggest this formula as well as exercising: Formulas copy/XiaoYaoSan.html

    For eprmatorrhea (sperm leakage) as well as nocturnal emissions / wet dreams it is crucial to stop the leakage with herbs: Formulas copy/JinSuoGuJingWan.html
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Silver

    Silver Fapstronaut

    If you had biology you should have learned about the sexual-determination system, aka chromosomes. To summarize it short: woman have 'XX' and men have 'XY' ( For men the 'Y' in 'XY' is shorter. In time (we are talking about hunderds of millennia of evolution) the Y will shrink to a point where it doesn't exist anymore. The missing 'Y' will be replaced by another X and X+X=XX, and it will become a female.

    Most species don't survive that long to even get to this point, but there are a few lizards and amphibians who actually reached this phase. The discussion is if we will clone ourselves (a woman giving birth to a identical twin of herself), or become asexual where two people/woman can make each other pregnant, or even be a combination of both (like snails). How this works exactly is beyond my knowledge, but there will be a time when 'the male human penis' will be no more.

    Little side fact:
    Because of this chromosome shrinking it's actually wise to give the human race a chance to direct it's course. By simply choosing the genetic stronger and intelligent people to have kids, we can become a elite race of beings before we enter a phase where we won't evolve anymore. We are talking about thousands of generations after us and it can be achieved by simply setting up birthing rules somewhat like the Chinese have at the moment.

    Hitler tried doing this by eliminating "the weak", the Spartans tried doing this by killing handicapped babies for stronger fighters. And even though it might seem inhumane, we are going to face a time where we have become 'a pest' in numbers and we need to reduce diseases, chronic flaws and other problems to keep our race (every single human being) healthy. With an eye out for the moment 'we men' become extinct we might need to think about the sake of the human race.

    Luckily for us, we don't have to bother with that at all yet. Doesn't make the feeling like we are irrelevant go away. Unless we decide to "play god" there is nothing we can do about it.

    Talking about God, the bible states that Eve was created out of the rib of Adam. Truth actually might have been the other way around. Females are the prime sex (for humans), we all have been woman in the womb till our "Y" chromosome told us we are actually different. Yeah, kinda takes the magic away doesn't it ;)

    [update] If you really don't believe it, wiki actually explains it relatively well :)
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
  8. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Just to say digiter I for one am 100% with you on this because it really does work and that's all I need to know.

    Here's a re-post...

    Creative use of sexual energy (life changing!!)

    I'm working through an audio programme called 'Taoist Sexual Secrets' by Lee Holden and Rachael Carlton Abrams who have both trained and written books with Mantak Chia. What they have done is simplify his teachings and make them more easily digestible (cut out what many consider to be the superfluous stuff) and I for one am getting a lot out of it. For instance I'm nearly seven weeks without an orgasm (previously unthinkable!!) and am not struggling AT ALL because I have found ways to transmute/sublimate my sexual energy.

    I'm fortunate that I'm not new to energy work (I've meditated, studied Aikido and similar for many years, my wife was an energy based therapist etc) but this programme really makes these concepts accessible and its made all the difference to me. I just wish they taught this in schools (mind you I wish we had an actual 'educational' system rather than the indoctrinational bullshit that we continue to 'allow' our children to be subjected to!)

    I also strongly recommend a book called 'Sexual Energy Transmutation' by Jay Onwukwe which also considerably simplifies a lot of the concepts discussed. There are one or two 'unfortunate' comments like, 'In creation, god made man, and made the woman to keep him company' which betray an ingrained 'sexism' that is more than a little cringeworthy at times (and is written by somebody clearly influenced by the likes of Napoleon Hill and Anthony Robbins who tend to reduce 'spirituality' to its lowest common denominator of 'abundance' predominantly referring to having plenty of 'cash' etc) But each to their own and having said all that it IS a good read that manages to 'balance' everything out (just!) and it really does contain some great food for thought concerning the potential uses of the sexual energy that we so often waste and which is the source of so much unnecessary frustration/destruction when it could be put to so much more constructive/creative use.

    Anyways if that last sentence interest anyone then these books/CDs will certainly get you on the right track (IF, and ONLY if you practice what they recommend of course!) and at the very least they will present a new (and exciting! ) perspective to those interested etc that they could either leave at that or use as a springboard to other new and exciting things which (to me at least) is what all this no fapping business presents each and every one of us with an unparalleled opportunity to do! (Just think how determined, focused, clear, driven etc you are when you are lusting for sex then imagine being able to transmute that same energy into other creative pursuits!)

    Also worth a mention that the Taoist Sexual Energy programme is available as an app and I got it on the Android marketplace (whatever it's called?) for £24 which sounds a lot but the 6 CD set is nearly £50. Best £24 I'VE spent in YEARS!!

    Many thanks to the_big_o and fappingendsnow for your help and shared enthusiasm for this and related subjects. :)

    P.S. And I admit I could be wrong about Anthony Robbins etc its just that I have NEVER come across somebody who reads his material etc who isn't trying to SELL me something!

    As is this...

    In the song 'Bad Liver and a Broken Heart" Tom waits sings,

    "I don't have a drinking problem except when I can't get a drink."

    ...LOVE that!! I also love to see science (left brain) balanced with the abstract (right brain) and poetry/lyrics are brilliant bridge builders between what's happening on all relevant levels because we have to join the dots and enable us to perceive the fuller picture (holistic=balanced=healthy)

    I remember my Aikido teacher saying 'The mind leads the body, the body influences the mind', and I guess it's all relative? What causes a withdrawal? Is it physical or mental? I guess it starts in the abstract (a thought) which then manifests itself in the physical, which in turn influences thought and so the craving (cycle)has begun? Or does it start as a physical (chemical?) reaction because a certain substance or physical act is being denied which then triggers a thought??

    Chicken? Egg?

    Either way the one thing we are most able to influence(by virtue of observation) are our thoughts and there's a gap in the thought process which enables you to break this cycle and therefore the 'craving'.

    I've mentioned this before in this thread - all based on a combination of Buddhist meditation, psychology, common sense etc. It might be a bit 'abstract' for the predominantly left brained but please consider this first...

    During an Aikido lesson many years ago I remember the teacher demonstrating something called unbendable arm which consists of projecting thought/energy through the arm rendering it 'unbendable' when somebody slowly tried to bend it. This had NOTHING to do with competition or the usual 'get me look how tough I am' nonsense that all too often passes as 'strength' but was simply a demonstration of a different kind of 'strength' On this particular occasion it was being shown for the first time to a physics teacher at a local secondary school. And it was working. He wasn't using any physical strength whatsoever and yet nobody could bend his arm. He had never experienced anything quite like it before- and he was amazed! But after a short while he started to get agitated and a 'troubled' look betrayed his inner dilemma. "Is there any instrument that can measure and verify this so it can be scientifically proven to work" he somewhat nervously enquired. "Can you feel it", asked the teacher, "yes I can", came the reply, "then do you not already have all the proof you need?"

    We never saw him again!!??

    Know the science (learn about dopamine and the process of change etc!-or-not!!!-Have-you-actually-Prepared-for-it ) but, and I would say more importantly, know yourself (did nobody ever quit an addiction BEFORE we had the science?!?!)

    Dealing with addiction from a purely scientific view is akin to taking a spaceship to a backstreet mechanic. Your going to need an holistic approach that balances and considers ALL contributing factors to help you fully understand both how you got here and how to get to where you want to be.

    I love the following lyrics as they really contribute to an holistic way of viewing loss/crisis and the resultant cravings/withdrawal etc...

    'from one point of view, what your going through, is a Wonderful Emergency' (Nat Johnson 'Wonderful Emergency')

    And this from the sublime 'Joga' by Bjork...

    'Emotional landscapes,
    They puzzle me,
    Then the riddle gets solved,
    And you push me up to this

    State of emergency,
    How beautiful to be,
    State of emergency,
    Is where I want to be'

    And a bit of poetry (just for good measure!)

    The Guest House

    This being human is a guest house.
    Every morning a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness,
    some momentary awareness comes
    as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all!
    Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
    who violently sweep your house
    empty of its furniture,
    still, treat each guest honorably.
    He may be clearing you out
    for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
    meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

    Be grateful for whatever comes.
    because each has been sent
    as a guide from beyond.

    - Jelaluddin Rumi

    Maybe somebody will reply to this post with a 'clever' explanation of how modern 'scientific' research (usually the type that is 'safe' enough to ensure it doesn't risk losing its 'funding' source!) 'assures' us that the enjoyment/value of music and poetry is simply not an evolutionary 'requirement' and should therefore be considered a futile and worthless pursuit? I'm reminded of the film 'Equilibrium' which is a cross between 1984 and the matrix (every top flight politicians 'wet dream') in which only Spok like logic and emotion free subservience to a 'superior' elite are 'permitted'. Maybe we are approaching that reality faster than people will allow themselves to realise especially as the pharmaceuticals and their 'connections' in politics (all one and the same) are going to increasing lengths to demonise all things so called 'alternative' (what a JOKE that anything at all would be described as an alternative to the RACKET we know as allopathic medicine!!) Holy Inquisition anyone?

    You may also enjoy these related threads but each to there own and I hope you find your thing (although I suspect you already have;))!!)-Dealing-with-withdrawal
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2014
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  9. FireGuardian

    FireGuardian Fapstronaut

    Thank you for posting this. I sign under everything you say, and your experience sounds very similar to mine. I am now 24, but at age 16, I had the pleasure of being treated by a TCM practitioner for a disease whose cause could not be determined by any western doctors despite the multitude of various tests that I underwent since the problem first appeared at a very early age. I had a weak immune system too, and an extremely slow recovery rate from ever minor colds.

    What he told me led me on a path to self discovery where I essentially had a first hand experience of the truth of what is said in your post. Ejaculation really does strip a man of a big portion of his life force, and when it is done too frequently, that shows in all aspects of his life.

    I am only on day 7 of my latest streak with no PMO right now, but I am motivated by the memory of an excellent physical, mental and psychological state during each of my last two streaks. One streak was 2 months, and the other one was about a year. Living in that state of being is a million times more valuable than experiencing mere 2 seconds of pleasure extracted from each ejaculation.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
    Jesús77 and Dziki007 like this.
  10. digiter

    digiter Fapstronaut

    I will cite from that link:
    So this doesn't concern humans today, rather other mammals.
    Anyways I still do not agree that men are expandable, there is no single birth without male in any mammal species and it won't change ever. Do You think science will synthetize male semen? Good luck! From TCM point o view semen contains much more than physical substance and it can not be synthetized. Do You know why all the cloning attempts resultet in total defeat? Because the clones where suffering severe Jing deficiency from their birth. They all died shortly.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  11. digiter

    digiter Fapstronaut

    FireGuardian - glad to know that the post had a good effect on You! Just continue the abstinence and it will be easier each day. One thing I didn't write yet - strong will is the power that comes from kidneys from TCM POV, so when they are depleted (after excessive ejaculations) there is no strong will at all. It will come eventually when You continue the abstinence so it will be much easier in time.

    jiltedJohn - thanks for the response!
    The main problem with modern science is that it is incomplete. There is still no scientific model that could describe universe or human. I believe modern science made much progress in matemathics and physics than in medicine (I'm writing about modern, scientific medicine) which is still not mature. Moreover, modern medicine began to rise in 20th century - times when the main reason for any scientific research was power and money. That is why it is more concentrated on making money than on healing people (think about all pharmaceutical corporations, obligatory vaccinations, etc.).
    That are the reasons I believe more in experience (that is confirmed by centuries of successful treatments) than in science in terms of medicine. I believe that some day the modern medicine may develop better knowledge and attitude to cure people but this time is yet to come (probably not in our lifetimes). Meanwhile it is good to refer to TCM even if we do not understand (or believe) the foundations of it.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  12. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    Men are expendable.

    Interpret that any way you like.

    I find it very noble for a man to sacrifice his life in defending his family. Nor would I condone a society that sends women and children to fight wars - I certainly do not condone wars either.
  13. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes and to be honest I could sit here all day writing about 'funded' 'official' science and the medical Mafia but I got to go to work ;) It still amazes me that the science taught in schools (via the state funded indoctrinational institution we laughingly label 'education'!) is at least 100 years out of date! 'Entrenched medical error' as the great researcher Philip day calls it is probably the biggest killer on the planet (see campaign for truth in medicine website) All the best :)
  14. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    And I love this quote by Bill Hicks, seems kinda relevant..."We gotta come to some new ideas about life folks ok? I'm not being blase about abortion, it might be a real issue, it might not, doesn't matter to me. What matters is that if you believe in the sanctity of life then you believe it for life of all ages. That's what I hate about this child-worship syndrome going on. "Save the children! They're killing children! How many children were at Waco? They're killing children!" What does that mean? They reach a certain age and they're off your fucking love-list? Fuck your children, if that's the way you think then fuck you too. You either love all people of all ages or you shut the fuck up."
  15. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hey I'd overlooked this particular post! This is great stuff, I was really looking for something to boost my kidneys as I've been practicing inner smile and I can 'feel' they need a little help and this post/the links it contains will be very useful indeed. Many thanks :)
  16. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut


    I understand exactly where you are coming with this quote of yours...but it is fundametaly flawed.

    Here's a hypothetical. You are given a gun. Before you is a father and his child. The death of one, either the father or child, will save millions of lives. Who do you shoot?

    Once again, I re-instate.

    Men are dispensible.
  17. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You are right, it is hypothetical and, to me at least, utterly pointless and meaningless. But if I was to shoot anyone in this scenario, it would have to be the person giving me the gun, but before I did that I would be compelled to ask them "How on Earth did a perfectly relevant and beautifully presented post on the virtues of traditional Chinese medicine come to THIS?!?!":D

    The only quandary I would then find myself in would be whether or not I had the patience to wait for a reply or to simply pull the trigger and have it done with! ;)
    calpoop likes this.
  18. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    It has everything to do with this thread. And you still did not answer the hypothetical question.
  19. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    That's because I feel no need to give a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question.
  20. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    No one needs you answer. Everyone already knows the answer.

    Back on track,

    I don't generally believe in alternative medicines. But in my is true. After sex, I bust a nut, exhausted and rollover. She always feels great, watching me sleep...I can't help but believe that is satisfying to her that I am so drained and she seems to get a high from it.

    If I do not bust a load after sex, and do not feel tired and boot up the x-box or cook some food...she is not satisfied, perhaps she felt it was her mission to satisfy me so completely and go subconscious, any less and she did not accomplish her objective.

    The only reason science hasn't caught on is because wankers can not see these things for wankers are blind.