NO PMO & Abstinent Relationship

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by RedeemedIowan, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Almost 63 1 day not as good as you wish 3 days great, you just use youf penis to pee from, and sexual thoughts are fleeting from thd daytime 1 wet dream in 10 days while sleeping natural way to ease pressure.
  2. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Sting 63 of 120 of 180 in I don't know how long we're going to do this
  3. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 64 out of a hundred and twenty got a very heartwarming affirmation for my wife about forgiveness along with the awesome prayer which was very motivational to me and helps me to keep going my wife got one hand and God's got the other
    RedeemedIowan likes this.
  4. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Day 40 down, praise God
  5. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Day 41 down. Praise God. I’m confused about what’s going on in my life..
  6. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    I guess today is day 42, thanking God for that. I feel depressed because although i have been able to avoid O, i have still been fooling around with my fiancé.. kinda like kareza or whatever it’s called.
  7. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 68 of an unknown number, yesterday was memorial day went to a couple of barbecues at a couple of drinks made me feel like shit. I’m gonna stop drinking too and I’m quitting antidepressants a little bit at a time right now to go got a lot going on I will stop all this behavior to the love of God and the love of my wife
  8. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Haven’t heard from him, no
  9. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Great job making it to 68 days fox. What’s your secret? Also, what makes you think you should quit drinking?
  10. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 69 I feel really good I think I'm definitely rebooting and rewiring the first time yesterday mywife's realized that I don'teven care about porn I don't even care about masturbation all I care about is mutual sex having anorgasm with my wife. nothing more all I know iswhen she's ready is when we will do it and I have to pinmy faith in God and my wife that we will reboot ourmarriage. I have forgiven myself and it's still a processI'm ready to take this as longas it'll take 90, 120, 180 whatever number comes upI feel I've got moreconfidence to be able to do this I'm also stop drinking and I'm work work weaning my way off ofantidepressants peace to all fapstronauts don't stop your journey remember only you can stop forest fires (pmo) not Smokey the Bear hardmode pmo is the only way to go willpower,obidience, stamina, delayedgratification, discipline, mind controls brain, empathy, clear thoughts, purity justsome of even more reasonsto stop hardmode pmo is the only real way to go,relapse times for me 0. Godis great god is good.
    TryingHard2Change likes this.
  11. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

  12. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    At 45 days hallelujah. Last night I was praying and God made it clear I needed to just tell my fiancé how distressed I was. I’m distressed that we’ve saved our sexuality from eachother for marriage and now that we’re engaged we can’t control ourselves. I suppose this is hard to understand for someone who doesn’t value abstinence, but I do.

    I feel like in sin it’s harder to talk about/to God. It’s hard to get closer to Him.

    Anyway that was last night and tonight we didn’t do anything. So praise God for that. I just need to keep having these honest discussions with her. Then again I just bought weed and didn’t tell her about that.
  13. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    We're on 70 of an unknown number. Yesterday was a good day with the exception of my mood swings and I now a tribute them because I'm coming off some meds for depression otherwise it would have been a great day. But I guess it was a great day to be abstinent I love seeing my wife in the sunshine the smiling the knowing that she is with me the feeling of the completeness of our relationship so for that it was a good day God bless
  14. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Day 47 hard mode down.. Thank God. I have no idea how I’ve gotten this far.
  15. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Day 50 down in hard mode. If you’ve got chains, He’s a chain breaker -Zach Williams
  16. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Well day 71 72 73 74 and we're on day 75 all went well hopefully today will be even better because I'm breaking free from medication on top of all this
    TryingHard2Change likes this.
  17. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Hey errybody, I’m on day 54 of hard mode. Leaning hard on the grace of God. I wasn’t too tempted at any point today to MO. That temptation still comes and goes but I’m just a little more out of the habit of touching myself.

    I am in hard mode with my fiancé for a reason.. we’re saving sex for marriage. Tonight I was so quick to cross our lines and put my hands on her chest. Why am I so fast to cross that line? Why do I not understand in the moment that I don’t want to?

    Anyways, not been a bad night or week. Love this site.

    @Foxislander sounds like you’re doing well sir! Keep it up! What type of medicine are you coming off of?
  18. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    cimbalta and starters taking mental focus herbal, gabba, passion flower, and chaste tree for boner and libido drive. boners are returning but no action is yearning. 78 days hardmode pmo with my wife towards 184 signed extension on abstinence contract for a challenge for me. its not up to me for sexual intimacy to return is up to God and my wife. i have surrendered that choice to god and her.
  19. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    79 days read scripture to reaffirm it's God's choice and my wife's decision of matters of sexual intimacy.In 7:1b, Paul cites a line from the Corinthians’ letter (“it is good for a man not to touch a woman”), which he intends to qualify and correct.2The phrase, “it is good for a man not to touch a woman,”3 has nothing to do with a hug, a handshake, or any other manifestation of fellowship or friendship. To “touch a woman”4 is a euphemism for sexual intercourse
  20. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Great verse for your situation! Paul went single cuzz he wanted to focus on getting the good word out, right? Are you sharing the good news with anyone? You’ve shared it with me