
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. I'm starting to lift weights again, but I want to do cardio as well. I'm just wondering how long I should do it? I want to do 20 minutes, but I've read that 30 minutes is a minimum. Is 20 minutes of jumping rope good enough?
  2. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    Look into HIIT. If you have access to a bike (stationary or normal) you can use that, or just run sprints. Studies have shown that this type of training actually burns more calories. I'd put a link to one of the articles but it may cause triggers (pictures and whatnot), I can send it to you privately if you want.

    Unless you just like running or jumping rope, then go for it, if you can jump rope for 20 minutes straight that would be really impressive haha.
  3. snowwolf0111

    snowwolf0111 Fapstronaut

    my experience is to make sure you do your stretch exercises.. they will prevent you from getting muscle pains the next day ! I know that was not answering your question, but indirectly has to do with it ! if you have not worked out for a longer period of time than take it easy, time and weight both. build it up is best ! if it has only been a few weeks without.. you will be allright with a lower programm, but still can do longer time of exercising !
    Mirach likes this.
  4. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I recommend also HIIT. 20 minutes for HIIT is good enough. As CrimsnBlade said you can do bike or sprinting, in the gym I also like doing HIIT on elliptical machine or even on rowing machine. It is the fastest and most effective way to burn the fat and not to burn any hardly gained muscles. As you would definitely burn some of them if you for example run for hour.
  5. They call me the jump rope king. My life goal is to jump rope across the country. :D Yeah I'll probably just jump rope for 20 minutes because I actually enjoy it. Thanks pal.
    moonesque likes this.
  6. Yeah I stretched out, but I still hurt my shoulder. It's not bad, but I was very sore yesterday. It's still a little sore, but it will be fine. Can you show me some stretch exercises? Sometimes I'll stretch my legs after a long days work and I swear to god it's feels as good as heroin.
  7. I workout at home so I'll probably just jump rope. I honestly don't wanna do anything too crazy. I'm just wanting to build a little muscle and look good for the ladies, which I already do apparently hahaha. I just want a better body. I'm actually a little motherfucker. I'm 5'10 140 pounds, but I pack a mean punch when I hit the heavy bag hahaha.

    Anyway, my main goal is to get some muscle and have a great looking body, but I don't want to get fucking huge and shredded. Any tips for that? Also, I WILL NOT do deadlifts ever again. I damn near destroyed my lower back years ago, probably from bad form. I think I'll do Scooby dead lifts and goblet chair squats because they seem to give me a good workout. I'm sure you know who scooby is. Anyway, any help is appreciated.
  8. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    You can do strength/resistance training and you won't get huge. If you're just doing cardio, tbh, you aren't going to build any significant muscle. If you want to build some muscle you need to do resistance training and make sure you're eating the right diet in order to feed your muscles the nutrients they need to grow.
  9. Yeah man I know cardio by itself won't build muscle. I'm actually doing more resistance training than I am cardio, but I read that cardio can make you look more muscular because it burns fat. I guess honestly I know all about how to build muscle. Lift weights, destroy muscle, eat enough protein, carbs and fats to build muscle, have a calorie surplus, get enough sleep, etc.

    I guess I'm just wondering if there's any more tips that I can get such as exercises that are back friendly and what foods are the best to eat. I'm actually eating pretty healthy, but I need to weigh my food because that shit kinda confuses me when I cook meat and have no idea how many calories are in it. I bought a food scale, but I have to wait for it to get here.
  10. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    I'm in the same boat with figuring out my calories and proteins with a scale and all that so... we can figure that out together I guess haha. Do you know who Mike Matthews is? He has a lot of good articles on his website about cardio and losing fat, cutting fat and maintaining muscle and all that, I'd check him out if you get the chance.

    They also have a lot of workouts on If you are looking at a particular workout, you can find it and they'll list alternative's to it at the bottom, so you can find something that may be a little more back friendly that way.
  11. VirilitySupreme

    VirilitySupreme Fapstronaut

    As a poster beneath me said it already, do it but only HIIT.

    In my opinion, cardio is overrated for both cardio-vascular health and burning off body-fat.

    The only positive you get from cardio is the release of endorphins which is legit.

    But if you choose to do cardio, you can do a more effective 15 minutes workout doing jump rope than somebody else running for an hour.

    Jump rope for 7-8 minutes for a warm-up then start going as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Then return to your baseline for 30 seconds before your "fast" cycle starts again. Stop at the 15 minutes mark. There it is, the best cardio that will leave you dead tired !

    Also, to prove that I am walking the walk:


    200 Lbs at minimal body-fat with no cardio whatsoever, simply because my weighlifting is so intense that I'd lose too much muscle.

    Good luck !
  12. I'll check him out and I'll check out the alternative exercises. I really don't want to destroy my back. Thanks for the help man.
  13. Damn, looking good man, no homo. Yeah I honestly don't want to do cardio, but I figured it would be beneficial. Shit, I'm already little as fuck hahaha. I really don't think I should do cardio when I need to gain weight period. If I do it though I'll definitely do the HIIT and I'll jump rope. That shit is a hell of a leg exercise too. I remember when I used to lift weights and I first tried jumping rope. Holy fuck my legs hurt WAY more than any leg exercise I had ever done. Anyway, appreciate the help.