How to determine if a woman is lying about body count? (how many people they have had sex with)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by NZT 48, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. Past behavior predicts future behavior very well.

    According to studies, women who have had even one sexual partner prior to their husband are ten times more likely to cheat. The odds continue to go up the more sexual partners she's had.

    On average, over 50% of women admit to cheating in long-term relationships, which is significantly higher than men.

    Women is their early 30s who have had an average of 2.5 sexual partners per year as adults are 17.5 times more likely to develop a substance abuse disorder.

    There are more associated problems, but you get the gist. I'm not saying any of this to pick on women. I'm saying this because most people have no clue about the facts. There are facts about men that women should know, too. Both men and women need to be better informed when going into relationships if they want to avoid heartbreak.
    NZT 48 likes this.
  2. You do realize that could be because women are more honest than men, right? Not saying that's necessarily the case, but it could be, hence the problems with these casual, non-professional studies.
  3. NZT 48

    NZT 48 Fapstronaut

    Woah. Those statistics are very alarming! Where did you get them from? If this is true then it shows that having blind faith in your partner will give you a false sense of security for every 1 in 2 relationships! And then paranoia/mistrust will also cause a relationship breakdown. So how can anybody win? Damn...

    Also what facts about men should be known?
  4. There's evidence against that, too. For instance, when women are asked face-to-face about their sexual history they admit to 5.6 times fewer sexual partners than when allowed to do so anonymously online. Also, when using a lie detector their partner count is higher than when not.

    I'm referring to studies from professional peer-reviewed journals, such as Evolutionary Psychology.
  5. I'm not saying women are more honest, in general, but that particular study sounds like it has too many variables, to me. You said over 50% of women *admit* to cheating, which is higher than men. But that only says that men didn't admit to it, not necessarily that they didn't cheat.
    the_Voice likes this.
  6. That's from this blog article by psychologist Susan Walsh, who provides references in her article.

    That's from the study Sex Differences in Self-Reported Infidelity and its Correlates.

    This is from The Relationship Between Multiple Sex Partners and Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Dependence Disorders: A Cohort Study.
    NZT 48 likes this.
  7. That's a fair point, but it goes against the fact that women's answers are highly dependent on their anonymity and even whether or not they're strapped to a lie detector. Men's answers are generally the same either way. Actually, the weight of evidence suggests that men tend to inflate their sexual experience. Men want to be seen as sexually accomplished (on average). Heck, even women seem to prefer that. You can see observe this in a non-scientific way just by seeing how prevalent the "insult" virgin is when women call men names online. Contrast that with how rare it is for men to insult a woman with that same word.

    Also, keep in mind these are studies where participant's names are not being published. It's not like researchers are walking up to someone while they're surrounded by friends and asking, "Hey, how many dudes have you been with?" Researchers have literally had to trick women to get them to not reduce their real partner count in studies (like with the fake lie detector test).
    NZT 48 likes this.
  8. Yeah, my response might have been different if you had said all of that in the original post. I had reasons for distrusting that original statement, given that there was very little information presented.

    It's funny to me when people say "keep in mind, ..." about things they never told me in the first place. Lol can't exactly keep it mind if it was never there to begin with.
  9. You can't read my mind? Are you sure you're a woman? :p Or do your powers not work over the internet?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    If you can't trust what she tells you then why would you be with her? Sleeping with someone you don't trust should be on the top of your list of things to avoid.
  11. This is the problem though, it's precisely guys judging women for how many guys they've slept with that leads to women lying about how many guys they've slept with in the first place.

    I say the issue is in your beliefs regarding this. Provided that your partner enjoys sex, if your partner is a woman, with a similar sex drive to you, then she likely should have had more partners than you. Think about how many women approach you/make a move on you etc vs how many guys do the same for the girls you know.

    It is very easy for a guy who doesn't particularly go out of his way to chase women to have extended periods of time where he simply doesn't have any options for sex. Most girls on the other hand will almost always have options, and I'm talking good options too: guys that actually care about them, they can trust, etc. So why wouldn't they be having sex?

    You say you've held back from letting loose, but even if you're a living Don Juan, you still haven't had as many good opportunities as any woman has. If you did? Your body count would probably be a LOT higher than hers. Think of all the times when you wanted to have sex, but had no opportunities - she, in most (but not all of course) cases, has those opportunities, and so, her body count will likely be higher.

    Her having a higher body count does not mean that she's "held back" less. In fact there's a good chance that many women with significantly higher body counts than yours care about sex a lot less than you do, and are much more selective than you about who they have it with.. just, due to the sheer amount of extra opportunities they've had, their number is higher.

    It's like the difference between a 40 year old guy and a 16 year old guy. Is the 40 year old guy more promiscuous for having had sex with more girls than the 16 year old? Of course not. He's had more opportunities. The 16 year old could have had 20x less partners, and still be more promiscuous and "let loose" more than the 40 year old.

    If it's a religious thing, like you don't believe in sex before marriage, and you're looking for a girl who believes the same - then fine. The best way to find such a girl is through your particular faith, since girls you meet there will be more likely to have similar beliefs.

    ...but if it's not a religious thing, then you might want to rethink your beliefs, because the woman with an equally conservative and selective sexual attitude to you, will likely have quite a few more under her belt than you do.

    Another thing to take into account is age. If you're 18-21, then your idea might be realistic. If you're 24-25, very few women your age will fit into your ideal. If you're 30+, yeah.. good luck with that.

    If you're set on judging a girl's number, and asking girls about it, you'll end up with a lot of girls who lie about their counts to you. Girls typically have a good intuition, and will know the kind of guys they need to lie to. Whereas if you stop caring so much about the number, you'll be much more likely to find a partner who's willing to share that information with you, because she knows she won't be judged. It's that partner, even if her number is slightly higher, who you'll be able to know you can trust, because she knows she can be open with you about anything without judgement - and it's that level of openness that leads to a long-term healthy relationship.

    As for me personally, I really don't care about the number, and if I did, I'd have a slight preference for a higher number personally. I have a pretty high sex drive, and I'd ideally prefer a partner with the same, and with a little experience. That said, I'll happily be with any girl, whether her number is 0, or in the triple digits. It's things like her personality, whether I'm attracted to her, whether there's genuine chemistry, and whether I can trust her that matter - not some unimportant number like how many times she's gotten laid.
  12. So once an addict always an addict?

  13. what you are saying is so sexist. I am a girl and this is insulting. you are forgetting the fuckboys who have fucked a lot of women
    do women reject guys who fuck a lot of women?
    Do fuckboys get asked by women that are interested in them, with how many women they had s with?
  14. NZT 48

    NZT 48 Fapstronaut

    @JesusGreen thank you. Best answer so far with some very interesting points. Just for note, it is a religious thing, otherwise I would have a high body count as well lol. So I will look for someone with similar faiths, beliefs and morals. Very true that for a man and a woman to have the same body count- the woman would have exhibited more self control (due to more opportunites) so they are not directly comparable - I never thought about it that way before. And yes I see, for somebody to be open and honest with me, they need to see that I will not be judgmental of their past. This would have a big bearing on the trust and openness in the relationship in the future as well. Excellent response.
    JesusGreen and WreckTangle like this.
  15. Not necessarily. However, it's certainly more likely for a former addict to relapse than for someone with no previous inclination to suddenly become an addict.

    It's not a hard and fast rule, but it's a good general guide.
    Deleted Account and NZT 48 like this.
  16. WreckTangle

    WreckTangle Fapstronaut

    I have the feeling you didn't read post #44 in this thread. If you did and understood it, I have no idea why you would have these opinions.
  17. i did and think that post is ridiculous just saying women lie more than men on how many partners they had
    It depends on the singular person not on the gender of the person
    @Opportunity For Better
  18. True-Self

    True-Self Fapstronaut

    Curious why a higher partner count would be seen as having more experience? All things being equal I would think the ideal would be a SO who has a lower partner count but has had a lot of sex (i.e. had a very active sex life while in a relationship). If someone has a very high "count" if would seem like they don't just like sex, but that they like sex with different partners. This does not seem like a desirable trait for a serious monogamous relationship, but is desirable if casual sex is being sought.
  19. True-Self

    True-Self Fapstronaut

    Why don't women do this? This could lead to a reduction in"fuckboys". The world could do with less of them.
    NZT 48 likes this.
  20. I don't like the fundamental hypocrisy of these last posts. no guys (fuckboys included) are asked by the girls that are seeing, with how many girls they had s previously

    just to know if i would be good at sex coz let's be honest is the main reason or as here to know if the girl is virgin or had sex with 1 or 2 guys max

    i had sex with 7 guys, so? it's chemistry between 2 people that counts both sexual and with personalities, not how many guys she had. it is just rude and offensive to hear such a thing for a girl. Once a guy I have been for 2 months asked me that in the beginning and i felt "harassed" in my private. it is nobody's business with how many guys i had sex. Even when i was a s addict, i never liked to talk about my sexual life