Dealing with his addictions

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Bigyellow, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. Bigyellow

    Bigyellow Fapstronaut

    I'm a wife of a porn and masturbation addict. I'm trying to deal with something I don't understand. At this point in my marriage, I'm being blamed for why he's not having sex with me. I'm in a sexless marriage, I have a high sex drive. The only thing I know is he's not satisfied with anything, he got bored with me 6 months into our marriage 15 years ago. I caught him viewing porn once a year after we were married. We went to our church marriage counselor. But I did "not" say anything about the porn. Because I believed the lie that all men do it, and its no big deal. I'm not a nieve person by any means.
    My husband is also a "high functioning" meth addict, In denial! Put the 2 addictions together and life sucks at my house.
    xeno-R3deemed likes this.
  2. Oohhh wow. That is tough. @Bigyellow. I'll pray for you. That is so crazy difficult I can't imagine the pressure and the hurt. I was going to recommend this post until folks arrived but your battle is different and I believe much more complex. We'll pray and I'll post and ask a few friends I trust to head this way. Shouldn't be too long.

    If your willing we'll stand with you through this. There are some decent books on boundaries in marriage and just on setting boundaries in general.

    Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life

    Boundaries in Marriage
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2016
  3. CptCane

    CptCane Fapstronaut

    Bigyellow, I'm praying for you to have clarity to see God's plan for your life and marriage. You're in a difficult situation and I'm so sorry. Our message this morning was from Luke 11. Pray and pray big. Pray until God answers but pray for Gods will first. Set self aside and let God work.

    Stay in touch.
  4. thomasnl

    thomasnl Fapstronaut

    I pray for you and your husband, that the Lord will give you both courage. That He will give him courage to see the facts, the strength to admit his wrongdoings and the faith to heal. I pray for you, that you will have the gentleness to support him when he's coming around to break with his straying and that the both of you will grow to the Lord in love, passion and intimacy.
  5. Igelollon

    Igelollon Fapstronaut

    Hi @Bigyellow both you and you'r husband will be in my prayers. I have to ask, does he go to NA meetings? Thinking of hes meth addiction. He might be "high functioning" now. But that wan't last. For how long has he been using?
    I really admire you'r patience, 15 years of living with an addict is a long time. And to blame you is not right when he is the one with an addiction.
    I believe that the 12 step program is the only way when working with any addiction and that the ones who get clean who don't go to AA or NA actually are doing all the steps without knowing it.
  6. Bigyellow

    Bigyellow Fapstronaut

    He was clean when I met him, and he didn't start using until our 10th year of marriage.
  7. Igelollon

    Igelollon Fapstronaut

    Ok, but again, does he go to NA meetings? If he don't, do you think you can get him to? Coming to a meeting is often an eyeopener for many people.
  8. Bigyellow

    Bigyellow Fapstronaut

    No he doesn't attend any meetings, he's in denial about the dope being a problem for the marriage.
    I've tried to get him to marriage counseling for people with addictions and he said he'd go. But he says we don't have the money either. And I am not working enough to pay for counseling at this time.
  9. CptCane

    CptCane Fapstronaut

    The dope is a problem period!!! This is a serious situation and I'm afraid you have bigger problems than the PMO and lack of sex.

    Please understand I am coming from zero tolerance to drugs. I have no patience for substance abusers. I know that may sound hypocritical, by weighing sins. But he is putting you in an illegal and harmful situation. Your safety is my first priority, he is second.

    Guys out there, please chime in.
    Igelollon likes this.
  10. Bigyellow

    Bigyellow Fapstronaut

    I agree with all of you about the dope, and him needing to deal with it first and foremost.
    This is why I'm here talking to you, I'm trying to find out if his early use of porn and masturbation could be the cause of his addictions in the first place.
    My husband started with sex porn and masturbation as a 10 year old kid. I think starting so young with it caused the whole addiction thing and it's easier in society to have drug or alcohol addictions then sex addiction. Most people hear sex addiction and think the worst.
    My husband spent his childhood and preteen years in church. When I met him he was divorced and introduce me to church. He was clean for 7 years. And I didn't have a clue about addiction. He told me about the sex and porn magazines and him and a friend his age doing stuff to each other as kids. I believed the lie to, porn won't hurt anyone.
    I think it started at least for my husband, his addictive personality.
    That's why I'm here talking to you guys. And I suffer from trama from his betrayals, his porn use, and drugs. The lying to me from it all.
  11. Igelollon

    Igelollon Fapstronaut

    Sounds more like hes been trough some kind of trauma as a kid. I'm not a psychiatrist but I've been in a situation like it. With a childhood trauma and then abusing alcohol and drugs later on in life. And when you decide to confront yourself and the trauma and stop running from it. You learn allot of why things are like they are and so on.
    Does he have a job? You have any kids who live at home?
    btw. English is my second language and I just woke up.
  12. Bigyellow

    Bigyellow Fapstronaut

    No childhood trauma. His dad was a cop and womanizer. But my husband didn't know his dad cheated on his mom until later in life, way after he started with drugs and selfsex. His mom is and was a sweet kind and gentle person. I talk to her about him. I think she enables him some times, I had to stop her from giving him money. It's a fine line we walk with a addict we love.
    And your English is good. I didn't finish high school.
    He works every day in construction, he "had" his general contractor's license, he stopped paying for it. We had a construction business that made a lot of money for 8 years, and he let it go down because of the dope. We own 1 house we live in, and had to sell a rental house, after he let the business go. No kids in the house. Between us we have 5 adult kids and 7 grandkids. I don't have my blood grandkids in our home anymore, because he forgets his dope out and I don't want my granddaughters to be hurt. They miss him to. I miss the kids here.
  13. Igelollon

    Igelollon Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry that I haven't answered and I have to get to bed right now. And I will answer tomorrow. Take care! :)
  14. Bigyellow

    Bigyellow Fapstronaut

    Sorry I did reply, I might not of did it right. Below is the reply. Look for where I said, childhood trauma. ;-) sorry for the confusion.
  15. Igelollon

    Igelollon Fapstronaut

    Hi :) Really glad to hear that you don't have any kids around. Do he use everyday? What does he say when you confront him about it? Is he in denial? As a sober alcoholic I remember that when someone said that I drank to much I got very mad. And felt like the only problem with my drinking was that person.
    And again, I believe that the only way is that he starts to go to meetings. And his pmo addiction is nothing in comparison to his drug addiction.
    Do you know if he has any old friends that used to use but are sober today? Then maybe that person could convince him to go to NA with him?
  16. Bigyellow

    Bigyellow Fapstronaut

    He is in denial for sure. And gets very mad at me when I confront him. His sober friends have tried to talk to him at least 3 times I know of, twice the 3 friends, got together and talked to him before he lost our business, that was 5 years ago. His family is no help. Their in denial also, his mother is the only one who knows the real truth in his family. At one point I was so worried about him, I told his father and my husband convinced him I was the problem. After that, my husband learned how to hide himself better. Recently one of the friends who talked to him about getting clean, years ago, asked me if he was clean. My husband is good at hide his true self.