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5 more days till I hit my goal of a full year no PMO.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by nofapmike, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. nofapmike

    nofapmike Fapstronaut

    Well after this I'm done.

    This site helped me out a lot. I cured my ED got in shape and made substantial progress to my long term goals. I learned that I had the ability to change my life if I channelled my inner will power.

    Didn't think in a million years that I could hold out for a year (a person who would fap and watch porn daily) but I did it!

    Hope this thread motivates anybody struggling at first to reboot (like I did).
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Wow! That is what we are all working towards.
    TheFutureMe likes this.
  3. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, I just relapsed after setting my new record of 35-days. How many attempts over what time period did it take for you to reach this 365-day milestone?
    I liked that you achieved your goal by "I learned that I had the ability to change my life if I channeled my inner will power." Something for me to work on.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I hope you do something nice for yourself next week @nofapmike to celebrate the completion of your goal of 1 year NoFap!
  5. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, can't wait to join you!
  6. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

  7. Brasileiro

    Brasileiro Fapstronaut

    That's huge! Nice! Congratulations and keep going :)
  8. Banisher

    Banisher Fapstronaut

    High five! ...or high three-sixty-five!
    BMW-6er and TakingTheSteps like this.
  9. nofapmike

    nofapmike Fapstronaut

    Don't count your relapses that's NOT PRODUCTIVE.

    This strategy worked for me (copied and paste from an earlier post of mine).

    The biggest challenge for me is that my life revolves around being on the computer and having access to the internet. It's like temptation is knocking around the door every second. But the way I handled the whole journey was.

    1) Get through the day without relapsing.
    2) If I relapse start again and don't beat yourself over it (very important!) and attempt your previous streak.
    3) If I didn't relapse double your previous streak by 2 and make that you're new goal.
    4) If I relapse start again and don't beat yourself over it (very important!) and attempt your previous streak.
    5) repeat...etc.

    Well you get the jist.

    What happened was 1 day became 2 days became 4 days became a week, two weeks, then a month. I'd say after 45 days the feeling of addiction wears off and then it's smooth sailing. The biggest secret I found is to not beat yourself over relapsing and accept it as natural and it's just a measure of your previous set point that you need to surpass on you next try....

    I hope that helps!!!
  10. Cooldude4

    Cooldude4 Fapstronaut

    Great congratulations!!
    Algernon Perry likes this.
  11. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Thank you, this is helpful. Funny I had 45 days as my new goal after I had reached 30 days. It would be nice to reach 45 days and feel a little less tug from this addiction. My biggest challenge is to make the changes in my life to fill the void that I have created by removing PMO. PMO was a dead-end, now I need to build a better life and learn a new way to fight the stress, boredom, and other negative events that happen in everyone's daily life.
    Take care, keep going strong.
    Asgardian36 and TheFutureMe like this.
  12. runaw

    runaw New Fapstronaut

    Amazing, congratz!
  13. Hell yeah dude. I'm right behind you with 64 days remaining. This is inspiring to read. You got in shape you said... at what point in your reboot did you start exercising? When was your ED cured? And do you exercise daily now? I keep starting this up and then getting sidetracked with other things and losing the routine. I'd like to start exercising more. Thanks for this post dude.
    Don Gately likes this.
  14. Banisher

    Banisher Fapstronaut

    Hopefully "after this I'm done" doesn't mean going back into PMO after all this progress!!
  15. nofapmike

    nofapmike Fapstronaut

    No P.

    Occasional M and O yes...
    nomo and Banisher like this.
  16. Banisher

    Banisher Fapstronaut

    Solid. Just avoid artificiality!!
  17. Huntilt

    Huntilt Fapstronaut

    Congratulation for this year. I am on day 34 and i still feeling the call of the PMO every day ... During your full year of no PMO have you meet any girl or had sexual contact with REAL person ? what was your biggest challenge during that time?

  18. nofapmike

    nofapmike Fapstronaut

    I never had a problem with meeting girls. I had a problem with ED with girls. I was fine with taking a year off and not focusing on girls. I think it makes you more attractive because don't you come across as "needy". You're not dependent on getting that girl's approval and you don't give a fuck.

    That "feeling" you have will subside in around day 45 (maybe 90 worst case) so don't worry keep going.

    The biggest challenge for me was that I have to be around the computer constantly. So the potential is always there.

    Listen man I started this in Aug 2014. I reseted around 3-4 times (even around day 30), with each next try improving my record. Don't worry about failing. When you feel the call don't beat yourself over it or feel guilty. That's your brain still being used to what it's trained to. Just try to trick it by substituting something in replacement of it to make it forget (going for a drive, going out to see a movie exercise works for me, something that doesn't allow your mind to wonder or allow you to PMO).

    Also get that green bar in your signature. IT HELPS OUT A LOT!
    WantToBeAMan likes this.
  19. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    NOFAPMIKE you crazyo. Grats on this incredible feat. Man you are a better person now...looking up on you.

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